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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Hi, Vanessa, and welcome. My wife was diagnosed with NSCLC, Stage IV in October 2002, and was given 9 months. Besides the cancer, she has survived systemic staph infection and bilateral pneumonia. She will be a 2-year survivor in less than two months, and is doing fine. Don
  2. Jamie, thanks for the update on your date. Sounds very promising. Don
  3. Ann, welcome to the board. I am so sorry your husband lost his battle. This board is only about 2 years old (I think), so it would not have been around back then. It is a very unique board with its caring and support, plus much info. We appreciate you joining us and look forward to your posts. Don
  4. Karen, sorry all this is falling on you at once. This is a good place to vent, because we do know that walk. Hoping for better things for you. Don
  5. Welcome, Laura. Sorry about your mom, but it sounds quite hopeful. Don
  6. Welcome, Mike! Love that NED! Keep it up! Don
  7. Great idea, Curtis. Lucie wears my mother's engagement ring. We gave our only daughter Lucie's mother's engagement ring, and she will eventually get my mother's. She is named for both grandmothers, so it seems only fitting. Love your idea. Don
  8. Ginny, you and Earl are in our hearts and in our prayers. Don
  9. Don Wood

    Asking for prayers

    I think we all need goals to work toward, especially when we have a threatening disease. it gives us the will to fight on. I agree your brother needs a new focus. He is in my prayers. Don
  10. Karen and David, hope you had a great time in Glacier. Don
  11. Hope your new onc turns out to be superdoc. See you when you get back. Don
  12. Jane, I'm glad you are taking a trip. Try to relax and enjoy. Don
  13. Yes, you do need to take breaks, and you do have your own family to take care of. Glad they sent you home to rest and see to yours. Sorry to hear your mom is doing poorly, but glad she is alert when awake. Don
  14. Glad to see you posting, Stephanie. Hope things going okay for you. Don
  15. Don Wood


    Actually, I HAVE noticed that! So it isn't only in Texas, huh?
  16. Are blone jokes hair-brained?
  17. Cat and Ann, so glad to hear from you and know you are safe. Whew!
  18. Welcome, Mandy. Lots of info and support here from people who are making the same journey. Don
  19. Prayers for all you guys in Charley's path. Don
  20. Glad you're gonna get a new onc -- you deserve it!
  21. Doritos and oreos -- two of the major food groups, right? I could subsist on those. Don
  22. Paige, my heart goes out to you and your family. My sincerest sympathies. I lost both parents when I was in my 20's and although I healed and moved on, there has always been a void. The best we can do is be the best we can be to honor them. Don
  23. Roanna, sorry for the new mets. I hope they will find a treatment that works for him. Don
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