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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Kelly, Lucie got bilateral pneumonia from Iressa, so I believe, too, the respiratory problems could be related to the Iressa. You should tell the onc you suspect this may be contributing. It might be wise to take her off the Iressa until things clear up. Best to you and your mom. Don
  2. Well, folks, we are rocking along. Lucie had her fifth Navelbine today, along with the monthly Aredia (bone mets). Onc says he wants to do six to eight times. As I said before, there have been side effects but not near like Taxoterror. She has been very tired and she had some constipation problems (which lately seem to have improved). Her rib pain has subsided, which is a good indication the chemo is working. Again, we had to tell them today we were getting both IV's, which they went and confirmed. Drip of the Aredia was satisfactory today. We brought a lunch with us -- were there 4 1/2 hours, which is par. It is good to see her feeling better, and she ordered some more colorful clothes from the catalogs! She is coming up in early October to 2 years, and wie will definitely have to celebrate. She also has a second LC person assigned to her that she is helping one-on-one, and that is going well. Take care, guys and gals. Love ya! Don
  3. She's a clean, mean, fighting machine! Go, Heather!
  4. Thanks for the update, Cindy. Blessings to you all. Don
  5. Don Wood

    lung nodules

    Prayers for you, Donna.
  6. Don Wood


    Stable is good, very good.
  7. Don Wood

    CAT Scan

    A no-brainer! Good lung! Way to go, Beth!
  8. Right on, Elaine! Ironically, since Lucie was diagnosed with LC, we have come to know just how blessed we are. Not that we didn't know before, but we have no doubt about it now. Thanks for reminding us. Don
  9. Don Wood


    Out of the mouths of babes! Neat!
  10. I hurt from laughing at #6. They were a good set of jokes.
  11. Don Wood

    New puppy

    Hi, Mary Ann! Nothing like a warm, cuddly puppy. We have two small Beagles (19 lb) and they will always be "puppies" to us. Really have helped both of us get through a lot of this. Give "Harley" a treat for us. Don
  12. Beth, so happy to hear of the progress. How about a nice bowl of your favorite ice cream? That ought to soothe things! Don
  13. You'd think we would have learned from our experience with lung cancer not to sweat the small stuff and get on with the important things. I support the managers of this website. Don
  14. Don Wood

    My Turn

    Enjoy your break. See you when you get back. Don
  15. Yep, Lucie already had 5 bone mets at diagnosis. If the mets caused pain or threatened integrity of the bone, they were irradiated. If not, they were left alone for the chemo to take care of them. Don
  16. Fatigue towards the end. Sore throat and difficulty swallowing. Dehydration (drink plently of liquids). Don
  17. Don Wood

    Member 1328

    Prayers said. Thanks for letting us know, Fay.
  18. So sorry for this turn of events. Prayers comin'.
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