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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Celebration Time

    Oooooooh, Donna! Ooooooh, Donna! Great news!
  2. Don Wood


    Welcome to our board family here. Glad you plugged in. There is a lot of info and support here. Keep us posted. Don
  3. Veronica, anyone with cancer or a caregiver of one with cancer who says they are not depressed, in my bokk, is a liar or in denial. It is like a ton of bricks that keep falling on you. Now that you have stopped chemo, you are probably saying in your mind -- if I'm not fighting it, it might come back! Those of us who have had cancer know that it can always come back, so we can either get on with life or become a basket case. I chose, with my own bout and with my wife's, to chose to get on with it. I hope you will chose to do the same. There is a lot of life yet to be lived == a lot to give and a lot to receive. Blessings to you! Don
  4. My prayers are with you both. Don
  5. Don Wood

    Chemo Done!

    Thanks, everyone, for your encouraging support. Lucie has enjoyed reading all the greetings from yo. We will keep you posted with progress. Don
  6. Don Wood

    Doctor's report

  7. Don Wood

    Follow-up prayers

    Terrie, you have my prayers for a clean bill. Don
  8. Bob, thanks for your cancer bio and congrats on your stable condition. It is good to see someone with a testimonial like yours. My wife has the same cancer and she is 7 months out from diagnosis. Best to you. Don
  9. Don Wood

    Chemo Done!

    Lucie and I went to the onc this morning, and he said we were done with the chemo for now! We are both very happy about that, so Lucie can begin to feel like a normal person again. She had 5 treatments (the last two being very hard on her), and two last November. He wants her to have some x-rays in the next two weeks, so be sure there is nothing new. Then he is considering a maintenance program of Iressa (helps prevent new growth) and Zometa (helps prevent bone mets). Would appreciate hearing from any of you taking either or both of those and what your experience has been. We plan to celebrate this milestone in the rocky road of NSCLC. Thanks for all the support and caring we have been getting from you guys and gals. It is great. Don
  10. Yes, God hears all our prayers, no matter how, where or when we present them. I believe He does answer them all; it is just in His way and His time not necessarily my way and my time. I don't think there can ever be too many prayers. Right, God? Don
  11. Don Wood

    Help...I'm so sad

    Lynn, I am so sorry about your dad, but I think you did the right thing. you both are in my prayers. Don
  12. Don Wood

    Cat scan results

    Alriiiiiiight, David!
  13. Hang tough, Rosanne. We're all in this together. Don
  14. David, thanks for your bio. You have quite a varied life there! Best to you. Don
  15. Don Wood

    Mom's final chemo

    What great news, Marlon! And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Marlon.s Mom! Don
  16. What a lunch! What a guy! Candy, I'm so pleased you and your husband got to experience this. We all need such hope. Don
  17. Linda (the beautiful one), I offer prayers for you and your dad, Matthew. Don
  18. Hi, Rocco! Welcome to our Little gathering here! Look forward to your postings. Don
  19. There is some beautiful, heartfelt sharing here, and I am richer for having been here. Fay, my prayers are with you on Monday. I expect to see you back here soon. Don
  20. Hi, David C! It is possible that your insomnia could be due to a steroid, if you are taking one at the beginning of chemo for nausea. My wife takes one the first two days and she has difficulty sleeping until she stops the steroid. Chemo is known to increase in side effects as you progress. That has happened with Lucie, my wife. She is on her fifth round. Here's wishing you the best and I'm glad you decided to join us. Don
  21. Hi, Linda (the beautiful one in Spanish)! Sorry about your dad. My prayers are with you. Yes, there are a lot of folk here who understand the path you find yourself on now. Please let us know how things are going with your dad and yourself, and how you are feeling. That is what this message board is all about -- support and caring. Blessings. Don
  22. Hi, Cherry! Thanks for bringing us the update and your thoughts and feelings. The protocol looks good. Waiting is the hardest part, I think. My prayers and with you. Don
  23. Here's praying for shrunk tumors. May they completely disappear! Don
  24. Natalie, I agree that you did the right thing. Any doctor who gets defensive about a second opinion is suspect in my book. I had a few choice wourds also with Lucie's radiation oncologist -- it must be something in their training that they lack people skills. Anyway, it is my understanding that once an area is irradiated, it cannot be irradiated again because of damage to the area. Keep up the good work as the advocate and loving daughter. Don
  25. Natalie, I can't speak for brain radiation, but Lucie had three different tumors on bones (mets) that were irradiated for 1 1/2 weeks or 2 weeks, five days a week. She is not terminal any time soon. The radiation was done because those tumors were threatening the integrity of the bone sites. She has two other bone mets that have not received radiation because they were not threatening the bone, and chemo was done, is being done, to take care of the rest. Don
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