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Hi. I am a new member and I am looking for support for me to help my mother who was just diagnosed with advanced stage 4 lung cancer. Her cancer was found in 3 parts of the lungs, in her lymph node and she has 3 masses in her brain in 2 different parts of her brain. They think she might have some masses on her liver. They are not testing her liver 'spots' until they see if her brain masses are effected by radiation.

My mom is 57 and i hope she will be able to see my 7 month old son grow up. Thats the encouragement i have been giving her to help her get into the mindframe of wanting to fight this.

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So glad you found us but so sorry you had a reason to. You've just begun the most horrific rollercoaster ride of your life, but you've got some great fellow passengers here on this board. We'll hold your hand and help you and you mother through this. Just take a deep breath and hold on to that hope.

Praying for us all,


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Sorry to hear about your Mom's diagnosis- my Mum too has stage IV NSCLC which was found when I was 32 weeks pregnant with my second child. So I know where you are coming from!!

This is a wonderful site - you will get more information and support than you could ever imagine, and you'll need all of it!!!


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Hi and welcome. You will find lots of love and support here for yourself as well as your Mom. My Mom also has lc, and I am her only caregiver, as well as a mom with 3 kids.

Have they decided on a treatment plan yet for your Mom? She is fairly young so that is good. Keep us posted as to what happens in the coming days and weeks. You will find here someone who can answer almost any question you have. That to me has been one of the most amazing things, always someone who has been thru the exact same thing. Knowing you are not the only one so helps.

I will add your Mom and family to my prayers, and if ever you need a friend please do not hesitate to pm or email.

God Bless


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Welcome, glad to hear Kim say your Mom is young, that must mean I am young! :D Kidding aside, this is a tough battle, it is great that she has you on her side. I do believe the "fight" for me was the toughest thing I have gone through in my life. People dealing with this disease need a lot of support, sometimes simple things like a ride, sometimes an ear to listen to us, sometimes someone willing to do errands. The list goes on. Glad you are hear to learn and support her. Donna G

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Welcome Randired,

Sorry to hear about your mom. This is the best place with the best people for support, caring and sharing. Take it one step at a time and one day at a time. Stay focused and positive. Learn as much as you can. Knowledge is the key. Stay with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you mom and you for the best of results. Peace, take care and God Bless.


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Welcome Randired,

Just want to say hello and let you know that there are lots of Stage IV people around here who are doing very well. My husband also had liver, bone and brain mets on first dx and even though it has been a rough ride, he is doing very well now on Iressa. He actually got back on a bike this weekend! Tell your mom to hang in there on the rough patches because there are smoother days ahead.

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