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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Lucie Update

    Yes, thanks, Peg, for the Zometa info. We were told that Lucie would probably go on it after the next chemo treatment next week. Lucie will be glad to know your husband is on it. Don
  2. I live in Houston and I personally would be very leery of Dr. Burzynski. That's my opinion. My wife has NSCLC and I would not take her to him. I personally think desperate people go to him, and I don't think his "cure" rate is that great. My two cents. Don
  3. Don Wood

    Hair loss

    I have noticed with Lucie and with patients I have visted in the hospital that the lack of hair highlights the eyes. The eyes are usually so pretty in contrast. I love to see Lucie's eyes light up when I say something funny. So there is an up side to the hair loss. I probably will notice her eyes more even when her hair grows back. Don
  4. Don Wood

    Hair loss

    On the advice of other women who had been through it, Lucie had her head shaved as soon as the hair started coming out, so she didn't have the agony of seeing clumps come out as time went on. Of course, the shaving is itself traumatic, but it is a one event. Before that, she went shopping with a friend for a wig to match her hair (a friend of mine's wife actually got one of a different color!) and a variety of turbans. That helped as she had fun pickng them out with a friend. She has one cap that is very soft for her to sleep in. Hope this gives you some ideas. Don
  5. Don Wood

    Lucie Update

    Thanks to all of you for your support. I have shared it all with Lucie and it really helps her spirits to know you are there. It helps me, too! Don
  6. What better gift at this time, Dave, than a new grandson! Life goes on! Congratulations, Grandpa! Don
  7. Great news, Estell! here's praying the May one is good, too. Don
  8. Don Wood


    Bonnie, fantabulous!!!
  9. Carleen, you have come to the right place and we're glad you decided to "get in on the action and support". Sorry about your husband, and so young. You are going through what is "normal" for a cancer patient caregiver, and I'm sure your husband is going through what is "normal" for the patient. Sounds like you are off to a good start, with your checking opinions. And now, at least, you are about to start treatment. Sometimes the worse time is the waiting in between diagnosis and treatment initation. I strongly recommend that you and your husband get good friends or church counselors or someone you feel trust in, to help you through these days. My wife and I both have such people working with each of us. Feel free to ask questions (no dumb ones, only the ones unasked are dumb) and to vent your feelings. No one should travel this road alone. God's blessings to you two. Don
  10. Scan results are usually available in a couple of days after taken. That has been our experience. Good luck. Don
  11. Debbie, be aware that both the chemo and the radiation will tend to dehydrate you. When you take them together it is sometimes hard to keep up the liquid intake. Lucie had both together in November and we got behind on the liquids, resulting in hospitalization for dehydration. You might even ask if a weekly IV of fluid might not be in order. That is what we would do now if we have to do them together again. Best of luck. Don
  12. Lucie is also on slow release morphine (MS Contin) for her upper back pain, but she also has Norco, which she can take in between if needed. We are trying to lower the morphine dose at present. Some limited success. Don
  13. Don Wood

    Lucie Update

    Hi, guys and gals! Lucie's new tremor medicine is working well, so she doesn't have to deal with that. Her neurologist also had a crainal MRI done and it is clear! So another worry put to rest. We saw the oncologist Tuesday and he sounded optimistic for the first time. He said they would schedule one more chemo (Apr. 24) and then take a PET scan to see if there was any cancer activity. If not, she can go off the chemo. He also mentioned a drug that protects bone and may help in keeping cancer fron attaching -- he will put her on it if all is well. We are so pleased at all the good news. Don
  14. Happy birthday, Gianni! I hope you had a great one! No big deal being born on tax day -- Lucie was born on the Ides of March! Beware! Don
  15. Wonderful news, Laurie. I am impressed that your mom works with the Salvation Army! They do such good work. Give your mom a great big hug from us all! Don
  16. Great news, Shordy! I didn't know your dad was into "grass"! Ha! Don
  17. Welcome to the group, Seabee. Don
  18. My wife is also on morphine for pain, and uses Xanax as she needs it. She has not needed the Xanax much. But, yes, both can cause drowsiness. My wife takes Norco, another drug, in between morphine, if she needs it. We are aware that with these durgs she is not only sleepy but her mind is not a s clear. Right now, we are trying to find the right level of morphine to control the pain without going over. It is a trial and error process. Don
  19. Your dad is terrified of this awful disease and doesn't know how to ask for help (he's male and probably hasn't asked for much help in the past, seeing help as his role). So he strikes out in anger at everything, even those he loves. Bear with him, and try to help where you can. I agree that you need a friend/confidante that you can talk with and get your feelings heard. Sorry you have to go through this. Just know that he loves you, even though he cannot show it right now. It is also coorrect that sometime you just have to do things without asking. I feed my wife every 2 hours during the day to keep down the nausea from her chemo. I never ask if she wants it; I just give it to her. She fortunately has not fought me on it. I also take her out -- I tell her what I have planned and we do it unless she just gets very sick or says strongly, No. Also, when loved ones are on heavy medication, as I suspect your dad is, they don't think through things as clearly. My prayers are with you. Don
  20. Don Wood

    Update on Mom

    Faylene, you and your mom are in my prayers. Don
  21. Love him and encourage him to fight this thing. Ask him what he needs from you. Don
  22. Let's hear it for Renee's mom! Rah! Rah! Rah! Sib boom kick butt!
  23. Mary, vent away! That is what this message board and these great people are for. It does get frustrating at times, and each patient needs an advocate to get them through. Blessings. Don
  24. Honestly, the day-to-day chores and normal daily living are my escape temporarily from the cancer world. They are my relaxation. I look forward to some of the mundane. Don
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