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Update on me.

Remembering Dave

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It has been a while since I posted an update so here goes. I am doing pretty good consideing I am technically no longer staged as Limited SCLC. I have gone through 2 of 6 rounds of chemo and 8 of 30 rounds of Radiation. I had a CT scan of the brain and chest last week and it was all NED except for the met to my sinus cavity. Thats the good news. The bad news is that the catheter from my port-a-cath had somehow migrated up into my jugular vein. This happened with my other port (see my pofile below) so I new what to expect. The Doc told me to take it easy over the weekend and then get it fixed on Tuesday sooooooo, yesterday I spent all day at the hospital getting it fixed. The actual proceedure only took about 20 minutes and it consisted of an Interventional Radiologist sticking a wire up through a vein in my groin and running it up though my heart to my jugular vein and lassoing the catheter and pulling it back down towards my heart. I was awake throughout the whole proceedure. It did not hurt much but I will say it was not pleasant. At least I knew what to expect and the Doc and nurses there were so good and kind and personable that they turned an unpleasant experience into fun............well not fun exactly but you know what I mean, I hope. I had to lay down with my leg imobile for 3 and 1/2 hours so their great positive attitude made the time fly. Karen was awesome standing by my side the entire day. After my proceedure was completed she ran out and took a present to someone currently undergoing chemo and came back to the hospital. I went to radiation after that and then home and I was in bed by 7:30. Today I saw the Onc. and he is going to up my chemo dosage since I am doing so well with my counts and all. I told him to up it as much as he could, sock it to me!!! I can take it. I will gladly take all they can give me so I can spemd moe time with my wife and child. The best news is that over the weekend we celebrated Faiths 3rd birthday AND my parents 50th wedding Anniversary.

Karen called a few minutes ago and said that her Dad had taken her mom, who is fighting Colon Cancer, to the emegency room because she is having some weird neurologic things going on. She went strait to the hospital to be with them. Please keep her in your prayers. You are all in my prayers.

David C

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I love the hair! The procedure you had sure was no picnic, but sounds like you got through it like a trooper. I have you, Karen, and baby girl in my prayers. You are so courageous. Please keep us up on yor progress. Karen, I am always here girl if you need a friend. Your plate is full enough already. I also hope your parents are better.


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Oooh, David, the description of that procedure made me wince. I'm glad you got through it ok, and that your treatments are progressing.

I told him to up it as much as he could, sock it to me!!! I can take it.

I love that spirit! Knock those cancer cells straight to hell where they belong.

I also love your picture.



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That procedure sounds like it was rather traumatic. I hope things will stay in place now. As for the chemo...I also like the sock it to me attitude. I hope that it kills all of the cancer cells in your body and that you never have to go through all of this again. As for Karen's mother, I have her in my prayers along with you, Karen and Faith. Take care of yourself.


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Dave -

Had to do a double take when I saw the picture, had to wonder who was taking your login name!

Sorry about Karens' mom, let me know if you need me for anything! I'm right here near the hospital!

Keep your chin up, God willing and we are both feeling well, I'll see your this weekend!

Been trying to be positive (like you) and so far so good on the chemo treatment!

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Hello everyone, Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. It seems as if the concensus is that Karens mom had a mini-stroke. They kept her in the hospital overnight and are going to run more tests today. If it was a stroke then Thank God it was a miniature one!!

As for the pic, it is of me and Miles, The greatest dog in the whole wide world. He was my baby. Have you ever had a dog where everything just clicked? He knew my every move and mood. We went everywhere and did everything together. He disapeared during the last big snow storm of 2003 a little moe than a month before I was oiginally diagnosed. He was 8 years old when he disapeared. There will never be another Miles.

David C

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