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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. May the good news continue to roll!!
  2. Hi, Michelle. My wife had radiation on her upper spine in November, and lost her voice. It was a direct result of the radiation treatment. She had improved with time, but she still has periods of raspiness and finding it hard to swallow. We have gone to an ear/nose/throat doc and he could see nothing with scope. We intend to go to a gasto doc at some point to see if he might suggest something to improve her swallowing. In meantime, when she is in those periods of difficulty, we fall back to liquids and mushy foods. Don
  3. Dave, your new picture is great! I think you should consider keeping the present hair style! Don
  4. Single Mom, I would look into taking something like Nexium for the acid reflux. Ask your onc. My wife was suffering with acid reflux, brought on by the treatments, and she has had no problem with that since going on Nexium. I believe pain, burping, nausea are all tied in together. You should ask your onc. to try other pain medications until you find one that works for you. Good luck, and keep in touch here. Don
  5. Didn't I just see this elsewhere? Oh, what the heck! Celebrate!!!
  6. Renee, so sorry at your lose of your mother. That is so hard. I am glad she passed peacefully. You've been a good daughter. Hang in there with us and let us help where we can in our love and support. Don
  7. On the second doctor, the one you were just checking out -- run for the nearest door and never look back. He's a jerk.
  8. Don Wood


    Lenny, glad to hear there were no surprises. They can be depressing. Keep us posted on your progress. Don
  9. I would certainly fire him! If he hasn't seen survivors of lung cancer IIIB, then he must have a small sphere of experience! Fight on, Veronica! Don
  10. Alriiiiiiiiight, Estelle! A chemo school graduate! Go out and celebrate! Don
  11. Lainy, so sad to hear you have lost your dad, and so quickly. Please stay with us as you go through the grieving process, and let us help where we can. Hold on to the memories and write them down for future reminding. He is at peace. Don
  12. Candy, yes, I think you are being quite generous today. I agree that we should try and not be judgmental, and to forgive, and I try tp practice that. But when a person doesn't even send a card, an E-mail or just let one know they are thinking about you, I think that is pretty sad. Those people really just don't get it. It is all about loving each other and showing it. That is my stance. I am not so charitable as you are today, my lady. I would rather have one friend that sticks with me than a roomful of people sitting on their --er, thumbs. I don't even have time to feel sorry for them. I just pray one day they will wake up to life. I have lived long enough to see many instances where "friends" have abandoned someone who is seriously ill because they were "uncomfortable" or "that's how they deal with it". They don't want their little dream world shattered with such ugliness as we sick people. Anyways, there is no one like that here, thank God. You people are great. And Lucie and I are so blessed to have many family and friends who do care and show it in so many ways. I guess you struck a chord there in me, Candy. Blessings. Don
  13. Surgery went fine, Mainecoon. I spent one night in the hospital and came home Wednesday, just as feisty as ever! Of course, I am on antibiotics and pain med, and sore in the lower parts, but this, too, shall pass. Thanks for asking. Don
  14. Don Wood

    Another Scare

    Well, folks, after having a good PET scan a few weeks ago, Lucie started having great pain in her right hip (this would be a new place, since the bone met on her hip is the left one). It gave us quite a scare, because if this was a new met, then it would indicate the cancer grew despite the chemo treatment. Well, the onc had us get x-rays of the right hip and the ribs (there was an uncertainty about the ribs, too). Lucie went today to have the scans done and the onc called us this afternoon! All clear! This does not answer why she is having pain on the right hip, but it is not due to tumor or stress fracture. Whew! Thanks for all your prayers, caring and support, guys and gals. It really helps us a lot. Don
  15. Don Wood


    The Duke of Earl marches on! Great news, guys! Don
  16. Carol, welcome to the message board and a great little support family. I hope you will find much support here. Don
  17. Ronna, welcome to the greatest message board in the world. May you receive lots of support and info here. Sounds like you have a great support system there, too. Keep us posted. Don
  18. Becky, your daughter sounds like a gift from heaven and she can help you get through this. We are here to help, too. Lots of info and support here. Don
  19. Steve, you've come to the right place. Lots of info and support here, and we're all in this rocky journey together, either as patients or as caregivers. Yes, your world is turned upside down. Cancer does that. It's the pits, but you can get through this, with support. Rely on your good friends and on us here. Hang in there, buddy. Don
  20. Anais, sorry about your mom. My wife was not a smoker either. Glad you joined us. You can get a lot of info and support here. Don
  21. Alyse, so sorry to hear the cancer was not affected by the Iressa. My prayers are with you both that you find some treatment that does work.Don
  22. Well, Lucie and I are definitely closer. We thought we were pretty close as a couple, but we are closer now because of this cancer experience. And I think we are closer to the three kids. I think it can go either way -- bring you together in love, or split you apart in anger. And I believe it can go from one to the other. Those "friends" who can't handle the cancer have disappeared from our life. And then we have been surprised by the loving actions of others, with tangible support. Cancer is a family disease and affects each one in the family. How each chooses to handle it can make the difference in getting closer or going farther apart. My wife is an only child and her parents are no longer living. But a first cousin of hers visited us about a month ago and thanks ME for taking such good care of her. That is the stuff of which binds a family in love. Don
  23. Hang in there, mainecoon. I think you are right -- a lot of depression and anger there, and rightfully so. "Why me?" The age old question with no satisfactory answer. Just keep loving her and you will know what you need to do for her on this rocky road of lung cancer. It's tough enough fighting the beast, but doubly tough when you have to fight her too. May you find the love and support you need to keep hanging in there. Don
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