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Everything posted by Ann

  1. It was so great reading about all the pets that you have, so I thought I'd continue along those lines. Since your lives have been changed by cancer, either as a patient or caregiver, how have your animals reacted to the change? Do you think they have noticed a difference in you? How have they helped you through this difficult time? I'm getting ready to enroll my golden retriever, Tanner Dog, into a therapy dog class. I really hope he can visit people that are ill and make a positive difference.
  2. Andrea is doing a fantastic job as chairperson for this cookbook. She will let us all know when the books are for sale. If you would like to share some recipes with us for this book, you can either PM the recipes to Andrea or input them your self. I have volunteered to help input recipes, so you can also PM me with any recipes you may have! I can tell you they will be most appreciated for this worthy cause. Also, Andrea does still have a few of the first cookbook available for sale. We did this book last year and it is wonderful! If anyone doesn't have the first one, I would definitely recommend ordering it now. She only has a very few available.
  3. Saying prayers for some very good results, Andrea!
  4. Hey, Ginny....try the smile before you grab the checkbook. It just might work!!!
  5. OK....when you guys read this, you will think I'm nuts!!! I am an animal lover personified!!! I share my home with 4 cats, 3 dogs and 1 parrot. My Dennis was a great cat lover. All of our older cats had died a few years ago and we had both vowed there would be no new ones. But...in October, 2001, the fall before Dennis was diagnosed, we changed our minds. We adopted two little gray kittens that had been litterally "thrown away". Those two are Jake and Spencer. Then, when Dennis was ill, a siamese came "knocking" on our door in the middle of a rainstorm, wet and hungry. We tried to find his owner but had no luck. Dennis decided that he should be allowed to stay...so we named him Buddy. Then, my son fell in love with a shelter kitten, just after his Dad died. This tiny little girl is Miss Morgan. In addition, I have two doxies, Harley and Morgan and the golden retriever, Tanner Dog. Oh...my yellow naped parrot (18 years old) is Zorba. So, if anyone ever wants to visit a zoo, just come to my house.
  6. Ann

    Suzanne Pleshette

    Also wanted to add that actress Suzanne Pleshette has also been diagnosed with lung cancer and is now undergoing chemotherapy. Prayers for Suzanne. http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/200 ... m?CSP=N014
  7. Not sure how many of you here are race fans but thought some of you might be. While watching the race a couple of weeks ago, it was announced that long time driver, turned announcer, Benny Parsons has been diagnosed with lung cancer and is now undergoing treatment. He is still working but last week, he was having some major problems with his voice while announcing the race at Watkins Glen. I know that we'll all be keeping him in our thoughts and prayers. I'm going to send him an email and tell him about our group. Maybe he'll join in! Benny Parsons In Broadcast Booth For Race Posted: 8/8/2006 11:00:08 AM Benny Parsons was back in the NBC broadcast booth for the NASCAR race in Indianapolis Sunday, one week after announcing that he's battling lung cancer. Parsons says he wants everyone to know that he feels good and he's not going anywhere. The 65-year-old Parsons, the 1973 NASCAR champion, was diagnosed with cancer in his left lung and began treatment last Wednesday. The man affectionately known as "BP" said he has been assured by his doctors that this challenge is "winnable." (Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.) More in depth story at: http://thecarnut.typepad.com/steve_park ... ons_n.html
  8. Ann

