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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Halleluiah! Celebrate!
  2. Don Wood


    No advice to offer. Just hang in there and enjoy the good times. Don
  3. We went to the onc today. Lucie has had six cycles of Navelbine and tolerated it pretty well. She will have a PET scan next Wednesday, to compare with the one taken in June, so we can see where we are. If Navelbine has done the job (and we believe it has), Lucie will get two more cycles to complete the protocol. If it has not done a satisfactory job, she will be switched to Alimta or something like that. So there is good hope all around. Lucie now has two lung cancer survivors she is working with one-pn-one. What a woman! Onc gave her next week off as well as this one, so she will have a great Thanksgiving at our son and daughter-in-law's. Our whole family will be there. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Don
  4. Thanks, Becky. Prayers comin' for all of you. Don
  5. Hi, Amanda, and welcome. Sounds like the cancer was caught early enough that the chemo should take care of it. Hold onto the hope. Don
  6. What a pleasant surprise to see your post. Good to hear from you, Dean. Blessings. Don
  7. Diane, I am so sorry you lost your dad. My heartfelt sympathies to you and family. Don
  8. Don Wood


    Tracy, I can't help you with the Iressa question, but I'm wondering why the onc has not considered radiation on the rib. Lucie has had rib pain twice due to mets and was irradiated on the spot, which alleviated the pain. Best to you. Don
  9. Carleen, it is soooo good to see your two beautiful faces. Appreciate the update. Yep, you need to slow down a bit and give yourself some sleeping and breathing time. Ask for help. Glad to hear progress is being made controlling the cancer and symptoms. As caregivers, we do walk a tightrope between letting them help and do and letting them rest and get well. We do need to let them be useful as much as they can. You continue in my prayers. Don
  10. Don Wood

    feelin sad...

    Happy birthday, Tami. All of us here think it IS a big deal. You've made it to another one! Sounds to me like too much emphasis on money and not enough on individuals and family. You need to find ways to celebrate these events for yourself even if others don't want to be involved. It is important to celebrate these milestones. Hey, I'm 70 and I celebrate every birthday -- each one is an accomplishment and a time for reflection and the excitement of new challenges. Happy birthday, dear Tami! Happy birthday to you! Don
  11. Don Wood


    Francine!!! So good to see your smiling face again. Welcome back! You have my prayers. Don
  12. Peggy has given a lot of sage advice. Sounds like your parents have zeroed in on you (since you are willing) to be the resident expert, and it is easier to ask you than the doctor. You need to "retrain" them to ask the doc first. As Peggy said, this will not change easily and will take perseverence. Tell them you are there for them as part of the team to fight this thing, but the team has to include the medical people to give him the best treatment. And, you need to find someone you can trust to vent to on a regular basis, as well as vent here any time you need. You have to take care of yourself as well and not let yourself get lost in all this. Blessings. Don
  13. I just bought Lance Armstrong's book, "It's Not About the Bike", on his fight with testicular cancer. She read it and found it very helpful and inspirational. The one thing that stuck out the most for her was his statement that the body may recover from cancer, but it takes the mind and soul longer to heal. I am going to read it next, and then pass it on to my daughter, who is into biking right now. Don
  14. Well, Lucie has one and he is terrific. He saved her life twice during the two years battling lung cancer. Two months after diagnosis and at the beginning of her treatment, her port got infected with staph and went systemic. He got her through that and was the primary doctor. August a year ago, she came down with bilateral pneumonia, and he was again johnny-on-the-spot, and took her through that. The last time we saw him, which was last month, he couldn't get over how great Lucie looked and acted, knowing she has lung cancer. He's a jewel. He takes care of the non-cancer problems, such as lung congestion. We also have a regular doctor who is on the team and takes care of normal everyday problems, such as allergies, colds, etc. And he gives Lucie plenty of TLC. Don
  15. Yeah, "coincidence"! Sure! So glad to hear this inspirational story, Cathy. Your dad is near. Blessings. Don
  16. Cute! Actually, many years ago, I asked an adult class at church to draw their concept of God, and got as many different pictures practically as there were people. It was a fascinating exercise. Don
  17. Welcome, TeeTee. Glad you have joined our group. Be sure your mom eats enough and drinks enough, especially when she is under treatment. And if she can get exercise, like walking, that is good. Focus on the positive and try to get her interested in some activity she likes. That will help her take breaks from all the cancer and treatment stuff. Good luck, and let us know how we may support you. Don
  18. Welcome, Tom! You are definitely an inspiration. Glad to have you here. Don
  19. Welcome, Karen. Glad you have joined us.
  20. Caledon, I'm sorry you lost your great mom. My sincerest sympathies. Take care. Don
  21. Heather, welcome. Glad you found this site. Sorry about your mom. Look around the posts here and you will see a lot of hope, info and supporjt. Keep us posted and let us know how we may help. Don
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