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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Hi, Ven. I think you have to answer that question for yourself. Lucie's onc team (med. onc. and rad. onc.) did radiation on her bone mets if there was severe pain not controlled by meds, or if the bone integrity was threatened. Of course, in her case, chemo worked for her, so she had an alternate way to shrink the tumors. You need to choose what you see as best for you. Once a place is irradiated, it usually cannot be irradiated again. Good luck. Don
  2. Welcome, Diane. So sorry you have to go through this again. Let us know how we may support you. Don
  3. I have been to New York and to Boston. I know the feeling!
  4. Back from the pulmonologist. CT, X-ray and blood work normal. Breathing test not in yet. So it would appear it is just the chemo working on her. We are relieved. Hope yours is nothing serious, Cindi, and that you will improve soon. Don
  5. Have a great birthday, Becky!
  6. Obviously, you are not alone. Funny you should ask. Lucie has been complaining that she gets short of breath if she showers, or dresses, and has to rest before moving on. She saw her pulmonologist last Monday, he prescribed scans and tests and we are going this afternoon to learn the results. Will keep yo posted. Don
  7. Hi, Don! I'm Don, too. Welcome aboard. I saw a friend the other day who obviously had dyed his gray hair to brown -- he blamed it on chemo! Said the hair grew back that way!. Oh, well. Glad you are doing well. Don
  8. Congratulations, Dave. It's good to see your post. Don
  9. Deb, glad your mom is in good hands now. Don
  10. Don Wood

    Dean Carl~

    Thinking of you. Don
  11. Hi, Pam! Glad things are getting better. We found that small meals or snacks every two hours was better for the nausea than three squares a day. Hoping for continued improvement. Don
  12. Well, folks, it has now been two whole years since Lucie's NSCLC, Stage IV, diagnosis. We were told when we asked that she had about 9 months left. How about them apples! Celebrate life! Don
  13. Paddy, glad things are back under control. What an ordeal! Happy that Karen is coming to visit you two -- enjoy! Don
  14. James, glad to hear the good news, and the chemo plan sounds like a good one. Don
  15. Another one for the women: I'm fine = I'm very upset.
  16. Angie, that is neat that you wrote your dad a letter. About nine years ago, I told my three kids that what I wanted for my birthday was a letter from each of them, telling me what it meant to them to have me as a dad. I got three very different but very beautiful letters, which I still cherish today. God IS our strength. Blessings. Don
  17. Don Wood

    Ya know..

    It works both ways, Nell. Glad to have you here. Don
  18. Melinda, your priorities are right. Take a good break with your family. Don
  19. Be aware that Iressa can induce pneumonia in a small number of cases. This happened to my wife after taking Iressa for 4 weeks. She had to be taken off it permanently because she had full bilateral pneumonia. I hope this is not the case for you all, but I'm glad to see Ahmed was taken off the Iressa temporarily. Best to you both. Don
  20. Lucie and I have been pretty honest with each other through all this. The hardest part was the first year, when she was sick so much. But even then we had moments of humor. We would kid that I had more hair than she did but hers would grow back! The turning point was a year ago, when she was in rehab hospital. I was checking her out to bring her home, but we were going to a church luncheon first. I realized I had packed her floppy hat that she wore most of the time. I said I would have to get it out before we got to church. At that time, she had fuzz all over her dome. She said, "Oh, don't bother! They can see me just as I am!" I was so proud of her. And when we made our entrance into the parish hall (we were late), she got a standing ovation. Yep, I wept. These moments are the good moments, nnd for us there have been many, despite the trials. Thanks, Fay, for your thoughts and concerns about us care givers. Blessings. Don
  21. Have a great trip to CA! Sounds timely. Don
  22. Sounds like good news to me, Bill.
  23. Alex is quite a little man. Best to you both.
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