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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Welcome, Kim! I think you just nominated your mom for "Mother of the Year". That's terrific. Sounds like she is doing well on this journey we all are on. Best to you. Don
  2. Don Wood

    Update on Bob

    Normally, prostate cancer is diagnosed and treated by a urologist. I am a 9-year survivor (2 bouts) of prostate cancer. I personally would rather have a urologist than a GP to treat me. There are several ways to treat prostate cancer, all with experts in those areas. Sorry Bob has to contend with that as well as the LC. I agree with you that his LC should be handled by an oncologist and not a GP, regardless of friendship. That's my two cents. Don
  3. Charolette, I am so sorry for this turn of events for you all. My prayers are with you. Don
  4. Curtis, those are beautiful vows and, from what I have learned of you here, you certainly lived up to them. Blessings. Don
  5. Nina, so glad you are okay. Thanks for letting us know. Don
  6. Angie, so so sorry about your dad. My prayers are with you. Don
  7. Hi, Christy! Good to see you back. Congratulations to you and Darrell on your marriage. You are right, Christy -- Darrell is your first priority. We do understand that. Glad to hear the news is good so far, and pray that it continues. Don
  8. Joe, you are one cool dude in my book. It is so refreshing to have an MD in this field who thinks and feels like you do. Makes me want to be in Minneapolis with my wife under your care, although she has a super onc that we wouldn't trade right now. You bring us your expertise, your support and your hope. Are we lucky or what? Praise God. Don
  9. Beth, my prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Don
  10. Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment. Do celebrate wildly! Don (also Ph.D., so I know the work and perserverence it takes)
  11. I am impressed that you want to do this. Your patients are one lucky bunch to have you. Welcome! I look forward to your contribution here. Don
  12. Dolly, I am so saddened by the news. My heartfelt sympathies to you and family. May you find peace. Don
  13. NED, what a wonderful sound! Celebrate!
  14. Such great news, Laurie! So happy for you and your mom. Don
  15. Don Wood

    Checking Out

    Enjoy your break, Amy.
  16. Don Wood

    I'm Back

    Bruce, it is so good to see you posting and know you are back home and resting. Keep us posted on your tests. Don
  17. When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 9 years ago, I got a new computer and went on-line to learn as much as I could. I learned that not all "info" is good info and had to learn to differentiate. Now I still give info and support for prostate cancer, but am giving more than receiving. When Lucie was diagnosed two years ago with NSCLC, Stage IV (bone mets), I again went on-line to learn what I could and get support. Lucie preferred not to go on-line, as it would be hard for her to screen info without it upsetting her and she was not able at that time to give support. She preferred that I go on-line, get the info and support, screen it for her, and then relay it to her. She still prefers it that way, and that is okay with me. She has, however, reached out to others locally who have LC. I agree that it depends on the individual and how one handles stress and info. Good luck. Don
  18. Now that's a good one, but I think you just gave the gals some points. Don
  19. Kate, let us know how it goes. I am hoping for a good direction. Don
  20. Nina, prayers for you that Ivan will not be Terrible. Don
  21. Sounds like good news overall, Paddy. Hang in there. Don
  22. Deroo, give yourself an attagirl for the great job you are doing for your mom. Don
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