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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Congrats on completing the trial, Cheryl, and I wish for you that the new trial is one you can enter and also complete, with good results. Don
  2. Hello, Mercer, and welcome to LCSC. Glad to have you here. Lots of info and support here. Thanks for giving us your bio. You have a great positive attitude which will serve you well on this road called cancer. Best to you. Don
  3. Hi, Wanda, and welcome to this website. Lots of support and info here. Hang onto the hope. There are many survivors here. Your hubby is suffering, too, because he is supposed to protect and take care of you, and he knows not what to do or say. Be patient with him. It is very hard to be a primary caregiver of a cancer patient. My best to you both. Let us know how we may help you two. Don
  4. Hi, Kyle, and welcome to this website. Lots of info and support here. You share a name with my grandson, who is 17. My wife has nsclc, Stage IV (bone mets) and has survived 26 months so far and still going strong. Hold onto the hope. Don
  5. Part of it can be a heightened awareness, when we have cancer. Some years ago when I bought a red car, I noticed there were a lot more red cars on the road then I had remembered. I suspect it was just a heightened awareness on my part. Don
  6. Hi, Christine, and welcome. Hold onto hope. My wife was diagnosed with NSCLC, Stage IV (bone mets), 26 months ago. She has not only staved off the cancer with chemo and radiation, but she has weathered a systematic staph infection and bilateral pneumonia on the way. I agree with the others that you should get a second opinion on treatments. As long as there are ones out there (and there are some milder than what your mom is taking), you should investigate. There are Iressa, Navelbine, Gemzar, Alimta, Tarceva. etc. Good luck, and keep us posted. Don
  7. Don Wood


    Yes, it can happen that the cancer disappears, even with Stabe IV. I would call it "remission", since it could recur at any time. My wife is Stage IV and, after chemo and radiation, her cancer disappeared for about 9 months. Then it has reappeared at various times. She, too, had no cancer in the lungs at diagnosis -- it was in her bones -- and the type was determined by a biopsy of one of the bone tumors. Once a cancer is outside the host organ (lung, in this case), it may reappear from time to time in various places. For the moment, your mom is clear, and that is something to celebrate. Don
  8. Female cat (strolling and singing): "All I want for Christmas is some little kittens, some little kittens, some little kittens--" Male cat (strolling behind the female cat and singing): "Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus---"
  9. I am definitely not eating at Herman and Martha's!
  10. Go for the massage! I used to be a massage therapist (my avocation after vocation) and it really works to relax body, mind and emotions, and also improves muscle tone, blood circulation and immune system. Go for it, gal! Don
  11. Welcome home, JC! Both here and there. Don
  12. Don Wood


    Hi, Margaret, and welcome. Your symptoms are common side effects of your chemotherapy. Hang in there. Don
  13. Don Wood

    In house...

    Welcome home, Becky!
  14. Guy, sorry Navelbine didn't work but praying that Tarceva is the answer. Don
  15. TAnn, I am so sorry at the news of the brain mets not being affected by the WBR. I hope your consult with M.D. Anderson finds a viable alternative to deal with this. You are in my prayers. Don
  16. well, first of all, Becky, our news looked like bad news but turned out to be good news. Lucie does not have a brain met but a bone met in the skull that the onc expects to fully respond to the radiation she will begin next week. And the chemo she has been taking cleared out the mets she had previously. I think that is all good news. Don
  17. Hi! My wife took Celexa during her first year. She went off that for a while, and now is on Effexor, which also holds down the hot flashes and sweats from the present chemo. Don
  18. Hi, Debbie. I'm in the same boat, with my wife Stage IV NSCLC. There are many survivors of Stage III and IV on here, so take heart. Give us a bio on your hubby, so we can respond appropriately. See my wife's below here. Blessings. Don
  19. Lisan, so sorry so much has come your way in a short time. You may be Stage IV but you are a 2 1/2 year survivor, an inspiration to us all. My prayers are with you. Don
  20. Angie, sorry there is so much bad news. Glad you two got a good lunch and visit together. My spin on the scripture quote about what God gives us is that He does not give us more than we can handle, with His help. My prayers are with you all. Don
  21. Hi, Sherri! My wife is on navelbine and it tends to constipate her. She takes Chrystallose (lactulose) and a stool sofener, which is the combination that helps her. Initally, she had constant stomach pain, so she went on Nexium for a while, and that helped. She also chews a few Gaviscon antacid tablets when she needs -- also GaxEx. Best to you. Don
  22. Don Wood

    Good scan

    Alriiiiiiiiiiiiight, Tiny! Such great news! Enjoy your trip. Don
  23. My sincerest congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary! That is super! Celebrate in a big way! Don
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