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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Iressa is Working!

    Ry, that is terrific! And encouraging to those like Lucie who are about to go on the med. Celebration time, come on! Don
  2. Sophia, depending on where the radiation was focused, the throad or esophagus may have gotten radiation. My wife had the same problem swallowing and we just stocked up on a lot of liquid and soft solid foods. She is okay now. Blessings. Don
  3. Sorry that your dad is so desperate that he is resorting to the measures you described. I believe the course is set and will proceed no matter what he does. It is very difficult to lose a life partner, and he knows that is going to happen in his heart. Right now, he is grieving for himself at the inpending loss, so he is doing things that do not make sense. I hope you can hang in there with them both. I know it is hard on you. Don
  4. Thanks, Christina. I enjoyed the website and seeing the pciture of Chris and all his accomplishments. His works make him immortal. Don
  5. Now what is the big deal about forgetting little things? Now, what was the point I was going to make? Don
  6. Good to hear from you, Ginny. Thanks for the update on Earl. Looks like things are on the positive side. Great! Don
  7. What a mom! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on her. Don
  8. Christina, that is a normal reaction. It is good that you can see the humor in it, even now. As has been said, time will take care of this. Just give yourself the needed time to grieve, heal and move on. Blessings. Don
  9. Christina, yep, moms can make their children feel guilty. I remember my mom doing it and I have seen my wife do it with her children. I think it is a mom thing. Having said that, you do have the strength, and you can ask God for more strength, to be your own person and act as an independent adult. You don't need someone to run interference for you, although that has been nice. It is not unreasonable to ask your mother and others to treat you as the adult you are. Good luck. Blessings. Don
  10. Don Wood


    Sara, what a neat idea! It will keep your husband as part of you all. But don't put him away just yet! It is nice of you to offer others. Don
  11. Lance has forged into first place! And here comes David! What a guy! Don
  12. Christina, I think legally you can change your name to anything you wish. I agree that you might wait a little while and not make a major change until you are emotionally more settled. If you still feel that way later, then you should move on it. Blessings. Don
  13. Again, thanks everyone, for your support and good wishes. We are having a great weekend just enjoying life. And hoping Hurricane Claudette doesn't darken our door. Love to all, Don
  14. Michelle, so sorry for this turn of events. But I wouldn't give up on him yet. Actually, I met a cancer survivor a few years back who had graduated from Hospice! In any event, my prayers are with you. Don
  15. Michelle, I can't answer about pneumonia, but my wife had something equally dangerous especially when undergoing treatment -- septic shock due to staph infection. She was in intensive care for five days and in a regular room at the hospital for seven more days in December. She was critical at one point, but she came through fine. She has been out of the hopsital since. Just finished her treatments, and now on maintenance program to prevent LC return. I pointed out to her when she came through the septic shock that this proved she could fight the disease. Wish you and your husband all the best. The hospital should be able to heal his pneumonia. Don
  16. Hi, Carol! My wife coughs but she has asthma. The asthma has been aggravated by the chemo treatment and radiation. She uses a nebulizer to open up her sinuses and passage. It has gotten better with time.mpw that she is off the treatments. As for his appetite, it is important to keep up nutrition and liquid intake. Both can be taken care of with things like Ensure, smoothie milkshakes and the like. I had to pour those down Lucie when she was in the non-hungry stages. Good luck. Don
  17. MJ, welcome to our board and the family here. Thanks for sharing about your mom. I am sorry you had to lose her. As you say, she is your special angel. Keep in touch. Don
  18. Hi, Grammy and Brampa! Don't worry about "inoperable". When my wife's lung cancer was diagnosed in October, there was very little tumor in the lung -- it had all spread to her bones. A biopsy of one of the bone mets was how they actually identified the culprit. She is nine months out from diagnosis now, and under a maintenance program. Our best wishes to you two. Don
  19. Debaroo, that is wonderful news! Thanks for updating uson so positive a turn. Celebrate! The light is shining bright! Don
  20. Special days will be very painful for a while. It is part of remembering and going through the grief process. My prayers are with you. Don
  21. Christina, take your time. Grieving takes time. Know that you have a lot of caring and support here, so keep plugged in. Blessings. Don
  22. Don Wood

    1st Post

    Hi, Larry, and welcome aboard the board. Thanks for sharing your wife's scenario. It sounds very promising. Keep in touch. Don
  23. Don Wood

    Cought a cold

    Jay, glad to hear the fever is gone and you are feeling better. Take it one day at a time. Thanks for keeping us posted on you. Keep plugged in for support. Don
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