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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Thanks, Cheryl, for hosting this great event. Lucie and I are planning on coming up there Oct. 23. I hope others will come, too. Don
  2. "Teacher" has a nice ring for you, Cindy. Go!
  3. Don Wood


    Laurie, thanks for thinking of us. I was aware I had not seen the panda in a while and was delighted to see her show up recently. Hope you are mending well. I celebrated my 70th birthday on Tuesday, and was somewhat awed by that milestone. Lucie is doing fine. We will find out this week what tests need to be run and how the chemo is working. Blessings. Don
  4. Welcome, and thanks for sharing your story. Lots of good company here. Don
  5. Don Wood


    I was told on one of my hospital stays that persistent hiccups can be a sign of nausea, like burping.
  6. I decided to post here instead of "Good News" since we don't know what category the news is yet. Lucie had her sixth Navelbine treatment on Thursday, and we will visit the onc next week to find out what to do next -- scans, more chemo?, etc. Although this chemo is much milder than Taxotere/Carboplatin, it does tire her. She has been worn out from time to time, and the heat here doesn't help either. She has been having sweats during the day also, even in the air conditioning.. At her cancer support group last Tuesday, Lucie learned about Effexor, an anti-depressant that also treats hot flash symptoms. Lucie had gotten off Celexa, another anti-depressant, so was not taking any. We saw the onc on Thursday and asked him about it. So he prescribed Effexor for her. She is taking it now, isn't sweating and is not as tired. This is truly a learning experience, but not the school we would have willing signed up for! Her rib occasionally gives her some discomfort, but it not as painful as it was before treatment. Other than that, things are fine here. We will keep you posted.
  7. Don Wood

    Ray's Surgery

    Aggie, thank you for letting us know the good news on Ray. Ray, I just knew you'd do well! So happy for you! Don
  8. Lisa, glad you are here. So sorry your husband has gotten this disease and at such a young age. He is the same age as my daughter, and I have sons older and younger than that. Don't give up. Keep up hope. Mky wife was given 9 months and she is one month shy of 2 years. She has NSCLC, Stage IV, non-smoker. The main tumor migrated from her left lung to her upper spine (C6-T1). with mets to skull, left hip, right fibula and ribs. After chemo and radiation, she was clear for about a year, then tumors reappeared in her right lung, lymph nodes and rib. She is presently undergoing a different chemo. We will you both well. Don
  9. Don Wood


    Whooooooooooooo Hoooooooooo!
  10. Cheryl, as you already know in your mind, stable is a good thing with lung cancer. Now convince your heart. Prayers for you and Jack. Don
  11. God's hand is clearly there. Thanks for sharing that. Peace. Don
  12. Kelly, my heartfelt sympathies on the loss of your mom. My prayers are with you and your family. I wish you peace. Don
  13. I guess that joke goes under the category, "Pope Pourri".
  14. Don Wood

    My mom...

    Denise, my heartfelt sympathies on the loss of your mom. You have made her so real to us here. I'm glad to hear you will stay on with us. I wish you peace. Don
  15. Completing radiation is always an event to celebrate! Go for it! Don
  16. Dianne, glad to hear you are making the move to a new onc. Sounds like you have a good rad onc. Power to the people! Don
  17. Geoff, thanks for the update on your mom. Sounds good so far. Best to you all. Don
  18. Don Wood


    Prayers for you.
  19. And I thought Lucie was the only one who cries before, during and after every test and office visit. Prayers comin'. Don
  20. Cheryl, what happened to the picture of you and Jack?
  21. Dehydration also gives those symptoms. Prayers comin'. Don
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