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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Hi, Terra, and welcome. Sorry about your mom. Glad she has a better onc now -- she deserves the best. My wife was given 9 months and is now 2 years out, so no one can really tell you how much time you have. Keep the faith and hold onto the hope. Don
  2. I like Ebony or Onyx myself. But I have never named a horse. Don
  3. She probably got Procrit or Aranesp, which help build red blood cells. If she is on the anemic side, that could cause dizziness. Also, the medications or the chemo might. Another possibility is dehydration -- something you really have to watch when someone is under chemo or radiation. Be sure she gets enough liquids. Don
  4. Amy, sorry your mom hss to go through this as well. Hang in there. Sounds like things are in hand. Don
  5. I would go with you dad on the trip to the Canadian Rockies. They are beautiful and should be shared. My wife and I took my sister there a year before she passed away, and I am so glad we went ahead and did that. Last May, my wife and I went to Scotland for a week where she has wanted to go for several years. She was at a point where she felt good enough to make the trip. Our daughter went with us, and she told me she was going because she might not get the chance again to make such a trip with her mom. We never know. Best to you and your dad. Don
  6. I agree -- let the past go and focus on the now and future. That means supporting your mom positively any way you can. You have a lot of info and support with this group, so use it. And don't give up hope. You see a lot of people here that are survivors. Don
  7. Hi, guy! Your story is somewhat similar to mine, especially being a husband of a lung cancer survivor. Yep, a lot of it was new to me, too, although the posting part was familiar because I had done similar for myself with prostate cancer. On feeding, I had the same problem with my wife. The chemo tends to make taste lousy so they don't want to eat. Also nausea plays a role. I went to a lot of liquid things like Ensure, Breeze, Gator Aid, Smoothies, soft ice cream, etc. I would vary things around. Also, we went on a snack every two hours instead of a three meal day. This helped her eat something and minimized the nausea. My daughter called me the Food Nazi -- I would not give her the option to not eat -- I would give her two or three choices and insist she pick one. It worked for us. Liquid intake and nutrition are so important when under chemo and radiation to keep strength and stamina up. Good luck. Don
  8. Welcome, Barb. Let us know how we may support you. Don
  9. welcome, Nenette. Much info and support here. Keep us posted. Don
  10. Welcome back, J. C. Also wishing you well in the future. Don
  11. Don Wood

    Arenesp Shots

    Kim, Lucie says they told her she might have some bone pain from the Aranesp, but she tolerated it just fine. However, she is on morphine, so that would tend to mask the pain. Don
  12. Sounds like a lot of blarney to me!
  13. Hey, Gina! So good to see your smiling face again. And I, too, AM glad you are back. As for the dogs, we believe that two are better than one, because they are good companions for each other. Glad you made that decision. Look forward to your posts. Don
  14. Hi, and welcome! I'm not sure I understand the staging in your dad's case, but if you are getting other opinons, that is good. I, too, want to commend you for being such a good advocate for your dad. All patients need that. Let us know how we may help you. Don
  15. Welcome, Cousin. Much info and support here. Let's hear from you. Don
  16. Lucie goes through that every now and then. I think it is natural. Give the goblins a treat and send them on their way. Don
  17. Don Wood

    feeling overwhelmed

    MJ, do what you need to do for yourself and your mom. Tune out the rest. My prayers are with you all. Don
  18. Don Wood


    Good to see you back.
  19. David, I love your new animated pic. Does this mean you have been relegated to the tricycle since you fell off the ladder? LOL! Don
  20. The engineer was blond, right?
  21. The sex was probably eggshausting!
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