    2 Years on 8/18/06

    ((((((((((Ginny)))))))))) What a truly beautiful post from such a beautiful lady. Yes, you were very fortunate to have such a wonderful man in your life and he was blessed to have such a graceful lady by his side. I all too well know the pain and heartaches you have endured since losing your dear Earl. It doesn't seem possible that two years have passed. I can hardly believe that December will bring the four year mark of my absence from Dennis. You have been sich a great role model for all of the widows on this board. Even when your pain has been the deepest, you have always had faith and inspiration to carry on. We are so blessed that you have remained with us and are here to help us carry on.
  9. Are you an "animal person?" How many pets do you have? Tell us a bit about them. I recently read an article that says you can learn a lot about a person from the animals they have as pets.
  10. Yes, Brian. Please let our dear friend, Joanie, know that she is still in our thoughts and prayers!
  11. Oh Tina....thank you so very much for posting this. Dean Carl was so loved by everyone on this board. He was such a wise and wonderful man that was a true source of inspiration to so many of us. I have saved some of the PM's he sent to me on some of the darkest days in my entire life. I have them printed out and I still go back and read them when I need a boost!
  12. I have asked this question once before but thought it was definitely worth repeating. How many recipes have YOU submitted for the second LCSC Cookbook??? If your answer is "0"....then let's hear your excuse! Come on guys....we need your help. If every member of this board chips in, we can have a super book that will raise a lot of $$$ to support our group!!!
  13. I have asked this question once before but thought it was definitely worth repeating. How many recipes have YOU submitted for the second LCSC Cookbook??? If your answer is "0"....then let's hear your excuse! Come on guys....we need your help. If every member of this board chips in, we can have a super book that will raise a lot of $$$ to support our group!!!
  14. I think it's wonderful that we are getting such a wonderful response to this cookbook! I have a couple of other message boards that I frequent that have been giving me a ton of recipes for the book. Many of them are just sharing to help but there are so many contributors that have lost loved ones to cancer. I am inviting them to join in our group. After the book is completed, these folks also want to buy copies...yahoo!!! If any of you visit any other boards or groups, you might want to tell them about the recipe collection underway. I'm sure everyone will be glad to help such a wonderful cause!!!
  15. Well, I have to tell you that I have never been a great fan of the so called thrill rides. I was never really afraid but I did get a queezy stomach really easy when i would ride. I have always had a bit of a phobia about heights, so that rules out a lot of these rides. I'm not afraid of fast rides....love fast....as long as they're near the good old ground!!!! I haven't ridden a roller coaster since 1984.
  16. Ann


    Me, too, Geri. I'm right here with you on this one!!!
  17. ((((((((Tina))))))))) I would have celebrated my 25th anniversary just three months after Dennis died. I know what a hard day this will be for you. On that day, I had a bottle of champagne and lots of memories. I got out a ton of pictures and sat down and really took time to relive memories associated with each picture. Funny how I looked at these pictures a bit differently that I ever had before. Suddenly, they were so much more than just pictures of familar faces printed on glossy paper. They were memories of happy days spent with the people that have shaped my life the most....parents, husband, children and friends. I took a long stroll down memory lane and really felt that Dennis was right there with me, as I know Charlie will be with you! Always remember that loves like the ones we had will never die. We may be apart for a while but the love never dies! Sorry to hear you have had so many things go wrong lately. I think this is just another one of God's ways of reminding you what a strong woman you really are!
  18. Good luck, Andrea. Saying prayers for positive results!!!!
  19. ((((((((Kathleen)))))))) I know it must make you feel really bad to be away from your Mom, since she responds so well to you. I'm sure that she understands that you have things that you need to do...Mom's are just like that. We always seem to know and understand when it comes to our children. I have found that often a patient will have one particular person that seems to really cheer them up! I'm sure you're the apple of your Mom's eye and can always make her smile. This must be very hard on you right now. Not only are you worrying about your Mom but are also worrying about how all of this will affect your Dad. What a special love they must have after all of these years together! You are so fortunate to have had them with you for so many years. Kathleen, please know that I am remembering you and your Mom and Dad in my prayers.
  20. Saying prayers that all goes well with your Mom's surgery today.
  21. Do you like all the "thrill" rides at an amusement park? When was the last time you rode a roller coaster?
  22. Ann

    My Daddy's gone.

    Jen, I am so very sorry for your loss. Please know that my heart is breaking for you.
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