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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Kitty, my thoughts and prayers are with you and family. Don
  2. Hi, Minnie! My heart goes out to you. This is a very hard time, as we here all know. Don't need to apologize for expressing your feelings. It is good for you, and we understand. Keep us posted on yourself and your mom. Don
  3. He needs to eat. I would definitely call the doctor. You have to see that he eats even when he has no appetite -- try Smoothies, Frosties, Ensure, Gatoraid, anything that works. Good luck. Don
  4. Renee, so very sorry at this turn of events. I pray for Scott's relief and peace,and for you and his family. Don
  5. So sorry to hear this. My prayers are with Denise and her family. Don
  6. My sincerest sympathies. I wish you peace. Don
  7. I think there is a positive, learning side to cancer and other crises. Lucie and I have discussed that our love is deeper now, though we would not have believed that could happen, and our love spills out to others. I have learned to be more patient but persevering -- not get angry so easily, but respond in more constructive ways. And, mainly, I have been able to do things, endure things, that I would not have thought I could be capable of, praise God. Yes, I believe there are lessons and positive sides to this ordeal. "Love bears zll things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." I Corinthians 13:7.
  8. Jen, sounds like good news overall. Glad you came and gave an update. Best to you. Don
  9. Love to see the pic of my favorite cyclist!
  10. Thanks for posting, Dean, and giving us your update. Good to see your pic again. Best to you. Don
  11. Not only is she buying great clothes, but she is renewing all her quilting magazines for 2 YEARS! She asked if I thought she was foolish. I said, "Definitely not! I like your attitude." Don
  12. Don Wood


    Well, I think you have to let go and let God. You have given her the background and that she will always have. It will make it easier for her to return when the time is right. Our three kids were all non-churched for about 15 years, for varying reasons. We stewed about it, prayed about it, nagged and nothing seemed to help. A friend said, "You have to let go and put it in God's hands". To do that, I took copies of letters each had written to me (that's another story) on the occasion of my birthday, and copies of pictures of them to church. I left them in the pew, as an outward sign I was releasing them to God's care. I asked a friend to pick them up after I left and dispose of them, so I didn't take them back myself. The symbolism was strong. I was able to let go. Since then, my daughter has returned to church, brought there by a friend. My older son has returned to church, brought there by his step-daughter. My younger son -- God has not put the right person in his life yet to bring him back, but I am confident it will happen. Peace. Don
  13. Don Wood


    Lucie went a year from last chemo to having to have chemo again because of recurrence. She is Stage IV. Don
  14. Don Wood


    Ray, I can understand your anxiety, but all things are not the same, even if they seem so. I hope you can relax some, and have a successful surgery. My prayers are with you. Any time one has surgery, there is a risk. My hardest time has been when they prep me and I am lying there on the gurney waiting to go into the O.R. (before the anesthetic takes effect). I hate that time. I will be thinking positively for you. Don
  15. Elaine, thanks for the update on Phyllis. Phyllis, prayers comin'. Don
  16. Dawn, it is one thing to get a straightforward, honest answer IF you ask about the statistics. It is quite another to be told outright the onc has already given up on you. I would definitely go to an onc whose attitude is to make you well, whatever it takes that is available. My wife's onc never offered any statistics. My wife stewed about it, so we finally asked. Then the onc said, "Nine months, but it varies with people". That cleared the air for us. Her onc has been on an aggressive treatment stance every since, and she is coming onto 2 years of survivorship, even though she is Stage IV. I want the doc to fight for us, not "make us comfortable" for the last days. My wife feels the same way. Good luck on your search for your mom's best treatment. Don
  17. Glad your husband is doing well. Great news! I agree with others that the onc has to cover his derriere and could not give your husband permission. I think it is very important that your husband have something constructive to do and, for me, that is the primary consideration. As someone suggested, if you take a trial run with him and see that his reaction times, alertness, etc are okay, I say, go for it. When Lucie got off chemo last year and started feeling well, I thought it was important for her to be able to drive short distances as it gave her a feeling of normalcy and gave her things to do for herself. She has been on morphine ever since chemo, but it is the lowest dose that can cover the spinal pain. She started out with just trips around the block until I felt comfortable with her driving. At first, she was a little awkward, not having driven for months, but she came around to her usual good driving in a short time. Now that she is back on chemo, she is not driving. But as soon as the treatment is over and she feels up to it, I will let her drive again. It gives her something she can do for herself, once I feel she has good reflexes and alertness. She does not drive long distances, as it is too tiring on her. Find a way to get your husband involved in meaningful activity. That is so important to good mental health. Best to you. Don
  18. Welcome, Sean! Thanks for sharing your dad's situation and look forward to updates. I can't help with the liver mets, but it is super that they have shrunk. If the lung tumor hasn't grown, that is a good thing. Stable is good. I had to chuckle that you list mitomycin, an antibiotic, in the things your dad is taking. I was in a chemical research group at Wayne State U. in Detroit, Michigan, back in the early '60's that were working on the spacial structure of mitomycin. I had not seen that listed anywhere until now. I hope it is effective for your dad, along with the other treatments. Best to you. Don
  19. Don Wood

    Daddy Update

    Glad to hear the good news, Sharon.
  20. Whoo Hoo! Joanie! Great news.! Mighty good!
  21. First Lady: You know, I am really getting forgetful." Second Lady: "How bad is it?" First Lady: "How bad is what?"
  22. I am a great believer in not putting off things, such as happy occasions like weddings. And especially if you have a family member with a life-threating disease. It will give your mom a happy family event to look forward to and experience, and it will do you all a world of good. Go for it, even with all the added stress and worry. Best to you all. Don
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