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Everything posted by Ann

  1. (((((((Karen)))))))) I am so looking forward to seeing those Halloween pictures of you and our precious little Faith. Does that child have any idea how many "aunties" and "uncles" she has from this board?
  2. Oh Tina...you have no idea just how good your offer sounds to me about right now! I would love to drive through the Smokies and see all the beautiful colors. I think we could just stop often, get outside the car, and feel Charlie and Dennis up there in those mountains with us. Yes...my birth mother still lives in Knoxville, along with my 4 sisters and 1 brother. I was adopted and will always consider my adoptive parents my real family. Unfortunately, they're both deceased. Oh, how I miss fall in Big Orange Country!!!
  3. So very beautiful, Kim. I hope sharing your feelings will help to ease your pain.
  4. So...the fall season is officially upon us now. Fall used to be my favorite season when I lived in Tennessee. Here, in Florida, there really doesn't seem to be much of a fall. We just seem to transition from hot to hotter, with a few chilly days in between. So....fall...tell me your favorite things about fall.
  5. Melinda, I love this poem. I have read this many times and always feel a sense of comfort each time. You know, we have to really remember and believe these words after losing a loved one. I remember hearing an interview on the radio with Josh Groban, right after he released the song "To Where You Are." This song was dedicated to his dear GM, who he had loved very much. In the interview, Josh said that before her death, his GM used to tell him that every time he thought of her, she would be alive. This poem also brings that to mind. It's true. Memories of our love ones are what keep them alive and with us. I have been thinking of you and saying prayers for you and your family!!!
  6. Ann

    Thanks for Being Here

    Kasey....For some reason, I just feel the need to start singing "Hello Dolly" but change the words to "Hello Kasey." Guess it's all about the part..."it's so nice to have you back where you belong." Yes, it is nice to have you back here with us. Two years....hip...hip...horray!!! Kasey, you are so loved by all of us. Oh, better add that we love Fred, also!
  7. This case is such a heart breaker. Since it happened here in central Florida, we have a lot of information daily. I do know that Nancy Grace has been covering this story. Trenton's disappearance was featured on America's Most Wanted on Saturday night. Then, last night on CBS, Without a Trace featured Trenton's information. Tonight, Bill O'Reilly will be interviewing Melinda Duckett's attorney. This baby has been missing for almost one month now and it just seems that the case is getting some national attention. Please....pray that this mother gave this baby to someone for safe keeping!!!
  8. I don't know if many of you have heard about this case. Trenton Duckett is a two year old child that is missing. His mother, the prime suspect, committed suicide about 1 week after her disappearance. Although hopes for finding this child alive are slimming, there is still hope that the mother gave him to someone. There was a bitter custody case and the mother may have given little Trenton to keep the father from gaining custody. Would you please look at this flyer and then print a couple and distribute in your area? http://www3.fdle.state.fl.us/mcicsearch ... &case_nbr=
  9. Ann

    Sad News

    Eric, so very saddened to hear of the loss of our beautiful friend. I am so very sorry. I will certainly miss her!
  10. Lori...what a fitting celebration for such a beautiful life!!!
  11. Chris...Thanks so much for posting these beautiful words of hope.
  12. New Game: ANAGRAMS The submitting poster will provide a scrambled word. The responding poster will rearrange those letters to form the actual word. The example below is a 6-letter Anagram, however, you may use as many letters as you wish. Alphabetical order is not required in this game. Example: DSECOL (Scrambled word provided by the submitting poster) Answer: CLOSED (Letters rearranged by the responding poster) The person submitting the "answer" then starts the next game with a new scrambled word. OK....here goes STEALIC
  13. Dairy is the first department when I shop.
  14. When you shop at your favorite supermarket, what is the very first food department you come to after entering the store?
  15. My mom was a teacher so my dad apent a lot of time with me when my mom had PTA meetings. He would always make me toasted peanut butter sandwiches in the oven. I haven't had one of those sandwiches in years but I sure did love them. I think the fact that my daddy made them special for me was what I really liked about them!!!
  16. So kind of you to post this for us, Randy. What a sad few weeks it has been here!
  17. I so hope that Benny Parsons is successful in his battle against this monster! He is such a great representative of men in his sport.
  18. What great news, Randy!!! We can all make such a difference if we're just very persistent for our cause. I'm so proud of you. I'm currently working on getting our little town to do a proclamation thet will bring attention to lc.
  19. As a child, what was your favorite weird food? Do you still eat the same thing and like it?
  20. Ann

    Missing Mom

    Patty, I can't believe a year has passed. I remember some of your moving posts when your mother was ill. I know how hard this one year mark is for you. I'll be saying a prayer.
  21. What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful lady. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  22. Ann

    Lucie Wood

    Don, what beautiful pictures of "our" Lucie. My heart touches yours today, as I try to imagine what a wonderful 47 years the two of you shared. When I was looking at Lucies' beautiful smile, I thought that this smile will surely make the stars shine brighter every night. I think I will always think of Lucie every time I see a bright star in the sky.
  23. What a very special lady your mom was, Lori. After reading about her, I can easily see why you are so special. You must be very much like your mom. I'm thinking of you, sending hugs and saying prayers.
  24. Ann

    Roy Robert Fell

    So very sorry to learn of your loss. Please convey our most sincere sympathies to you wife. Let her kknow that we are here for her, should she need us.
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