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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Kasey...I think the fun size bar would probably be better than the minature. These cookies really spread out and make big cookies. When I used a minature bar, the center filling was very small, so I think the next size up would be better. I made some last night and brought to work with me today. I filled some with Reeses peanut butter cups and some with Almond Joy cookies. Yum.... I bought some M&M's but ran out of energy before I got them made. I'm also thinking about trying some with the Hershey's cherry chocolate kisses, as that is now my favorite candy.
  2. Sharyn...I can hear some calmness in your voice today, which is a very good thing. Remember how many people you have praying for you and Michael and sending good thoughts your way!
  3. Ann

    My turn . . . .

    (((((((((((((Sweet Peggy)))))))))))))) I understand!!!
  4. Nobody interested in making cookies???? Come on guys...be a sport about this. Everyone has that urge to make cookies running through their veins at this time of year.
  5. Such sweet memories you have shared with us of your Ed. What a special person he was! Like Ed, my Dennis was always the last person leaving the mall on Christmas Eve. He would always say that the last minute hustle and bustle really put him in a festive mood. Although I always shopped for everyone, he would buy an additional gift for each of our three boys that was something very special. He always put so much thought into gift buying and his gifts were always everyone's favorites. I always prepare a big Christmas Eve buffet, comprised of all appetizers. How Dennis loved to eat on Christmas Eve. Dennis always made his own Kahlua and would bring out the bottles on Christmas Eve. Oh...how I long for those times!!!
  6. I was watching Paula Deen over the weekend and found a way to make really easy cookies that taste like you made them from scratch. I thought I'd share with the "recipe" with you and then we could let each other know what we used for fillings. This is so easy!!! 1 roll refrigerated sugar cookie dough Chocolate Covered Mint Cookies - I used Grasshoppers by Keebler 1 egg, beaten Chopped pecans Cut slices of cookie dough very thin...about 1/4" Lay slices on a cookie sheet but don't get too close together as these cookies will really spread out. Put one chocolate mint cookie on top of a slice of cookie dough. Cover cookie with another slice of dough. Then, brush top slice of dough with a little of the beaten egg and add pecans. Bake at 350 for about 12 minutes. Time may vary, so just start checking for browness at the 10 minute mark. The neat thing about these cookies is that you can put about anything in the center instead of the chocolate cookie. Paula suggested using minature candy bars. I think I'm going to make some with the minature Almond Joy bars....yum! These are so delicious. People will think you slaved for hours in the kitchen!!! If anyone makes these, let us know what you used to fill your cookies with so we can try it.
  7. Hot Chocolate....with a splash of Kahlua and lots of whipped cream on top.
  8. Yummy....I love anything with a mint flavor.
  9. ((((((((((((PAT)))))))))))) Sometimes, we just have to take each others hand and hold on tight. I think that right now is the perfect time for us to do just that. Can you feel me squeezing your hand???
  10. Ann


    A priest and a pastor from the local churches are standing by the road, pounding a sign into the ground, that reads: The End is Near -Turn Yourself Around Now - Before it's Too Late! As a car sped past them, the driver yelled, "Leave us alone, you religious nuts!" From around the curve they heard screeching tires and a big splash. The priest turns to the pastor and asks, "Do you think the sign should just say: 'Bridge Out'?"
  11. Geri and Kasey.... I can certainly understand why both of you are anxious about your upcoming scans. Just so you know, I've already started saying prayers for great results for both of you!!!
  12. Andrea...I just couldn't wait until Christmas to give these to my two DIL's and friends. When I thought of all the wonderful dishes that could be prepared during the holidays, I decided not to wait.
  13. Joanie, I don't have any info on this but I do want you to know that I'm thinking good thoughts for you and saying prayers!
  14. A woman was walking down the street when she was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked her for a couple of dollars for dinner. The woman took out her bill fold, extracted ten dollars and asked, "If I give you this money, will you buy some wine with it instead of dinner?" "No," I had to stop drinking years ago, the homeless woman replied. "Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?" the woman asked. "No," I don't waste time shopping, the homeless woman said. "I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive." "Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?" the woman asked. "Are you NUTS!" replied the homeless woman. "I haven't had my hair done in 20 years!" "Well," said the woman, "I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to take you out for dinner with my hubby and myself tonight. The homeless woman was astounded. "Won't your husband be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting." The woman replied, "That's okay. It's important for him to see what a woman looks like after she has given up shopping, hair appointments and wine."
  15. I know there are many of us that lost our loved ones at this time of the year. The pain and empty feeling seems to be amplified at this time of the year, when most people are so happy and enjoying the holidays. I can hardly believe that December 15th will mark four years since my Dennis left this world. It is still almost unimaginable that I will never see his face again while on this earth. He was my true soulmate and my heart will always yearn for him. Please say a prayer for me this week, as this time of year is always very hard for me.
  16. Ann

