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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    Gamma Goodness

    So glad to hear that your mom's procedure went well. I know you are so relieved. Now...time to breath a deep sigh of relief and start enjoying the holidays!
  2. Bumpity....Bump.....Bumpity....Bump I just can't say enough good things about these cookbooks. The book if absolutely filled with wonderful recipes that are so good and easy to prepare. These recipes came from kitchens of all our LCSC friends and are a treasure to me because I feel the love with each dish I prepare. I know that every person that contributed to this book has been touched by the pain of having cancer in their life.
  3. Ann

    I am BACK!!

    Cindy, I'm so glad you're back. Glad to hear the wedding went well. I'm sure your daughter was a beautiful bride....just like her mother! These weddings can really drag you down. Although it was my son getting married, my DIL insisted that I be involved in all of the wedding planning. Having three sons and no daughters, this was music to my ears. I even got to go shopping with her for a gown. But...by the time the wedding was over, I was one exhausted gal! Then, my other DIL gave birth 3 days after the wedding. But...aren't all of these wonderful events completely worth what we go through? Cindy, you're such a strong inspiration for all of us. I'm so glad you're back!
  4. It's getting to be that time of year when everyone seems to be baking Christmas cookies. So...here I am at the office, trying to decide which cookie to grab from a wide assortment of home baked cookies. I think I'm going to take a Snickerdoodle. How about you? What's your favorite cookie at this wonderful time of year?
  5. Ann


    Deb, this sounds like a wonderful time to reflect on all of the good times and love you and mom shared.
  6. Ann

    Pat Hinkley

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I know, all too well, how hard it is to lose a loved one at this time of year. My thoughts are with you!
  7. So very cute!!! Thanks so much for sharing this!
  8. So...how cold is it where you are? I'm in central Florida and the high here for tommorrow is supposed to only be in the 50's. Guess it's time to drag out those sweaters and jackets that are so rarely used!!! Hope everyone stays warm! Now's time to take advantage of all those wonderful soup recipes in our cookbook! Hope everyone has ordered!
  9. So....here goes.... I have a new DIL, a new grandaughter and....a new husband!!! Dick and I were married several months ago in a nice, quiet ceremony at my best friend's house. I was going to tell all of you when it happened but there was so much sorrow on the board that I felt guilty being all bubbly and happy. So...what's new with all of you???? Please share!!!
  10. This one is a bit different. As most of you know, I have been completely comsumed with weddings, new babies and job relocation/changes. I think I'm back to about as "normal" as I can possibly be right now, so hopefully the GTKY posts will resume. So....everyone please catch me up on what's new with you....please. Read the post below to see what's new with me.
  11. Ann

    I miss Bunny

    Oh, Amie, I am so very happy for you and Dave!!! What a lucky man he is to have you for his beautiful bride! After just becoming a grandma myself, I know that Suki must be overjoyed!!! A baby Bunny....such wonderful news! Think the little one will like Barry Manilow???
  12. Ann

    Disco Santa

  13. 'Twas the Night Before-Online Shopping Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, except me and my mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, But nary a present was seen anywhere. The weeks had slipped by me, my time I had squandered, The pressure now on, I surfed and I pondered, I needed some presents, and I needed them quick, Else I'd look like the Grinch instead of St. Nick. My brain getting soggy my hopes getting dim, It looked like the Grinches were going to win, When what to my wandering cursor appeared, But the mother of all Web sites! (I let out a cheer!) There were toys of all sizes and shapes there before And with a click of my mouse, I opened the door. On Amazon! On KB Toys! Toys RUs I adore. On Barnes and on Noble! On E-Bay and more! I strolled through the aisles and virtual shelves, Toys flew to my shopping cart as if placed there by elves. Every toy I could imagine was there at my touch (And maybe I ordered just a little too much.) Then I moved to the checkout, I was now feeling fine, Isn't this wonderful? No standing in line! I got them all shipped before it was too late. Overnighted to me! (Ain't UPS great?) The presents now ordered, my credit card maxed I can sip on some eggnog, and try to relax. And til January comes, with its bills out of sight Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good midnight. ~*~ by Tom Rodman of Durham, NC
  14. http://www.banditos.info/speles/sobersanta2.swf Cute easy game, use the arrow keys and make Santa get the drinks. The more he drinks the harder it gets. Watch out for the railway tracks because they fry Santa. HO HO HO http://www.banditos.info/speles/sobersanta2.swf I only got 120!!
  15. What a great idea!!! I think I'll do the same!!!
  16. HO-HO-HO Only 22 More Days to Go!!!
  17. OK....everyone share your best HO-HO-HO with us!!!!
  18. Tina...thanks so very much for the link. It really gave me a lot to think about. Mitchell...I used to live just outside of Knoxville. I moved to Florida in 1984. So sorry to hear your mom is ill. Tina is a wonderful person to have as a "Big Orange Buddy." I certainly am envious that you live so close to her...I would love to be in K-Town with you guys. I'll be saying prayers for you and your mom and as always will be thinking of our dear friend, Tina.
  19. Ann

    My Sister Lost the Fight

    So very sorry for your loss.
  20. Ann

    Got the cookbooks!!

    I'll second your statement, Sharon!!! I got my cookbooks and they are great. As usual, Andrea did a gret job of pulling this all together for us! For those of you that haven't ordered, you are really missing out on some great recipes!!!
  21. ((((((((((((((((Kim)))))))))))))))) So very sorry for all that you have been through. I cannot imagine the pain you have been dealing with. I have been thinking about you and saying prayers that you have been OK. Please let me know if you need to talk. Oh, sweetie, I'm so very sorry.
  22. Martha, I'm so happy that you got your sign. You just have to believe!!!
  23. Ann

    Babies R Us

    Nick, my eyes are completely filled with tears after reading your heart felt post. This one is really close home for me, having just become a first time grandma. I had to stop and think about all of the joy I have now since little Ella was born just one week ago. I do believe that your mom will be there for your child, just as she will be for you. who knows? Maybe your mom and her grandchild have already met !!!
  24. Ann

    my aunt passed today

    Tami, I am so very sorry.
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