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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Sinus? Worse?

    Fay makes a good point. So often we should be going to our regular doctor for the normal ills of the world, when we tend to run to the onc. We are lucky in theat we have a great general practitioner, and he has told Lucie to call and come in any time, even if just to talk. Just knowing that keeps her going, and she will go to him when it seems something ordinary, like sinus. Also, we have found that he and the onc communicate about Lucie, and that is a great comfort. The GP recommended the onc, so that probably helps. Don
  2. Don Wood

    pulmonary doctor

    Helene, I would think having an oncologist would be helpful. I don't have good vibes about your current doctor -- I would tend to look elsewhere. Don
  3. Kathy, Lucie just started on Iressa this week, so there is not much yet to tell. She did get a little nauseous last night and we always suspect the newest drug, but she had a lot of sinus congestion, too, not related to meds. Good luck. Don
  4. Don Wood

    Mom-7:30 this morning

    Dona, so sorry to hear you have lost your mom. My prayers are with you and your dad. Take your time in grieving and stay in touch with this board for support. Don
  5. My opinion: You need to get another onc. Don
  6. Don Wood


    Sounds like a long string of blessings and good news to me. Don
  7. Don Wood


    Natalie, Lucie had numbness in her fingers and toes while taking carboplatin/taxotere. I think it is the taxotere that does that, related to taxol. She took something but I don't recall what it was, that seemed to help. She also had some dead tissue on her fingertips and toetips, which is just now going away. Blessings. Don
  8. Glad you're back, Ada. It is good to see you posting again. And the news, though mixed, seems to be good news. Blessings. Don
  9. Don Wood

    Sinus? Worse?

    Just in the last week, Lucie's sinuses have gotten worse. I read in the paper this morning that there is a lot of dust in the air down our way, so I am sure that is contributing. Lucie uses a nebulizer two or three times a day to keep her clear. Don
  10. Lucie takes Celexa every day. I ask every now and then if she still wants to take it, because she is the one who knows best. So far, she still needs it. Don
  11. Sharon, that is terrific news. Have a blast of a wedding all of you! Don
  12. Wenna, you have my prayers. Don
  13. Don Wood


    I think it is great news. If you react negatively to every little thing, particularly in his presence, you won't be helping him. Do whatever you need to do to get a more positive attitude, so you can help him the best you can. Don
  14. Thanks to you, Nancy, for being here and giving testimony and hope. Let us hear from you as we go along down this road together. Don
  15. Hi, Bruce, and welcome to the board. Much info and support here. You are a trooper. What a surgeon literally means when he says "We got it all" is "We got all we could see." This does not mean they missed something -- it just means that some cancer cells cannot be seen and could grow later. That is why they usually recommend chemo as a precaution. Good luck to you. Sounds like you are off to a great start. Don
  16. The Iressa arrived today, so we have joined the Iressa team! The sun is shining -- oh, happy day! We are attending our first support group meeting together tonight. See how that goes. I gave Lucie the option of dropping her off and coming back to get her, or staying with her, and she opted for the latter. Not surprising, as she shares so much with me. Love that woman! Don
  17. Renee, the point is you were given a moment to laugh in the time of your grief, and that is a gift. I am so glad it happened to you. God gives us little gifts in unexpected ways, to let us know He is there. Don
  18. Sounds like things are looking up! Great! Don
  19. Don Wood

    Feeling good

    I think it is time for you to find another housekeeper. We have one that comes every monday and that has made Lucie feel so much better about the house. Hope you find a jewel. Don
  20. Don Wood

    Hugh's Appointment

    Candy, so good to see the good news. May it continue to roll in. Don
  21. Kathy, Tim needs a focus, a hobby -- is there anything he could be excited about doing, even on a limited basis? Lucie's last chemo was about the same time as Tim's and she is still sleeping a lot and tired. But her focus is sewing and she has begun to do that. It has really helped her spirits. Do you have friends that would come by routinely to visit him, maybe even take him outside? As caregiver, you need to do other things too to keep your sanity and health. I think you should go see your mother and not keep putting it off. I think there will always be something, and you just have to plan it and do it. We have found that we have to make a list of the "routine" things that need doing or we want to do, and just schedule them in and go with it. Hope things get better for you two. Don
  22. Shelly, you got it. Don
  23. Spanky, I said a little prayer for you and your mom. Don
  24. Sharon, a toast to your dad and you and your family! What great news! Celebrate! Don
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