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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. It could also be Navelbine. My wife is taking that presently and it takes less than an hour. Don
  2. Don Wood

    Mama Bear

    I have come very much to appreciate what Lucie did for us all over the years, now that I have to do most of the things, and what I do pales in comparison to what she did. Let's hear it for Mama Bears everywhere! Rah! Rah! Rah!
  3. Hi, Herman, and welcome. My wife has asthma and allergies and she still had both chemo and radiation. She even survived bilateral pneumonia last August after treatment. She was given 9 months to live at diagnosis and is now less than two months shy of two years. She is Stage IV, so there was no surgery. Keep us posted. Don
  4. Lucie had the Taxotere/Carboplatin combination. She was given decadtron (steroid) but not Benadryl. Don
  5. Thanks, all, for your continued support. Lucie had a week off after her fourth Navelbine treatment. Next week she gets no. 5, along with her monthly Aredia. Onc says she will get 6-8 treatments. She has been very tired and battling constipation all the time, so she didn't get a free ride with Navelbine. But, it is not near as bad as the Taxotere/Caboplatin she took originally. She loves reading your posts to her, so thanks again. That helps a great deal. Don
  6. Don Wood

    prayers please

    Prayers comin'.
  7. Angie, prayers for your dad. One thing Lucie and I do is we have all our medical history and list of medications, supplements, etc. on computer and whenever we do a doctor visit, we bring an updated list with us. That way, every doc sees what she is taking totally. Best to you. Don
  8. Hi, Jane! Good to see you back. Admire your attitude --it will take you far. Keep us posted on your progress. Don
  9. Glad you all are safe. What an ordeal!
  10. My heart goes out to you and your family, Kitty.
  11. Taxotere has the reputation of giving a reaction straight off. Luckily, Lucie did not have it. The day we went in to get the scoop on beginning her treatment, a person getting tyeatment had a bad reaction to the Taxotere. We wanted to bolt right then and there, but we saw it through. I agree now that they know this is possible, they will be more careful in administering the chemo. Don
  12. Earl lives on in our hearts and minds.
  13. Pam, so sorry to hear of your dad's passing. We are never really prepared to lose a loved on, even if we know it is time. I hope you will stay with us and let us support you further. As for your nephew, think "Lance Armstrong". I have said a prayer for him. Don
  14. Ginny, I am so saddened by the news. You have made Earl so real for us, and we have come to love you both. I hope you will stay with us to help you through the grief period. Earl is in our hearts, and so are you. Peace. Don
  15. Lucie's main tumor was on her spine at C7-T1, the upper back. Her left hand has continued to curl, in fact she wears a soft brace across her hand so she can use it. The symptoms started with her not being able to hold things well, and then eventually pain in her hand and arm. The pain has gone away with treatment, but the neuro doc says her hand function will not return, even with surgery (which we looked into). Luckily, she is right handed, so she can still sew and use the computer (one finger on each hand!). Hope this clarifies. Don
  16. Welcome, Marjorie. We too miss David a lot -- he was an integral part of our support board here. Don
  17. Welcome back, Angie. Disfunction in the hand is how we found out Lucie had a spine tumor from the lung. I hope that isn't it. Don
  18. Carleen, so glad to see your post and the update. Wish you well in the Big Easy. Don
  19. If your dad wants to fight on and the doc is not giving any options, it might be time to talk with another doc for a second opinion. I encourage that. Don
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