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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Christy, we are here tu support you all. Keep us posted. Don
  2. Hi, Barbara! Much info and support on this message board to be had. Welcome. I am happy to meet you and to hear things are going as expected so far. Keep in touch with your journey and questions. Don
  3. Don Wood

    RBC Normal!

    Every bit of positive news is good news. Hang in there. Don
  4. My sincerest sympathies, Mainecoon. So so sorry. Don
  5. Kathy, the radiation definitely can cause fatigue, and it will continue for a while even after the last treatment.. Lucie and I both can attest to this as we have had radiation treatments. Also, any time a new med is taken on, it will disrupt the system and that can cause fatigue. Hang in there. Don
  6. Happy birthday, Rana! Your mother would want you to have a good birthday. Don
  7. Sounds like good news to me. Don
  8. Hi, Rainy! Tell us about yourself and how you are connected with LC. Welcome to the message board. Don
  9. Don Wood


    We were even told that Lucie should not eat anything uncooked outside her home while she was on chemo because bad bacteria could be on it -- like salad. Don
  10. Hurrah for Buddy and Norme! So glad you are celebrating. Don
  11. Don Wood


    Hi, Angie! We were told that anything 100.5 or greater was cause for concern and that we should call the doctor. Infections are quite serious when one is taking chemo because the immune system is supressed. Don
  12. Ray, so sorry for the "step back" but kowing you, I expect you to take "two steps forward" into the new treatments. My prayers are with you. Don
  13. Carol, I am so sorry to hear of Gene's passing. I am in shock. He will be sorely missed. Please keep contact with us and let us know how you are doing. Our prayers are with you and your family. Don
  14. Yeah, let's tear the bageebies out of those statistics! My prayers are with Marsha. Don
  15. Lenny, here's praying that all will be clear. Don
  16. Always good to have options! Glad to hear it, Dave. Don
  17. Ada, thanks for that clarification. I personally thought that one month was on awfully short time to test out anything. Appreciate your concern for the rest of us. Don
  18. Don Wood

    Prayers Please

    Andrea, prayers your way. Don
  19. Becky, glad to hear your good news. Hope it keeps flowing your way. Don
  20. Deb, sounds like good news to me. Hope it keeps coming your way. Don
  21. Lucie took a similar combination of chemo and experienced the numbness. We decided to live through it. Her fingernails and toenails turned black also. Now she is recovering the feeling and the color. You have to decide between the side effects and the benefits of the chemo. Tough call sometimes. Don
  22. Don Wood

    to ConnieB

    Eight is awesome! Congratulations and celebrations. Don
  23. Pity Parties are fine as long as you don't spend the night.
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