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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Tracy, wonderful news! Another person with a clear brain! Don
  2. Don Wood

    heebie geebies

    Terrie, praying for good news. Have a great trip. Don
  3. Sounds like a super great day with your mom! It's to cherish. Don
  4. Kelpie, what a great testimonial for us all on your mom! Thanks for sharing her story, and please keep connected. Don
  5. Greetings, June, from a fellow Houstonian! This is an excellent place for info and support. My wife is 9 months out from her diagnosis of NSCLC, Stage IV, and is doing fine at this point, after chemo and radiation treatments. Keep us posted on your dad and yourself. Don
  6. Thanks, Janine. Don
  7. Shordy, so sorry your dad is getting worse. I know several people who have planned their own funeral -- I think it is a great idea if one wants to do that. Mine is all written out in a book -- I really need to update it. My sister died in 1993 and so did my mother-in-law. I spoke at both funerals. I did not know either time if I could get through it, but I wanted to try, and I did fine. And now I'm glad I did. My prayers are with you all. Don
  8. Rana, beautiful post. Don
  9. Well, another bump in the road for us. Lucie started having severe headaches this week, which Tylenol Extra Strength wouldn't touch. The Norco she takes for breakthrough pain helps some. We called the onc and he has ordered an MRI for the brain, which she will have done on Friday morning. We are praying it is not another tumor. The onc also is prescribing a steroid for her to take. The headaches actually started before she started on Iressa, so we don't think that is the cause. We are still looking for that flat part in the road. I am scheduled for outpatient surgery on Wednesday to remove the scar tissue that is preventing my artificial sphincter from working. We need your prayers. Don
  10. As I have said many times to my wife (and others), don't borrow trouble until it comes to visit on its own. Don
  11. Sorry, FAy. I typoed your name above.
  12. Hi, Michelle. My wife started Iressa last Thursday, so we don't have much to tell yet. My impression is that it is an on-going medication, but I am not sure. We have a three-month supply, and then we would have to get a renewal. There is a website on this that Kay sent me. I will try to send it to you. Don
  13. Carol, so sorry things hve gotten so worse. My prayers are with you and Gene. Don
  14. Thanks, Shannon, for that beautiful testimonial. Have a great time in the Rockies. Don
  15. Fay, thanks for the tip on ACOR website for Iressa. I went there and posted (you have to register first) and we will see what they have to say. Thanks again. Don
  16. Great news, Inviola! May it continue. Don
  17. Don Wood


    Jay, I think the worst thing to do if you are depressed is yo do nothing. I think the inactivity causes you to focus on the depression and it just gets deeper. I think when you feel depressed, you should do something physically active. Do you have an exercise program or can you just go for a walk? Also, focusing on other people instead of yourself is usually helpful. Get interested in someone else's activities, or do some charity work. Good luck with your therapist. Don
  18. Kathy, it could very well be the Zometa. Lucie's first IV of Zometa was followed the next day by being sick. She is scheduled for her second IV this coming week, so we will see if her body has adjusted or not. Don
  19. I, too, would like Shelly and Jay to stay around. I think we can help each toher. Don
  20. Kelly, terrific news! You ahd your dad have a ball! Ha! Don
  21. Shelly, I am truly sorry for what your mom and you are going through. I just hope peace will come to both of you in whatever form that will be. Jay, you are in a lot of pain, and rightfully so. I hope you find peace also, however it may show itself. Don
  22. Hi, guys and gals! I decided to tag on this run instead of starting a new topic. Lucie started Iressa on Thursday. We have noticed two things since then: (1) she has become nauseated without warning and thrown up after eating a meal -- both Friday night, and again at lunch today. (2) she has been having sinus problems but the headaches have become more intense in the last few days. Do either of these sound like the Iressa could be the culprit? Thanks. Don
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