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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. KerryToo, you're are not selfish to vent your true feelings. You are very caring indeed. Blessings. Don
  2. Don Wood

    clean scan

    Hurrah for Marie!!! I'll drink to that! Don
  3. Kerrytoo, I am so sorry you have to endure so much. Know that there is much caring and support here. Vent anytime you want. You have a right to be angry -- just work it out so it doesn't do physical damage to your body. As for God not giving us more than we can handle, I personally think that is a mistaken interpretation of the scripture. I think the central idea is that God will be there and give us His steength no matter what we face. He does understand our pain, depression, etc. and He wants us to reach a better place in our lives. In our weakness is His strength. My two cents. Don
  4. Sam. pne year sounds great to me! I expect you to have many more. Celebrate! Don
  5. I'm hoping the best for you both. Don
  6. Yes, my wife, Lucie, has had trouble swallowing after each chemo and formerly during radiation. I agree with Judy that cold liquids seemed to be the best for her. At those times, we have used Ensure, Boost, CrystalLite, milkshakes -- liquids such as that. Also, soft things like yogurt seemed to be okay. Good luck. Don
  7. There's some deep stuff there, Mainecoon. Appreciate you sharing your thoughts. I think, as a rule, the patient is more accepting od death than the loved ones around them. There are exceptions, of course. Ultimately, it is the wishes of the patient that should be honored, as painful as it may be for the loved ones sometimes. I am a Christian, but I do agree with you that we should not fear death because this life is not all there is. Thanks. Don
  8. Don Wood

    prayers needed

    Fay, my prayers are with yo and your mom. Don
  9. Don Wood

    Prayer Request

    You got it! Don
  10. I ditto Carleen's message. Nothing natural or artificial put in the body, except maybe water, has all good effects. All have some side effects, especially possible interaction with other meds, etc. I say this as a retired research chemist. I am real anxious when people take stuff without knowing the full effect of them. I have also been to presentations where the speakers talk about interactions. For instance, grapefruit negates some heart medicines. So do find out the total story on these things, and don't rely on the person selling it to you to be unbiased. Don
  11. I agree with getting a second opinion. I am not much for waiting around when it comes to cancer, either for myself or a loved one. I think the hardest time is between diagnosis for cancer and starting the treatment. Get going! Don
  12. I believe there is an old-time song called, "Janine, I Dream of Lilac Time". Yep, Janine rocks! Don
  13. Fresca, my wife is on taxotere and carboplatin. The treatment is shrinking her cancer. She has had 4 treatments, once every three weeks. She probably will have at least one more. There are many side effects -- nausea, thrush (mouth fungus), fatigue, hair loss, attack of toe ends and toenails/finger ends and fingernails. It varies with each person. I figure if it is working against the cancer and is strong enough to do that, it will also do many of these things as well. It also can cause dehydration so plenty of liquids need to be taken in each day. Good luck. Don
  14. Fresca, my wife was diagnosed in October, so she is 7 months out. She is presently undegoing chemo after a radiation/chemo combo earlier. At this point, we are winning. So, yes, there is always hope. Hang in there. You sould like a good support for your mother. Don
  15. Marsha, Marsha! GREAT NEWS![/color] CELEBRATE![/color] Don
  16. Ada, sorry the news wasn't what you wanted and I pray whatever exists in the cancer world of yours will soon be taken care of. Don
  17. Janine = what a beautiful name! I'm glad you told us. Don
  18. Chococat, does the handle mean you like chocolate a lot? My wife is a chocoholic! She has NSCLC, Stage IV, with bone mets, diag. last October. She has gone through chemo/radiation and now chemo. So far, so good. You and your daughters can be a source of strength, comfort, love and joy to your mom through this. Best to you all. Don
  19. Natalie, sounds like you are a good daughter and a good advocate for your mom. She is lucky to have you there. You, too, need emotional support so reach out and get it. I am my wife's primary caregiver, and although I get support from my daughter, I need the emotional support of a friend, and I am lucky to have a great one. Blessings in your journey. Don
  20. Ali, sorry about your dad. My wife did not have the surgery because the main tumor moved to her upper spine. She has bone mets (5 discovered so far). But she did have radiation on three of the mets and has taken chemo similar to your dad. It sounds like a good program for your dad. We will know this week if my wife needs more chemo. Best to you and your dad. Don
  21. Don Wood

    Hair Loss

    As soon as Lucie's hair started coming out, she had a friend shave it clean. That way, it was one trauma and not a succession of traumas. Since Lucie's fingertips and toes hurt, I imagine the chemo can cause ache anywhere. Don
  22. From Lucie's experience with chemo, and what others have told us, it generally gets worse with each treatment. What keeps us going is the knowledge that is attacking the monster and putting it down. It takes a lot of strength and support to be a caregiver for a loved one and watch them go through this. We do need to be strong and positive for them. Good luck and blessings. Don
  23. Don't overlook that chemo and/or medications may contribute. Sometimes the nerves are affected. Don
  24. Don Wood

    Good Scan Results

    Candy is dandy! C E L E B R A T E !
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