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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Fight, Sam, fight, fight, fight! Yeah, Sam! Kill the beast! Don
  2. Hi, Gail. I agree that one should try to expedite tests so the proper treatment can be started soon. Personally, it irks me when one doctor bad mouths the work of another, and particularly when that was two years ago. Procedures improve with time. My daughter had the full incision for her gall bladder removal and a few years later, I just had 4 poked holes to remove mine. Also, when I went to the seed oncologist for my second bout with prostate cancer, he said that they got a lot of repeats where the external beam radiation had failed. I said, "I don't consider it a failure because it gave me 6 years while you guys perfected the seeding". There is no point in downing another in this case. Your dad got two years before the return. Well, I'm off my soapbox now. Gail, best to you and your dad. Don
  3. Don Wood

    Low Blood Count

    HeHe - Ada, I wish I'd said that!
  4. Gail, God was a passenger in your car. He saved you both from the idiot in the truck. And he saved the idiot as well. I'm glad God is in charge. Sometimes we are saved when we deserve it and sometimes we are saved when we don't. Glad you're still here and we don't have to read a bad report about you here. Love and hugs. Don
  5. Rayroy, you have my prayers and support. You are doing a great job of caregiving. Don
  6. Thanks to all of you for your love and support. It is much felt. We did have a good dinner together -- she had pizza and I had ziti. We are going to meet my daughter tonight for another dinner out. I just try to get her out as much as I can because it is physically good and also emotionally good. Take care, my good friends. Don
  7. Allriiiiiiiiiight, Sandy! I am so pleased. Don
  8. Don Wood

    Low Blood Count

    Dave, you're a mess! No matter what, you make that golf scene! Itis much like Lucie always making her church bazaar workshops every Wednesday, no matter how she feels or what is going on that week. You guys need something like that to keep looking forward to and to keep you active. Chuckle. Don
  9. I'm sure you all know I made a typo and meant MRI instead of NRI in my post.
  10. The general category is so vast that I thought I would post here. Lucie has been having severe pain in her lower right hip. This is a new place so we have been concerned. A visit to the neurologist revealed it might be a pinched nerve from her compensating for the bone met on the left. The left hip met has been treated successfully with radiation and chemo. Anyway, the neurologist recommended a muscle relaxant and physical therapy. We paid a visit to the physical therapist and are waiting for a schedule to set up. The neurologist also recommended an MRI of the lower spine, which showed nothing. The oncologist ordered right hip and total bone scans which were inconclusive. So he ordered an NRI of the sacro-ilial area on the right side which was done today. He called back this evening and said there is a lesion on the bottom of the right hip. He said this could well be the source of her pain and recommended radiation on the spot. We will follow through with that. So the bad news is Lucie has another met. The good news is we have an explanation for the pain and a way of alleviate it. We will see the oncologist next week about Zometa/Iressa program as well. We are still optimistic, since the radiation and chemo seem to have taken care of the original five bone mets. We decideed to go out to dinner tonight and enjoy ourselves and to have a great weekend. Don
  11. Hi, Jennifer! Welcome to this great family of people here. Sorry about your mom, and your dad. Please feel free to ask the questions and vent the feelings. That is what this place is for. You, as you have seen, will get a lot of support and hope. Blessings. Don
  12. I'm glad the visit seemed to help you both. Don
  13. Ginny and Earl, great news. I hope you have a great summer. Don
  14. Wow, Gail! Congratulations to you both on your 20th anniversary. That is a milestone well needing a big celebration. You two have a great time in California. I'm glad you are treating yourselves that way. "California, here they come!" Don
  15. Lenny, my prayers are with you also. Don
  16. Sophia, my prayers are with out and your family. Don
  17. Junior, so sorry for this turn of events. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Don
  18. Shordy, my prayers are with you and your family. This is hard news. Don
  19. Janie, it usually takes a few days for the chemo to kick in, so the day of chemo and the next would probably be fine for bringing food. As has been said, forget the numbers. They only comfort the doctors in their prognosis. Don
  20. Lenny, here's wishing you a great visit with the onc. Don
  21. Junior, my prayers are with you and your dad. Don
  22. Don Wood

    Prayers Please

    Rana, when one member of the family has cancer, the whole family has cancer. So vent already! It's okay! You have a lot on your plate. I pray you the strength to learn what you can do and do it, and what you can't do and let it go. Much love and support here. Don
  23. Yes, unfortunately, many cancers do not reveal themselves with symptoms until they have moved from the original site. My wife was diagnosed Stage IV last October. Don
  24. Hi, Gina! Welcome and glad to hear your good news. There's lots of caring, support and info here. Keep in touch. Don
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