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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Good Check up

    Great news, Bob! Celebrate! Don
  2. Shelly, hang in there! I think it is good to let your mom see where you are emotionally. She needs all the info she can get to make her decisions. I think also you might want to take an anti-depressant. Ask you doctor. Blessings. Don
  3. Bonnie (Pretty One)j, welcome to our family here. Thee is much support, caring and info. Just let us know what you need. There are many surviviors of LC represented here, so keep the faith, keep hope. Don
  4. What interests (or did interest) your mother? My wife loves sewing and I find when she can do a little sewing and when she goes to the chruch bazaar workshops where they are making things, it perks her up. Share the good times, share family doings. Try to get her focused on something else now and again. We use the past to remember the good times and the future to point toward hope. Maybe you all could plan something she could look forward to. My prayers are with you. Don
  5. Great news, Mainecoon! Keep on truckin'! Don
  6. Candy and Hugh, that is very good news. I'm happy for you two. Enjoy! Your acquaintance is like a lot of the general public -- they believe metastasized cancer is an immediate death sentence.. Unfortunately, they are out there all around and we can't escape them unless we go live in a cave or something. We usually set them straight with the truth -- for them to believe or not. Celebrate your good news. Don
  7. Cindy, welcome back! You've been missed and it is good to see you posting again. Don
  8. Don Wood

    First Time

    Welcome, Lori. I'm glad you have joined us. It's great to have you and Lenny here. Keep us posted. D0n
  9. Unfortunately, our society is such that one does get labeled "the one with cancer" and they automatically think your days are numbered. I am an 8-year prostate cancer survivor and I still get the "are you okay?", "Are you feeling alright?", even though I never felt sick. I was tired from the radiation but that was pretty much it. Of course, this is most of our society, who have not been touched by cancer. I don't know what the "cure" is for these comments. Hang in there, Cheryl. Don
  10. Usually one qualifies for Medicare when one reaches 65. Medicaid is for someone who is essentially destitute, and I think one can qualify for that at any age, if one are out of funds. Don
  11. Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' on the river of good news!
  12. Christina, my prayers are with you and Chris. Don
  13. Marsha! Marsha! Marsha! Great news! Do celebrate! Don
  14. Your great attitude will take you far, Lenny. Don
  15. Shelly, this is a toughie. We, the caregivers, really have no idea what the survivor is going through unless we have been there ourselves. Yes, we relate more than anyone, but we still can't know the fatigue,the constant pain, the nausea, etc. Therefore, we really walk a fine line between honoring the survivor's wishes and providing alternatives and hope. Lucie goes in and out emotionally, and she is very, very tired of being in pain, being dog tired, not being able to do the things she once did routinely, etc. I constantly have to work with her feeling like she does not want to endure this any longer. I really ache for her, and I wish there was something I could do to ease all this. I do know (because she has told me) that she would have given up before now if it weren't for my constant hope, support and love, and pushing her to do and to be. As I said, it is a real toughie. My prayers are with you. Don
  16. Best to you, Wenna. Keep plugged in here for support as you go through your treatments. Don
  17. Carleen and Keith, so glad you too a break. You both need that from time to time. Blessings. Don
  18. Tracy, my prayers are with you and your dad. Don
  19. Shannon & Mike, my prayers continue to be with you. Don
  20. Estelle, you DID win a battle! Congratulations! Now you need to celebrate in your own special way. Great news! Don
  21. Kathy, Lucie had her last chemo treatment 5 weeks ago, and she still has some symptoms from it. I think it takes a while to completely deplete from the body. Don
  22. Don Wood

    Tim is Home

    Happy birthday, Annie! Yep, there's no gift like a healing spouse. Give Tim my regards and wishes for a speedy recovery. I am so glad the hospital stay, even with the bumps, was a good one. The view sounds spectacular. Know that you are much loved here, both of you. Don
  23. Don Wood

    Hi everyone

    Jay, thanks so much for making the effort to come back and greet us and give us an update on you. You have been sorely missed. There is a lot of love and support here for you. My heart aches at all you have had to go through this past year, and at so young an age. I lost both my parents when I was in my early twenties, so I know that pain. I just decided to make them proud by being the best Don I could be, even in their absence. I have many good memories of them, and although the pain never goes completely away, time does heal. Do take care of yourself and continue to grow in mind, body and spirit. It is a gift you can give your mother. Much love, Don
  24. A survivor you are, Pepper! Celebrate! Don
  25. Linda, so glad to hear the good news of your mom. You say she is 71 like that is old! He! He! From my perspective, that is not old at all. I'm glad she's such a fighter. And you are a great support for her. Don
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