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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Great news, Paula! So glad to hear it. Don
  2. Hi, Don, and welcome back! Congratulations on your first year, and wishes for many, many more. Don
  3. Your wife definitely needs to see a doctor. Cancer does not care whether you pay attention to it or not (if that is what it is), it will relentlessly progress. In addition, the earlier the detection, the better the prognosis and effective treatment. It is foolish to ignore -- she could pay for it with her life. I hope you can get through to her. Don
  4. 1. A sandwich goes into a bar, and the bartender says, "We don't serve food in here." 2. The Seven Dwarfs go into a bar, and the bartender says, "No drinks for miners." 3. A horse goes into a bar, and the bartender says, "Why the long face?" 4. An exterminator goes into a bar, and the bartender says, "Name your poison." 5. A set of jumper cables goes into a bar, and the bartender says, "Don't start anything." 6. A highway goes into a bar, and the bartender says, "How about one for the road?"
  5. Don Wood

    Anna Shearing

    Geoff and melinda, I am so sorry at the loss of your mom. My sincerest sympathies to you both. I pray you will receive healing and peace with time. Your mom was very real to us in your posts. Let us know how we may help through all this. Blessings. Don
  6. Congratulations, Cindi! You are just one month behind Lucie. Two years is a big milestone. Celebrate!!! Don
  7. Welcome back, Cindy. I found that students in night class are generally better students because they choose to be there and they are usually paying for it. Glad you are enjoying it. Don
  8. Hi, Karen, and welcome! You are an inspiration to us with your three year survivorship. Wish you the best. Keep us posted. Don
  9. Sherrij, my prayers are with you all. Glad your dad is in good hands. You have to remember that a family doctor (G.P.) is a generalist. Many times you need a specialist. I don't know anything about fluid around the heart, but I do know about gall bladder, and it does not take much irritation of the gall bladder to cause severe pain in the chest or abdomen. Take care, and be patient. Don
  10. Sorry about your dog/friend. A few years ago we had a Beagle who contracted mouth cancer after 16 1/2 years of the good life. We eventually had to put her down to end her misery. I hope you don't have to make that kind of decision. Don
  11. Kim, good to hear that your Mom is NED. Try to be happy with that. On the pain, I lean towards getting it controlled so your mom can enjoy life. Best to you all. Don
  12. My sincerest sympathies to you all. Don
  13. Don Wood


    Elaine, I am so sorry you have to go through all this. My prayers are with you. Don
  14. Happy birthday, Cathy! Yep, those birthdays are precious things. Glad the allergic reaction is subsiding. Don
  15. Don Wood


    Rachel, glad things are going well and that you are getting around. Keep us posted. Don
  16. Karen, I am so sorry at this turn of events. My prayers are with you all. Don
  17. Xena, it has certainly been a very rough ride for you all. I am so sorry your dad has passed, but I know he is now at peace. May you have healing and peace with time. Hang in there with us through the grief process and let us know how we may support you. Don
  18. Good to hear, Jim. Glad things are going like they should. Don
  19. I agree with the others -- stay with us. Don
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