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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Deb, glad no one was inuured and things went okay. I'm with your husband -- go to DisneyWorld as soon as your dad is able. None of us knows how much time we have. That trip is too important to be "down the road". All of you would enjoy it so as a family. Blessings. Don
  2. Don Wood


    Peggy, I add my sorrow and sadness at your sister's passing. I have prayed for your nieces, that they get through this at such a young age. May you be warmed by the memories of your sister's love, laughter and good times together. Don
  3. Don Wood

    Peggy H's Nieces

    My prayers are with them. Don
  4. Cathy, you are an inspiration! That is awesome news! Celebrate! Don
  5. Don Wood

    CT results...

    Laura, super news! Celebrate. Don
  6. Don Wood

    My first chemo

    Jay, continue to think of your mum, and what she would want of you, which, of course, is only the best you can be. Don
  7. Hi, Becky! Glad the chemo is working and that you have the teaching to look forward to again. You need something positive right now. Sweet picture of you and yours. Blessings. Don
  8. God does let us know in small but special ways that He is near and that He cares. Thanks for sharing about your mom. You are a good daughter indeed. Don
  9. BEAUTIFUL! It touched my soul. There is no doubt here the great love you two had, and that is so very special. God IS with you, Shannon. Don
  10. Carleen, Keith going to Summerfest is no small thing. That is terrific! I am so glad he went. He needs that "normal" time. His symptoms with chemo also are very normal, unfortunately. You are a great caregiver -- keep hanging in there with him. I can see a large love between you two, and that will carry you on. You are super to let him do these things with his friends. Blessings. Don
  11. Don Wood

    My first chemo

    Jay, I like this newest picture of you better than the last because of that great smile. Be patient with your dad -- he is hurting, too. Yes, it should bring you closer but he may need time right now to himself. I pray that he will soon be able to support you like you need. I'm glad your treatment is under way. Please keep us informed of how you are doing and ask any questions of us. Blessings. Don
  12. Sharon, my prayers are with you also. Don
  13. Hang in there, Connie! It's a difficult time, I know. Don
  14. Your husband is scared of dying, so he lashes out at everyone, is my guess. You can't stay with him constantly or you will be in the hospital yourself as a patient. You have a toughie situation, no doubt about it. Can you get help from family or friends? He probably needs counseling from someone he trusts, besides yourself. My prayers are with you. Don
  15. Don Wood

    CT Results

    Cindy, alriiiiiiiiiiight! Don
  16. Laura, my prayers are with you and your mom. My wife had to have a port put in for the chemo because of hard-to-stick veins. I don't know anything about not doing the contrast. Don
  17. Christina, so glad your husband is home. I do think that is best. It can be harder on the caregiver, however, so be sure and take care of yourself as well. I speak from experience. Don
  18. Yes, fatigue is one of the main side effects of radiation. My wife had just gone through another series of radiation and she is extremely tired. It does pass. Don
  19. Ada, glad the surgery is over and your are recovering well. I wish you all the best. You are one tough cookie! Don
  20. Dave, anyone on this board who has had chemo can tell you that dehydration is something you have to constantly watch. Also, the tiredness, etc. unfortunately come with the package. Chemo is the beating you take to beat the cancer. Hope things go well in the future, but again, it usually gets worse with each dose (I know, I could have gone all day and not said that). Blessings. Don
  21. Susan, great news about your mom! May the good news continue on and on. Don
  22. Radiation continues to work and have side effects after the radiation is over. The symptoms you describe could be due to the radiation. It should pass. However, with your dad going into chemo, the same symptoms may persist. Don
  23. Hopeful, are you taking anything for the thrush in your mouth? Lucie took two different kind of cocktail meds for it and it helped. I had to find things for her to eat and drink that were not as bad as others. Good luck. Don
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