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Anyone have some tar and feathers??!!!

Angie Daughter of Bill

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Dear SWEET, SWEET Angie,

I just knew 'it' would come out sooner or later - that southern female "charm", that is! I could see it underneath that perfect porcelain shell. Actually TeeTaa, Teacake and I became masters of it over the past year (although we've always been quite good). So, if you need us, remember we're only a few hours away. We could catch the next Tyson poultry truck headed that way!



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Angie......kudos to you for standing up and making yourself heard!! Your dad is so lucky to have you in his corner. He's probably of that generation who doesn't like to "make a fuss"....even if he's in agony. Hoping the CT scan helps to resolve his pain issue.

and Pamela......as a former nurse, it was my experience that the patients whose families were attentive, involved and very visible and vocal received the best care possible, even from health care "professionals" that, to me at least, weren't "professional" at all.......


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I know the feeling. I feel for people that go through this w/ no one to

speak up for them. You go girl. My dad who passed in 99 of Pancreatic

cancer used to say. The loudest squeak gets the most oil. Good luck to

your dad and family.

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Sorry I missed this one....

I don't have any tar and feathers....but I have lots of stucco. Yards and yards and yards of stucco...Will that work? It's an odd shade of pinky beige, and some might think it's a sissy color, but once it dries its like cement.

You did the right think in standing up for your Dad.

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