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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Hi, Christina! Welcome. Yes, my wife had two treatments of carboplatin and taxotere in November of last year, along with radiation, before she got dehydrated, then infected. She has NSCLC, Stage IV (bone mets). We could not start up again until February, but she now has completed 5 rounds of the same combination. The evidence says that the small tumor in her lung is completely gone and the bone mets seem to be gone. It is harder to tell with bone mets. At least, they have not increased. She does have a new bone met on her sacrum, and that is being treated with radiaiton. Anyway, she is now off the chemo, and it looks successful. She is going on Zometa this week, which seems to help prevent new bone mets. Eventually, she may go on Iressa as a maintenance. She is now an 8-month survivior with no threat evident. We have much hope. I wish you all well. Don
  2. Cheryl and Jack, what great news! My prayers are with you as you start your treatment. May the news continue to be good. Don
  3. Don Wood

    Calling God...

    Katie, I say a prayer for you and your dad. I hope he gets better soon. I am not sure about your dad, but my wife is tired all the time, and what perks her up is when she does something she likes and has a feeling of accomplishment, no matter how small the event. For Lucie, that is sewing and such. Does your dad has a hobby he likes? If you can focus on something he CAN do, no matter how small, it might help his energy. And, of course, moving around when he can helps the energy build up although it is tiring at the time. Encourage him to be mobile when he can. I get Lucie out of the house occasionally just to keep her stimulated. Best wishes. Don
  4. Don Wood

    Spoke too soon

    Ray, I am not sure what day you had the chemo, but Lucie doesn't react to her treatment unitl the third or fourth day. She gets a few days of reprieve before it kicks in. So maybe you did speak too soon. Wish you the best throughout your treatment, and especially that it works! Don
  5. Welcome, Diane, to the message board. There is a wonderful family here, with caring, support and info. I hope all goes well with your mom. Keep in touch. Don
  6. Don Wood


    We who have been touched by cancer have an insight on life you can't get any other way, unless you have another life-threatening situation.. We have to excuse their frivolity (from our perspective). Don
  7. Hi, Sandra Ann! Welcome to the baord. So sorry you have so much coming at you at once. This family here is a good source of support and info, so stick with us. Don
  8. Cheryl, that is hilarious! Glad you both took a break -- you need to do that for yourselves now and then. Don
  9. Hi, Migeon! Welcome to our little family here. We are glad you have joined us. Much info and support here. We have enjoyed Kelly here, and now we have you both! I also am the caregiver, so I am familiar with the road you are traveling. Blessings. Don
  10. Thanks a bunch! It is great to be remembered. My older son called today with his wishes and put his two kids on the phone as well. That was a great treat. Tonight my daughter is taking us out to dinner. tomorrow my older son is taking us to lunch. I do feel loved and glad I'm a dad (granddad). Don
  11. Life does have it's wonderful moments.
  12. Ray, I'm glad you had a good beginning. May it continue. Don
  13. Don Wood

    More bad news

    My prayers are with you, Lenny. Don
  14. Tracy, I'm glad to see you took a break. These are necessary for our health and sanity. Your dad has become more aware, because of the mortality issue, what is important and what is not, and I think that is why he is more into saying what he wants to say and paying more attention. Lucie and I gave each other attention, but we do so much more for each other now. I hope and pray be best for your dad and your family. Don
  15. We all have a thing in us on mortality that says, "If I don't have their history, I'll be okay", which we here all know is whistling in the dark. Anyway, I think that is the root of the question -- "phew, I didn't do that, so I should be okay." Human nature is a crazy thing. Don
  16. Don Wood

    Tim's Update

    Great news, Annie & Tim!!!! Keep us posted. Don
  17. Hi, Kelly! My wife had bone mets on the upper spine, a rib, shin bone, skull, hip and sacrum. After chemo and radiation, we will start on zometa next week. Don
  18. Yes, my wife has had excruciating pain in her upper spine, and on both hips. It has been managed initially with pain medication, and then treated with radiation which alleviated the pain. Don
  19. Peg & Bill, you made my day! Wonderful news! It is definitely time to celebrate. Don
  20. YAHOOOOOOOO, Linda!
  21. Karma, I'm glad you are experiencing these wonderful windows of life. Thanks for sharing with us. Don
  22. Welcome, Kelly! Keep us posted on your dad. And let us know what we can do for info and support. Blessings. Don
  23. Carleen, my prayers are definitely with you and Keith. Hey, you're family! Don
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