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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    Diane Minter Young

    So very sorry. Will be remembering her family in my prayers.
  2. Joanie, your post just made my day and brought a really big smile to my face!!! I am so very happy to know that you're home and feeling much better! You and Brian are so very lucky to have each other. I think it's so sweet the way he keeps us updated when you're in the hospital or not feeling well. I know he's very happy to have you home with him!
  3. Take the last letter of each word in order and make a new silly sentence - four words only. For example: Cloud Has Large buttons My new sentance from those letters will be: Does Steven Eat Salmon the next sentence will start with s n t n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Music - Common Word in Title Find a common word in a song title and make another song title using one of the words. Put the common word in all CAPS. The Way We Were My WAY ***Next person names a song that has either the words MY or Way in the title. Remember to CAP the word you are using.
  5. What did you like best about your childhood best friend? Is your best friend now anything like your best friend when you were a child?
  6. Ann

    God's Pumpkin

    A woman was asked by a coworker, "What is it like to be a Christian?" The coworker replied, "It is like being a pumpkin." God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then He cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see."
  7. What kind of treats will you be giving the little ghosts and goblins tonight?
  8. Ann

    New to the boards

    Sarah...so very sorry for your loss. I'm sure that you will find much comfort here from so many of us that have lost loved ones. Please feel free to talk with us at any time.
  9. Oh, Chris...so very sorry for your loss. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
  10. Ann

    That time of year

    Pat....I do understand (simply said). My heart breaks for you! Please know that the walk becomes a bit easier as time goes by. I'm saying prayers that God will hold your hand and make things easier for you with each passing day.
  11. Ann

    My mother

    John, I am so very sorry for the loss of your mom. What a beautiful and moving tribute to a wonderful lady!!!
  12. Prayers for only good news to come your way!!!
  13. Ann

    Vision Visiting

    Don....I know how much this visit meant to you. Rest assured that your beautiful bride is looking out for you and will always be with you. Bless you, Don.
  14. I think I'd have to take my family photo album, just in case they didn't allow me to return. I would love to have creature features like cell phone and computer but not sure they'd work way out there in space...lol!
  15. Ann

    Well here is some news

    I know this is hard for you, as it has been for so many others on this board. I agree completely with Ginny. After a long, happy marriage, men seem to need someone to be there with them in an attempt to continue on. women, on the other hand, often need some time to reflect and seek some alone time to heal. I don't think you should take your SF's actions as any negativity towards the memory of your mother. I'll be saying a prayer for you, as I know this must be very difficult.
  16. Ann

    Dad has passed away

    Lynda, I am so very sorry for your loss. Please remember that we are here for you!
  17. Cindi....you crack me!!! Some people would do just about anything to get the girls lifted...lol! I just know everything will be fine! I have a very close connection with someone up above and I know He's going to see to it that everything is alright!!! Please keep us posted!!!
  18. Just for a minute, lets imagine that some little green men have come into your home and have told you they are taking you to their planet. They tell you that you can take one thing, from your home, with you on the spaceship. You look around your home and decide to take _____________________________???
  19. Ann

    Blonde Pilot

    A blonde pilot decided she wanted to learn how to fly a helicopter. She went to the airport, but the only one available was a solo-helicopter. The instructor figured he could let her go up alone since she was already a pilot for small planes, and he could instruct her via radio. So up the blonde went. She reached 1,000 feet and everything was going smoothly. She reached 2,000 feet. The blonde and the Instructor kept talking via radio. Everything was going smoothly. At 3,000 feet the helicopter suddenly came down quickly! It skimmed the top of some trees and crash landed in the woods. The instructor jumped into his jeep and rushed out to see if the blonde was okay. As he reached the edge of the woods, the blonde was walking out. "What happened?" the instructor asked. "All was going so well untilyou reached 3,000 feet. What happened then?" "Well," began the blonde, "I got cold. So I turned off the ceiling fan." --------------------------------
  20. Oh Brian....so very sorry to hear that our dear, sweet Joanie is having such a rough time of it right now. Please give her our love and let her know she is remembered in our thoughts and prayers.
  21. Ann

    more prayers

    Saying lots of prayers for Tami!!!
  22. ((((((((((((((((((((Beth))))))))))))))))))))) In this case, I think hugs speak stronger and louder than any words I could offer.
  23. Guess I'm number 9, Frank!!! Wishing only good things for you!!!
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