    Your mortality

    Nick...Your feelings and fears are perfectly normal. Before cancer enters our lives, we seem to feel as if it always "happens to someone else." When it comes calling in our own family and takes someone we love, our perspective changes completely. After losing Dennis, I'm not afraid of death but I do fear the illness that can cause death.
  17. Ann


    Val....I have to tell you how very proud I am of you right now! You are an amazing young woman!!! I know how tough this has been on you, yet you are able to handle this with love, charm and grace. I know that your mom is smiling down on you right now and giving her approval and blessings. When two people truly love each other, they always want the best thing for their spouses. Being alone is very tough and I know your mom would want your dad to have companionship to help complete his life. You are amazing!!!
  18. Crystal....I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how blessed you must feel to have been such an important part of Darrell's life. He was truly a very special person that touched the lives of so many people here on this board. He will be remembered for his courageous attitude while fighting this terrible disease. I pray that you are able to carry his strength with you.
  19. Ann

    Darrell F. Barnes.

    So very, very sad to read this.
  20. Enter your own words....then share with all of us!!! http://www.rinkworks.com/crazylibs/c/c11.shtml
  21. THIS JUST IN FROM SANTA CLAUS! I regret to inform you that, effective immediately, I will no longer serve the States of Georgia, Florida, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, and Arkansas on Christmas Eve. Due to the overwhelming current population of the earth, my contract was renegotiated by North American Fairies and Elves Local 209. As part of the new and better contract I also get longer breaks for milk and cookies so keep that in mind. However, I'm certain that your children will be in good hands with your local replacement, who happens to be my third cousin, Bubba Claus. His side of the family is from the South Pole. He shares my goal of delivering toys to all the good boys and girls; however, there are a few differences between us. Differences such as: 1. There is no danger of the Grinch stealing your presents from Bubba Claus. He has a gun rack on his sleigh and a bumper sticker that reads: "These toys insured by Smith and Wesson." 2. Instead of milk and cookies, Bubba Claus prefers that children leave an RC cola and pork rinds [or a moon pie] on the fireplace. And Bubba doesn't smoke a pipe. He dips a little snuff though, so please have an empty spit can handy. 3. Bubba Claus' sleigh is pulled by floppy-eared, flyin' coon dogs instead of reindeer. I made the mistake of loaning him a couple of my reindeer one time, and Blitzen's head now overlooks Bubba's fireplace. 4. You won't hear "On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen.." when Bubba Claus arrives. Instead, you'll hear, "On Earnhardt, on Andretti, on Elliott and Petty." 5. "Ho, Ho, Ho!" has been replaced by "Yee Haw!" And you also are likely to hear Bubba's elves respond, "I her'd dat!" 6. As required by Southern highway laws, Bubba Claus' sleigh does have a Yosemite Sam safety triangle on the back with the words "Back Off." 7.The usual Christmas movie classics such as "Miracle on 34th Street" and "It's a Wonderful Life" will not be shown in your negotiated viewing area. Instead, you'll see "Boss Hogg Saves Christmas" and "Smokey and the Bandit IV" featuring Burt Reynolds as Bubba Claus and dozens of state patrol cars crashing into each other. And Finally, 8. Bubba Claus doesn't wear a belt. If I were you, I'd make sure you, the wife, and the kids turn the other way when he bends over to put presents under the tree. Sincerely Yours, Santa Claus
  22. Ann

    One Year Without Bill

  23. Tequila Christmas Cookies: 1 cup of water 1 tsp. baking soda 1 cup of sugar 1 tsp. salt 1 cup of brown sugar 1 tbsp. lemon juice 4 large eggs 1 cup nuts 2 cups of dried fruit 1 bottle tequila Sample the tequila in a large glass to check quality. Take a large bowl, and check the tequila again, to be sure it is of the highest quality. Pour one level cup and drink. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point, it's best to make sure the tequila is still OK, so, try another cup. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Pick the frigging fruit and the damn cup off the floor. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers, just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the tequila to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Check the tequila. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Put the bowl through the window, finish off the booze and make sure to put the dirty stove in the dishwasher. CHERRY MISTMAS TO ALL!
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