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PET Results sorta stable / on to Iressa


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A week later and the office had still not gotten the PET Scan report. The doctor called them and got an oral report. I will get a copy of the hard copy, then I will know more. She tried to be really really positive, comparing today to how he was in January, much much better, so overall she is pleased with our progress. This is what it came down to.

The R neck and R lung are the same as July. A little smaller but a little stronger, so she says on balance, same. The lump in his neck did not light up at all, she says it may be scar tissue. We will watch it. IF it backs up or whatever??? he may need a stent at some time in the future. A place in his colon also lit up. She said this would be a really unusual place for a met - probably something else - but he will have a colonoscopy to make sure. She said even if it is, treatment would remain the same.

The oncologist says it is okay for him to have cataract surgery (side effect from steroids, maybe) but we will see what the eye surgeon says.

He still has neck discomfort but the pain pills take care of it. I guess that is it for that. He looks and feels pretty well but gets tired easily.

New treatment Iressa, to start Monday. My pharmacy had to order it in. The insurance will cover it. She hopes the Iressa will work for a long time, then we could try chemo again if we needed to.

We go back in December.

All in all, it is better than I expected. Jim was really happy with it, he had worse expectations than I did. God Bless Us All.


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Margaret - That sounds pretty good to me! Smaller is good and improvement from January. Hope the Iressa works well for him - it's not an option for us. I'm glad you didn't get any bad news and hope you don't for a long, long time - say 30 years. Hang in there.


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This does, all in all, sound like a good report! I'll be holding a good thought that whatever it is in the colon, it isn't a met!!

You know, sometimes when we get a report where things are basically stable...it's almost either a letdown or anticlimactic, when mostly what we all want to hear is GOOD news! But...in truth, stable is a very good thing. No growth is a very good thing. Even slightly smaller is a good thing!

I hope that Iressa is the ticket for Jim and I'm glad your insurance will cover it. It's good that he was pleased with the report..as that means he's in a positive frame of mind and I really believe that helps!

Good luck..and be sure to keep us posted.

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