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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Alriiiiiiiiight, Cindi!
  2. Don Wood

    I'm back.

    Welcome back, Cathy! Glad you had a good time in jolly old England. Lucie started iressa and took it for a month, but was one of those 1% that get pneumonia from it. The onc does feel the Iressa, even for that one month, helped keep the cancer away. Good luck. Don
  3. So happy to hear things are moving in a positive direction. Thanks for the update, Karen. Don
  4. Don Wood


    Hang in there, Rosey! Tell Fred I did a 5K walk about 11 months after my heart bypass surgery and did fine. Hope he can make his walk. Don
  5. Go get 'em, Jim! Best to you! Keep us posted. Don
  6. Don Wood

    GO SOX

    You guys up there really do have it in for Clemens because he went to the Yankees from the Red Sox. I had heard stories. Well, we are glad to have him here in Houston. I think the Sox have done great things this year and I would wish you well, but I may well be on the other side after tonight. Cheers. Don
  7. I was able to link. Not sure it was worth it (LOL).
  8. Great news that Iressa is working for her, Rana. Don
  9. Unfortunately, Karen, people our age seem to fall apart physically, kinda like an old car out of warranty. Those things happen. Sounds like all is taken care of, though. My congratulations to your parents on their 48th anniversary -- they are three years ahead of us. Those kinds of celebrations are precious, so I hope they will have some time when things quiet down on both fronts to celebrate it properly. Regards. Don
  10. What a moment, Minnie. Thanks for sharing that with us. Best to you. Don
  11. Glad you are in a better place now, David. Thanks for letting us know, and enjoy the camping. Don
  12. Prayers comin', Cat. Don
  13. Don Wood

    PET Results

    Great news! Sometimes they do chemo to catch any cancer cells or cell groups that can't be seen by scans, if they are there. It is like insurance. Best to you all. Don
  14. Elaine, so sorry for your loss. My heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. God grant you healing and peace. Don
  15. Beth, I can't really add to what others have said so well. Know that you have a lot of support here to get you through whatever comes. I can say that the role of a caregiver spouse is often a lonely one because we know our spouse like no one else can and we are often in pain for them, trying to walk that fine line of supporting them in a positve way yet knowing the time may not be as long as we like. But we do have the ongoing support of family, friends and cyberfriends. Hang in there. Don
  16. Don Wood

    Why not my mom

    Kim, as others have said so well, it is natural to wonder why her, why now. I lost both my parents within a year of each other when I was in my early twenties. Although I moved on, I always had the empty space for them. I, too, had a vision about about six years ago -- I was in a meditation exercise and I saw both my parents smiling at me. They said, "We are so proud of you!" Well, I just bawled. So, yes, they are always with us in Spirit, checking in on us. Peace. Don
  17. Don Wood

    Just hello

    Thanks for stopping by and letting us know about you, Renee. You are most welcome anytime. Blessings. Don
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