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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Good to hear things are coming along well, Jim. Enjoy. Don
  2. Charolette, sorry there is so much to contend with right now. I pray that things will get better. Don
  3. Don Wood

    David P.

    Wanted to share with you all that David P. is training for the World Solo Mountain Bike Race coming up Sept. 4-5. What a guy! Don
  4. Thanks for letting us know. My sympathies to you and your family. Don
  5. Happy anniversary! as we all know, these times are very special to us now. Glad it was a good one. Don
  6. Sharon, prayers for your dad.
  7. Renee, glad Scott is having friends over and getting massage. Sorry about the A/C -- the heat has been getting to Lucie, too, whenever she goes outside, even if just to the car. This is while she is on chemo. Don
  8. Bruce, enjoy your break. You will be missed. Don
  9. Welcome, Tracy! What we were told about NSCLC, as compared to SCLC, was that it is slower growing but also slower to respond to chemo. That is a general statement, and each person has an individual response. My wife has Stage IV NSCLC and is still here after almost two years. So, hang on to the hope. Keep us posted. Don
  10. Sounds good to me. Chemo can do strange things to the taste, I'm told. Lucie loves chocolate -- did not want any during chemo last year -- but did recover the craving afterwards. Glad to hear the "stable" story. Don
  11. Don Wood


    Yeah, that was neat to see!
  12. Hang in there. We're here to walk with you as we do the walk, too.
  13. Welcome to our group here. Try to take things as they come, and we are here to support you and answer specific questions you will have. Don
  14. Don Wood


    Lucie and I have been watching the Olympics. Two major thoughts: (1) Paul Hamm, the gymnast who came from behind after a disastrous vault and won the gold with two great events. The moral for me: "Don't ever give up, even after a major setback." A good example for those of us fighting this dread disease. (2) Michael Phelps, the swimmer who stepped aside and let his teammate swim in the medley relay. He showed true teammanship in a time when there is so much "me-ism." The moral for me: "It's about working together in this life." A good example of what happens here in our forum family. I think our country is going into good hands, and feel very hopeful about the future. Don
  15. True story: Lucie is a chocoholic. Hershey's is her favorite. I saw a couple of T-shirts on the Hershey's website, with Hershey bars picture and cute slogans, so I ordered them for her. (Yes, I get chocolate for her all the time.) Well, this morning we went out to get sandwiches for lunch. I bought Lucie a chocolate chip cookie. When we returned, there was a message on the phone. "Mr. Wood, I live down the street from you, and some candy you ordered has been delivered to my address by mistake." Well, I realized it must be the shirts and with the Hershey name on the package, she would figure it was candy. I said, "Many thanks. I will come get the package. By the way, it is not candy -- it is T-shirts." "Oh, my gosh", she says, "I put the package in the refrigerator!" When I knocked on the door and she answered, I said, "I understand you have some 'cool" T-shirts for me!" We both had a good laugh. P. S. Lucie liked the shirts and put one on right away.
  16. Prayers for you and your brother.
  17. Good to see you back, Jane.
  18. Don Wood


    Val, so good to see your post. Here's to a fast healing! Don
  19. Hi, Claire! So glad you have joined us. I have always liked the name "Claire", meaning "light". My wife's name is "Lucie", also meaning "light". Keep us posted, as gerbil runner has. Don
  20. Don Wood


    Curtis, I am happy that you have found someone. I would recommend -- go slow. You still have a lot of grieving to do and adjustments before you are ready to move on. Don't rush it. I wish you the best. Don
  21. Welcome! With cancer, what yuu don't know WILL kill you. The cancer, if that is what it is (determined by biopsy), will continue to grow and spread. If it is caught early, surgery is possible. If he waits until it has spread beyong the lung, then surgery will not be an option and more unpleasant treatments are in store. I hope he comes to his senses. Don't let up on urging him to get the care he needs. Don
  22. Hi, Becki. Our own David P. was diagnosed with lung cancer in his 20's, as Curtis said. He had a lung removed and has been bicycle racing ever since, even now. Hopefully, he will see your post and respond. Also, it is not definitely cancer until a biopsy is performed on the tumor to confirm. Good luck. Don
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