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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Tracy, definitely have your dad take the pain pill one to two hours before he goes for the radiation. Lucie had pain from lying on the apparatus, and taking a pain pill beforehand helped her a lot. Blessings. Don
  2. Christina, I am not sure but I think I get from your note that your husband is in the hospital? My thought is, if at all possible, get him home. Does he need to be in the hospital for something he can't get at home? My personal opinion is you stay in the hospital just long enough to get what you need, and then you go home to familiar and lovng surroundings.. I think a home atmosphere is much more conducive to feeling well and he may then want to try more movement, doing small things, etc. If he is really in very bad shape, I would go with Hospice. It is a wonderful organization. And some people have actually gotten well under Hospice! Good luck and God's blessings. Don
  3. Linda, my prayers are with you and your dad. Don
  4. Berisa, your dad is going through a lot and, yes, it will affect his emotions. It is a roller coaster ride, this disease. A combination of the disease, chemo and medications can cause big mood swings. Have patience with him. He is used to being the provider and now he has to be the receiver -- very hard. Show him your constant love and forgive him his temper and mistakes. I would not argue with him if it upsets him. Try to be loving and firm, but back off when he gets riled. Blessings to you and the family. Don
  5. Great picture! So good to "see" you all. Don
  6. You might ask your onc about Zometa, which strengthens bones and helps prevent further tumor attachment. Lucie is on that right now. Don
  7. Lucie's whole body was swollen after the last chemo. She was put on 20mg Lasix but it was not until it was increased to 40mg that it began to work. She lost all the excess weight from the swelling. So maybe the dosage needs to be increased. Don
  8. Don Wood

    CT results

    Cindy, you are an inspiration for us all! You are in my prayers as well. Don
  9. Thanks, everyone! It was great for you to join in on our celebration. We went out to dinner tonight at a local Chinese restaurant and had a great time. I went and got a dozen Circus roses for her (yellow roses with red tips). She is getting better and we are both happy about that. We married 44 years ago, three weeks after Lucie graduated from college. That was a busy month that year! Here's to many more anniversaries. Don
  10. Don Wood

    OUR friend...

    kathy, thanks for sharing the obit on Mike. It gave us more info on a great guy. Don
  11. Karma's Mom, glad to meet you, and so sorry you have lost your husband. I have lost both parents and both siblings over the years, and it takes a while to get over the grief. One does heal, but there is always a scar. Reviewing the memories from time to time has helped them stay alive for me as I go on. Blessings. Don
  12. y prayers are with you, Cathy. Don
  13. Sharyn, weddings are happy times for the family and this one seems to be coming at the right time. So glad your dad is doing so well. Enjoy the summer and all the excitement and festivities. Don
  14. Alriiiiiiiiiight, Anais! Wonderful news. Don
  15. Ada, my prayers are with you and the surgeon on your surgery. And I'm glad to hear you are feeling well after all the treatments. Encouraging for the rest of us. Blessings. Don
  16. Don Wood

    New Jay

    Jay, always tell your doctor of other symptoms, like asthma, because the chemo can aggrevate them. My wife, Lucie, has asthma, allergies and a tremor in her hands, all of which are controlled by medication, but the chemo seemed to cancel the other meds and she suffered more from these other problems during chemo. Don
  17. Carleen, I missed you and am so glad you're back. Anytime you get a "stable" or "no change", even though you want positive progress, this si a good thing because it bides you time to find something else. When Lucie and I went through lay chaplaincy training, one of the modules was "Taking Care of the Caregiver" and they were very strong on a caregiver taking care of themselves foremost so they would be in physical, mental and emotional shape to be of help. The image the speaker gave us I will never forget. He said the heart pumps blood to itself first in order to be healthy enough to pump blood to the whole rest of the body. Wow! That image has stuck with me, and I am so happy the past few weeks that I have been able to get to the gym at least once a week and keep up my physical strength. I also have a lay minister I visit with once a week to get my spiritual and emotional charge. So whatever meds and other things, including breaks, that you need to do for yourself, go therefore and do! Blessings. Don
  18. Bob, congratulations on your new grandson. That has to be a big highlight in your life, that all went well. I am not sure what your digestive problem is -- if it is connected with acid reflux, something like Nexium might help. It helped Lucie through her chemo. Hope you find something that works soon. Don
  19. Super news, Gina! Keep on keepin' on! Don
  20. Hi, Guys and Gals! Tomorrow (June 27) is the 44th wedding anniversary of Don and Lucie Wood. Help us celebrate by adding your good wishes here, and I'll print them out for Lucie. Like others here, I expect to see the 50th with her. Don
  21. Beautiful expressions, Steve. I think Cherry is one lucky gal. I wish you both all the best and that the road of LC will not be too traumatic for your both. Keep in touch. Don
  22. Hi, Helen! Welcome to the "Board" and our lillte family here. Support you can get here -- just ask away. Blessings. Don
  23. KerryToo -- Woo! Woo! Woo! Wonderful news. I'll drink to that! Don
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