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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Good news, Kathy! If Tim has bone mets, you might want to ask the onc about Zometa, which is a once=a-month IV that helps bone strength and works to keep bone mets from forming. Don
  2. Judy, glad to hear a good checkup, but sorry you are having back pain. I hope you find something soon that works on the pain. Don
  3. My prayers are with you, Rana. Take your time. Don
  4. Kathy, please feel free to vent anytime you need to. No apologies needed. You know we understand, and we each have our own turn in our own way. I am very fortunate to have quite a support system, so I cannot imagine what it is like not to have that. It makes things so much tougher. So use this board however you need and keep us reminded that this is your primary, only source of support. We tend to forget in our own hustle and bustle. You're a super caregiver. Blessings. Don
  5. Welcome, Shirley! I am Lucie's no. 1 fan! It is difficult being the primary care giver and an awesome task, but we have the info and support here, and the support of those around us. We are definitely not alone in this battle. Lucie and I are looking for that smooth place in the road after 8 months of bumpy, up and down traveling. Let us know what is going on with you and Randy (incidentally, that is my younger son's name). Don
  6. Great piece, Laurie. I love it. Thanks. It reminds me of my sister, Gloria. Lucie and I took her with us on a trip to the Canadian Rockies in 1992. She had severe heart problems but the doctor let her go because he thought it would be good for her spirits. She was a delight to the trip. One day we had the option to go rafting or to stay in the lodge. There were two women on the trip who said they wouldn't be going on the raft because of various health reasons. My sister said, "Honey, you are going to have those pains and problems whether you sit here in the lodge or go out on the raft, so why not go and enjoy?" And they did -- and had a great time. I loved my sister's philosophy of life. She died the next year, peacefully in her sleep. I'm glad we planned and had the "picnic". Don
  7. Shelly, I frequently get angry and sometimes at God. I see nothing wrong with letting Him know how you feel. He's a big guy -- He can take it. I think people were just expressing their own beliefs, which get very tested in the kind of journey we are all on. I was mad at God this past weekend, and I told Him so -- also, like a child, I didn't go to church because I didn't feel like it. I am over it now, because God and the many great people He has put in my life love me anyway. So please don't be hard on yourself for expressing how you feel -- that is healthy in my book. Morphine does make one hallucinate. Lucie is on morphine and we give her enough to manage the pain, but not too much to put her out of her head -- that is very tricky. Having said that, I do believe in a hereafter and I do think God uses angels to guide us -- some we knew and some we don't know. Hang in there, Shelly. You are not alone in your anger, and we need to work it out in our way so we can continue being productive and supportive to the loved one with cancer. We are enduring a lot, and it takes a lot of love and support and taking care of ourselves, with God's help, so we can endure. Best to you. Don
  8. Don Wood

    To my mom

    Beautiful, Rana.
  9. Hang in there, Norme. Sounds like a good plan moving forward. Don
  10. Don Wood


    Thanks, Ada. You said it well. Don
  11. Our onc says that weight loss can be very significant and should be noted. I have insisted during chemo and radiation treatments that my wife drink plenty fluids and eat soft foods. You can run the risk of dehydration and/or infection if you don't get enough fluids and nourishment, regardless of how it tastes. My wife called me the "food Nazi" because I wouldn't let her get away with it, even when she couldn't swallow well or like the taste. Your mom needs a "food and liquid Nazi" to help her through this time. The mouth thrush is common with chemo. Glad it had cleared up. Have a good trip. Let us know how things are going. Don
  12. Sounds super, Shordy. You are very creative and a very loving daughter. Don
  13. David, have a great day and, yes, do call the onc. Don
  14. Pama, this is a dreadful situation for you and your sister. One should not have to endure so much. My prayers are with you, especially that the lung cancer is taken care of. Don
  15. U. S. News & World Report's latest issue puts them no. 1 for cancer centers. I live in Houston, but so far we have not dealt directly with them. Our onc was trained there and is an associate, so he uses a lot of their protocols. Good luck. Don
  16. Michelle, so sorry for this bad turn. Karma is right -- make the most of the time you have, make it as positive as you can. You don't know how much time you do have. We should all live that way anyway, but those of us in the cancer arena know it all too well. My prayers are with you. Don
  17. Okiegirl, sounds like a plan to me! Welcome! Don
  18. Tarara - boom - teeyay! Nancy is clear today! Great news, Nancy. You're on that smooth beautiful road. Celebrate! Don
  19. The doctor should be fired. Other than that, tell your dad that those are just statistical averages and there is no reason he can't be way over average! Don
  20. Hey, I hope I'm "turned off" by it! Ha! Don
  21. Kathy, I think paranoia comes with the territory of this dreaded disease. We all need such attention, that when we don't get it, it affects us. My motto is, "Ask for what you need when you need it" and don't leave things to chance. There are many reasons people don't respond at a particular time. They are in a hurry at the time you post, they are out of sorts at that moment and don't feel up to a response at this particular time, etc. I know that the board has become some voluminous that sometimes I only respond if I feel I have something to contribute. Also, if a person posts a question and I don't have something to add, I normally skip over those and let someone with knowledge do the honors. So, no, noone is mad, I'm sure. And I hope you know you have much support here. Keep the faith. Don
  22. We knew about Iressa and were going to ask the onc about it, but he brought it up himself. Lucie has been on it for a week now, so not much to tell yet. We are just pleased she is having the treatment. Don
  23. Hi, everyone! I'm baaaaack! Had surgery this morning to correct the scar tissue around the urethral sphincter and am home healing. Lucie was able to go and be there more of the time. We have some very good friends who took care of us. The guy took me in to the hopsital and the gal took Lucie laster to be with me before surgery and she was able to stay until I was in recovery. She looked so good! The gals left and then we guys left. So I am on the mend, and should know in 10-14 days if all is working right. Thanks for your continued support, prayers and love. LLucie has her brain scan Friday and we are hoping she can join the empty brain group. We did remember that Lucie has a brain scan about two months ago and it was "empty" then, so we are very hopeful. She is actually doing better the last few days. Love ya! Don
  24. David, I agree. Call your doctor right away. It could be just sinus but it could be something more serious. Lucie and I call the onc whenever there is something unusual going on, even if we think we know what the source is (like a new med). Play it safe. Don
  25. Sophia, so glad to hear the good news of your dad. He needs all his energy and focus on fighting this beast and that is why he needs all the support he can get. Blessings. Don
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