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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Bob, congratulations! Inspiring news! Don
  2. Hi, Beth! Welcome ot the message board and this little family here. Please say what you want and ask what you want. I am the Food Nazi in my household. I think every patient needs one because the patient cannot be relied on to eat what they need, especially going through radiation and chemo. So I suggest you get attached to a Food Nazi designate right away! Ha! Blessings. Don
  3. I think one of the worst things about this disease, Tracy, is the waiting -- waiting for the doctor's appointment, waiting for test results, waiting for treatment to start/stop. It is very frustrating. My suggestion is you talk with your mom about your feelings that you have shared here. Maybe you are the one who has to be the focal point of hope and positiveness. Somebody has to do it! I hope you find the support you need there, and we are always here. Blessings. Don
  4. Hi, Cherie! As I am sure you know, your name means "dear one" in Frency, so that is a great start. All of us here are "dear ones", too. Your news sounds positive so far. I hope it continues that way. Welcome to the message board. Don
  5. Julie, sorry about the blood clots -- are you on a blood thinner? Blood clots can be very serious. I am happy to see your cancer is shrinking as a result of your treatments. I wish the best for you. Don
  6. Renee, I am so sorry for your pain. Hospice is good. We had it for Lucie's mom and they helped Lucie as well as her mom. So don't hesitate to ask questions and get support from Hospice. They are there for you as well. And our little group here is here for you ,too. Don
  7. Another aspect -- always be sure the technician or attendant washes the port with heperin after use. It keeps the port from blocking. Don
  8. Way to go, Sam! Celebrate! Don
  9. My wife has a port. Her veins are very hard to find and get an IV into. It stays in as long as needed, I think. It does not hurt or feel uncomfortable unless there is an infection in it. And there is the rub. My wife's first port got infected in the hospital from being used for IV not related to chemo. After she recovered from the infection, the surgeon put another one in on the other side, but cautioned that it should only be used for chemo. We have stuck to that advice and have not had a problem with this one. Good luck. Don
  10. Don Wood


    Sandy, I am dancing around my computer chair in celebration of your good news. Halleluiah! Don
  11. Carleen, what you are experiencing is normal. You are threatening with losing your husband, and that has overturned your life. Your husband has the right idea -- get out and enjoy. Take a lesson from him and do the same. We all, survivors and caregivers, have to carve out part of the life that is "cancer free" and enjoy it. It is the only way we can survive. And maybe, when your husband went off, you resented not having that time with him because you feel there isn't that much. Actually, you both need some time apart, as well as together. I'm pleased for your husband recognizing his needs and acting on them. I am sorry it caused distress for you. Think of constructive ways to find life and live it abundantly. Blessings. Don
  12. Candy, that is great news! Nothing motivates like wanting to do something one enjoys. And to share that with his son is even better. Lucie tries to go to the church bazaar workshops every Wednesday, because she loves the craft-making. I at first was leery, but she is so energized before and after, I know it is good for her. So I support her efforts in that direction. All the survivors need goals, things to work towards and to feel accomplishment for. Great news. Don
  13. Don Wood

    Happy Weekend

    I'm glad you had this good time and I know you are very proud of your daughter. Blessings. Don
  14. Don Wood

    What a day!

    What a sunny day! I'm so glad to hear it. Prayers for many more. Don
  15. Ni, so sorry to hear the news of your dad -- the seizures and the brain scan. My prayers are with you. Don
  16. Laurie, that is terrific! Have a blast! As for your ex, you need to stop giving him the power to ruin your plans with your family. I guess it is called, "getting over him and moving on". My son has the same problem with his ex, and it causes all sorts of grief with the whole family. I pray you the power to move on. Don
  17. Don Wood


    Niki, welcome to the message board. It is not too late, as Katie said, to get to know your grandfather better. I bet he would like that a lot. Write, call, E-mail. Ask him questions about his life that you are curious about. Ask him what you can do for him. Remember some times together even if they are vague. Blessings. Don
  18. Don Wood

    Good scans; but

    Bob, it sounds like good news to me. I wish you well in the tests ahead. Don
  19. Tom, welcome to the group. Please keep connected - vent whenever you need to - share whenever you want to - ask your questions. There is much info and support here. Don
  20. Our experience with hospice (Lucie's mother and my brother( was very good in both cases. We found they give support to the immediate family as well as the patient.
  21. Shari, maybe your dad would come around to treatment if he understood the benefits vs the side effects of the treatment. The doctor should present that to him, so he can make an educated rather than an emotional decision. Ultimately, your dad has the right to chose his own path, as hard as that may be. Right now, he needs your love and support. Perhaps with that, he will think more clearly about it all in the near future. Right now, he is very scared and feeling depressed. My prayers are with you and your family. Don
  22. Laura, my wife also has nsclc, with bone mets. She had to undergo radiation on three of the five locations because of endangerment to the bone area. She started chemo shortly after starting radiation. Do continue to ask questions and push for satisfactory answers. Do keep pushing the doctors and the system for the best treatment for your mom. Every patient needs an assertive advocate for them, since they are frequently too tired, too drugged, too sick to fight for themselves. Also, continue to give your parents all the support you can, realizing that we all have limitations on that and need help and breaks ourselves. My prayers are with you. Don
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