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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Katieb's Dad

    Rick and Katie, my heart is heavy and you do have my prayers. Don
  2. Shelly, you're very normal. You're being put through the wringer along with your mom. You are doing what you can, and that is all you can do. We are all on that roller coaster of emotion and definitely can relate to your dilemma. Hang in there. Don
  3. Hi, Joe! Welcome to this site. So sorry your dad had to go through all that, but it is clear he is a fighter and a winner, and he can beat the lung cancer, too. Don't settle for anything less, and find out how this can be done. Get medical staff that will help him get better. Best to you. Keep posting. Don
  4. Kathy, I think it's a good move to take Tim to the onc. Since tylenol helped the headache perhaps it is just a normal headache. Let's hope so. Hope all goes well. Don
  5. So sorry your mom has taken this turn. My prayers are with you and your family. Don
  6. Hi, Angie! Is your dad taking medication for pain? Sometimes the medications can cause confusion. This may also be a side effect of chemo -- I am not sure on that. Don
  7. Norme, we do have those kind of days, don't we? I hope the next days ahead are better for you. Nothing wrong with remembering your mom. Don
  8. Ray, my heart is heavy at the loss of your dad. You have been such a good son through all this, and I know your dad is proud of you. Please do keep connected with us so we can continue to support you. My best to you and your family. Don
  9. Shirley, hope Randy has a speedy recovery from all that. Lucie had had two chemo treatments and some radiation when she was hospitalized three times in December for infection, the last was all invasive in her body. She was in ICU for 5 days and then another week in regular room. I finally got her home and it was a total of about a month before she continued the radiation program and about two months before she was able to start the chemo again. She faired well. So take hope. Don
  10. Welcome, Shirley! You are an inspiration to us here. We look forward to your participation. Best to you. Don
  11. Prayers for Randy and Nancy. Don
  12. Don Wood


    David, I am so glad you had this weekend with the cub scouts and shared it with us. It is a great testimony that we all need, survivors and caregivers, some "normal" time in our lives to enjoy living and not thinking all the time about the lung cancer. And it is perfectly normal to cry at the thought that those times are limited for you. But, as people have said here, you don't know when that will be. You can well get to see your children grow up. See the people here that have many years after the diagnosis. I agree that you should let your wife know how you feel, and let her tell you how she feels. This is a time to draw closer together. Don't pass up any chance to grab onto some "normal good living" as it comes by. Blessings. Don
  13. We may research and have knowledge, but we don't have the skill and training for the most part to read those scans. I would be careful in reading something into them on my own. Don
  14. Well, it has been about 2 1/2 weeks on Iressa, and Lucie now has "acne" rash on her face. We are applying moisturizing cream ,as suggested Don
  15. Don Wood

    Need some answers

    Al, you may well be getting the proper treatment, but my opinion is that anyone with cancer should have an oncologist on his or her team. Don
  16. Pama, so sorry your sister, Evelyn, is having so much trouble. I pray that things will turn around and get better. Don
  17. Sophia, my prayers are with you. Don
  18. Peggy and Mike, my prayers are with you for good outcome. Don
  19. Ray, so sorry things have worsened. My prayers are with you, your dad and family. Don
  20. Don Wood

    Bone Mets

    Sounds like a good plan, Ada. Lucie has had radiation on 4 bone met sites: upper spine, right femur, left pelvis and right side of the sacrum, with success. Keep us posted, and my prayers are with you. Don
  21. While Lucie was on Taxotere, she got red splotches here and there on her face and arms. It gradually went away each time. Don
  22. You need to stop "bandaiding" yourself and going on like you're superwoman. If you run yourself into the ground, everyone loses. Go to the doctor and get the proper treatment and medication. Don
  23. Don Wood

    encouraging news

    Sounds great, Ray. Keep on keepin' on! Blessings. Don
  24. Use a search machine like Google, input "ACOR Iressa" and you will get a great sight for Iressa info. Don
  25. Jennifer, welcome to the message board. Much info and support from a great group of people here who walk in the same shoes. Keep us posted on your dad and ask questions. Good luck. Don
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