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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Stacie, thanks for letting us know. It is sad to lose a special one in one's life and my thoughts and prayers are with you as you grieve and begin to heal. God's blessings. Don
  2. Cynthia, sounds like things are turning around for the better. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery. Keep us posted. Don
  3. David is my hero! Go, David! Don
  4. Joanie, time is in your favor. Anytime you get another year or weveral years, much can happen in the way of treatment. We should all rejoiice at the gift of time. 2-3 years can be an eternity. Having said that, you know the lecture -- numbers are only statistics for a certain period, which will change with time, but also each individual is on their own course. Sorry about the "friends". Cultivate new ones! There are plenty of responsive people out there. You deserve it. Blessings. Don
  5. Don Wood

    Brain Scan

    Tracy, so sorry your dad is having these problems. I pray for better times ahead. It is time to give your parents more attention. I told my son when Lucie was in the hospital that I was not as strong as he thought I was, and that the kids would have to be the caregivers now. The three of them have been very supportive, each in their own way. Family together is a blessing. Keep us posted. Don
  6. Christina, I am saddened at your loss. May God be evident through your grief and healing. Please keep in touch and let us support you. Don
  7. You people are terrific! Thanks for all your good wishes and support. Yes, it will be a great weekend. It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day! Don
  8. Rosanne and Gianna, I am saddened by the passing of Gianni. It is like losing an old friend. Thanks, Gianna, for letting us know. Rosanne, please stay with us and keep us posted. I am so glad the family is all together. Blessings to you all in the grief and healing stages. Don
  9. Hi, Sam. Lucie had about 6 rounds of chemo like yours. She went every three weeks, and usually the third week was fine, except for the last two times, when she didn't get the nice third week at all. She finished in May and is doing pretty well. Don
  10. My wife is going on Iressa as a maintenance med soon. We do not know much about it, except that you can get a rash as a side effect. We are told in some cases that it helps prevent new tumors. Don
  11. Don Wood

    Cought a cold

    Jay, if you have a fever, you should let the doctor know right away. Infections are dangerous when you are having chemo and the immune system is suppressed. My best to you. Hang in there, buddy. Don
  12. Hey, hey, hey! Your thoughts and prayers are working, folks! Thanks so very much! We feel much loved and cared for. The beautiful onc called today (yes, he is a beautiful person!) and said: (1) The MRI of the upper left thigh shows no tumors! It is a littile inflammed and he is putting her on a steroid for a few days. Lucie told me today that the pain there was receding some. Halleluiah! (2) The X-ray that the pulmonologist ordered -- he has seen it and there is nothing there to be concerned about at this time. Halleluuiah! (3) He has gotten Iressa approved for Lucie and we should be getting it any day now to start her maintenance program. Halleluiah! (4) He has approved physical therapy twice a week for about 4 weeks to get her heck and shoulders in shape, and he is also going to add getting her left leg to bend more so she can put on her sock. We went today to physical therapy for the evaluation session, all that paper work and clearance from the insurance. Halleluiah! Is today a good day or what?! Am I ecstatic or what?! God is good. Don
  13. Boy, only eight years old and he already is a charmer with the ladies! Ha! Don
  14. Don Wood

    Intensive Care

    Rana, you got it! Don
  15. Sounds like good news to me. Don
  16. Carleen, your were right to drop the non-counselor. What a jerk! I hope you can find someone you can talk with, even if it is just 30 min. Each patient is different and the spouse usually knows what the patient needs and what will work at any given time, so trust your instincts with Keith. Keep the faith, keep hope, and definitely get continued support and care here. Don
  17. Connie, thanks for the update on your mom. It sounds like she is in a peaceful place now. So glad your daughter got to be with her. Good for them both, and you. My prayers are with you all. Don
  18. Rayroy, I think you guys are doing the right thing for your dad. Hang in there! Don
  19. Christina, so saddened by this turn of events. Do what you think is best for both of you. My prayers are with you. Don
  20. Roseanne, so sorry to hear the news. You have made Gianni so real to us -- he is like a good friend, as are you. My prayers are with you all. Don
  21. Welcome, Bengel. You are indeed blessed that the cancer was found so early. Good to see a 2-year survivor. Don
  22. Thanks, Cindy. That is some story and i love it. The best definition I have come across for "faith" is "a journey without a map". We do not have the whole map, but God does, and we need the faith to let Him do the driving. Blessings. Don
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