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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Flu shot

    Just last week we asked Lucie's onc about the flu shot and he had no problem with Lucie getting it. In fact, he recommended it, and she is toward the end of her chemo treatments. Don
  2. One man to another in the men's room: "Your pants need to be zippered up, son." Second man: "Oh, thanks! Sometimes I forget to zipper up when I'm done peeing." First man: "Well, son, it's not as bad as when you get older and forget to zipper down before you pee."
  3. We are sorry the Oct. 23 date didn't work out. We are disappointed. But, we hope a new date later on could be worked out. Don & Lucie
  4. Carleen, I was so happy to see that you had a recent post, and then so saddened at the news. You are both in my prayers. Don
  5. My prayers are with you both. Don
  6. Don Wood


    Prayers comin', David C. Wish you the best. Don
  7. Katie B. has now posted over 3000 times. Congratulations, Katie, and thank you so much for being there so many times for all of us. You and Rick are true friends, caring and supporting. Blessings abound. Don
  8. D, you should know that in a few cases, my wife being one, that Iressa triggered the pneumonia. So, if your brother is not already off of it, he should be taken off it right away. I am sorry to hear he is having such a rough time. My prayers are with you. Don
  9. Don Wood


    I agree with you, Cyndy. It is an awesome group. Thanks for your comments. Don
  10. Hi, Shirl, and welcome to our group here. Keep us posted on your journey and let us know how we may help you. Don
  11. Hi, James. As said, the doctors cannot tell an individual how much time they have -- certainly not at diagnosis. They are relying on statistics, and old ones at that. If your doctor does not have a way of fighting this disease and is not willing to do so, find another doctor who will. As said, we need more info on your mother in order to help answer your questions. Good luck. Don
  12. Beth, so sorry you are having these weird things happen. Wishing better things coming soon. Don
  13. Hi, Deb. Yep, get an oncologist. You can't definitively say it is cancer without a biopsy. And even if it is cancer, and it is contained in the lung, the surgeon was way off base with his prognosis. Good luck. Don
  14. Diane, thanks for letting us know. I am saddened at this turn of events. I wish you peace. Don
  15. Marge, so sorry about your sister. My prayers are with you and family. Don
  16. Hi, Shelly! What a pleasant surprise to see your post! Sorry to hear about your son's accident, but very pleased he has come back so well. He is a real trooper. Nick rocks! I did vist the website and left him a message. My grandson is also 17, so I can relate. Take care and come back when you can. You've been missed. Blessings and healing to all. Don
  17. Cat, so glad to see your post and know you are surviving, even if it is difficult. Blessings. Don
  18. Jane, I so appreciate you taking the time to let us know how you are doing. Thanks much. You take whatever time you need to get through the grief. I lost my sister in 1993 and my brother in 1998, and am now alone, the last of the siblings. Time heals, but we never forget, and we have a place in our hearts always for them. Godspeed. Don
  19. Don Wood

    Up On Bruce

    Bruce, get your butt back here! Wishing you the best. Don
  20. Radiation is cumulative and it does keep wprking weeks after the treatments stop. It frequently tires one and lowers your resistence. Hope you are better soon. Don
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