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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Such wonderful news, Val!!! What a wonderful way to let us know. I can hardly believe this "big sister" is our little Carolyn. My, how she has grown. This new baby will have the absolute best mommy in the world!!!
  2. Thanks for sharing this, Ginny. Stories like this one can serve as a real source of inspiration for people battling sclc.
  3. So very sorry you are having such a tough time of things right now. I'm glad that Hospice is there for you and your husband. Although it sounds as if you are overwhelmed with all the people right now, things should taper off as the Hospice staff becomes more familar with the needs both you and your husband have. Be grateful that you have access to such an attentive staff of Hospice workers and volunteers. Some of the people on this board have had a terrible time getting enough help from Hopsice when their loved ones were ill. I know how frustrated you must be by your husband's confusion and anxiety. When Dennis was very sick, this would drive me crazy. I so wanted him to be mentally clear and it was such a hopeless feeling to be able to do nothing. Katie was absolutely right about not "forcing" a loved one to do anything. They seem to get more agitated when an attempt is made to "make" them do something, like eat. I did the same think that Katie did with her dad. I would just leave finger foods that Dennis liked wherever he was sitting. This way, he could eat and feel like it was his idea rather than pressure from me. I will be praying for you and your husband.
  4. Ann


    Such a good friend we have lost in Jim. I am so sorry to read of his passing. He has been such an inspiration to all of us and he will be so deeply missed. He always was able to offer hope to us through his posts. Another angel has a special place in heaven today.
  5. Ann

    Lucie Fly Wood

    Oh, Don, I am so very sorry. Heaven is surely a bit brighter today with our dear friend Lucie in the band of angels. Lucie was so blessed to always have you by her side, caring for her and loving her. Likewise, you were blessed to have such a beautiful bride for all these years. I know your heart is breaking but I will ask God to help you through this terrible time.
  6. This one should be interesting. Let's count, using song titles....I'll start out using one. Who's up for two? One is the Lonliest Number.
  7. Betty Lou's Getting Out Tonight - Bob Seger
  8. I thought this was interesting. I have way too many spices in my cabinet and am using this to sort through them. http://www.mccormick.com/content.cfm?id=10451
  9. ((((((((((Lori)))))))))))) I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how badly your heart is breaking. Please remember that you were so very loved by your sweet mom. I know how proud she was to have you by her side. We are all here for you.
  10. Grace, I am so very sorry. Losing a child must be a terrible thing to experience. My prayers are with your family.
  11. When someone is giving you a birthday gift, do you prefer something you can really use in everyday life or something very personal? For instance, my friend told her husband that she wanted a new deep fryer for her birthday. He refused, saying he did not want to buy her anything for the house as a birthday gift. He wants to get her something personal, like perfume. She hates this idea, as she wants something she can use in the house. What do you guys think?
  12. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean.... or Bring Back My Bonnie to Me...... Not sure which one is the title.
  13. This could be fun! Everyone post a song that has a female name in it. Only one song per post but post as many times as you can! Let's see how long this thread can get! I'll start..... Mary Had a Little Lamb ps....Can you tell I'm getting all geared up to be a grandma in 8 more weeks...lol!
  14. It seems like every store already has aisle after aisle of bagged candy for Halloween. So many choices! How could anyone decide? So...what kind of candy would you like to have in your trick-or-treat bag???
  15. So sorry to hear about your MIL. Each patient is very different and must be treated differently. One of the first things I learned was to tale the statistics and throw them right out the window. All they will do is drive you crazy and confuse you. My husband had extensive sclc and lived for 10 months after diagnosis. There have been others here that have had less time and there are others that have made the five year point and are going strong! Small cell lung cancer is extremely aggressive but responds well to many types of treatment. You must be equally aggressive in your search to fine the right doctor that is willing to fight to save your MIL.
  16. Ann

    I am in shock now.

    So very sorry for your loss.
  17. Are you a "keeper" or a "tosser" I just spent this weekend cleaning out my garage and although I am usually a definite keeper, I turned into quite a tosser. There are so many things that I never use that have just been taking up space. I kept thinking I would have a garage sale but it seemed I never got around to that, so I made three trips to the Sharing Center this weekend. I still have a storage unit full of Dennis' things that I haven't been able to part with but I was at least able to get rid of my clutter so I guess that's a start.
  18. Ann

    Daggie 2000

    We love ya, Joanie!!! Keep on posting!!! You're such an inspiration and good friend to us all.
  19. Ann

    E-Coli Alert....

    Just wanted to make sure everyone heard about this on the news. http://edition.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/09/1 ... index.html
  20. I always vote...rain or shine. I was always taught that voting is a privilige that our forefathers fought for and that we should always honor them and their courage by voting. I always try and do my homework on candidates before voting. I usually vote straight party lines but I have been known to cross over a couple of times if the candidate is really a really good one.
  21. 1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave. 2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years. 3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3. 4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you. 5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses. 6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries. 7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen. 8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it. 10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee. 11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. : ) 12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing. 13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message. 14 You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list. 15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list. AND NOW U R LAUGHING at yourself.
  22. Did you vote in the primary elections or just wait and vote in the general election? Do you vote for a candidate based on his campaign platform or do you vote strictly by party lines?
  23. Melinda, I am so very sorry. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm here if you need to talk.
  24. Ginny, I don't think you can find the "real thing" anymore. I have often wondered why some company didn't start a chain that incorporates all of the really good stuff. I would certainly be a customer. I know that going to Sonic brings back some memories of a little drive-in that was close to my high school. The "curb hops" at my Sonic here are even on roller skates. As for shakes, I think Steak n Shake has a pretty good one.
  25. Don, I am so very sorry that things don't look better today. You and Lucie are always in my prayers. I know how hard this must be for you. I'm so glad you are not alone. All your life, you have felt the need to be strong for your children. Maybe you need to think about doing a little role reversal and let them be there for you right now. Please know that Lucie has all of our prayers and good thoughts! You make sure and take care of yourself. I know how hard this is on you.
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