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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Cheryl, glad you got the official good news. I am always for moving on to the treatment with expediency. Fortunately, Lucie's onc is that way, too. So we don't get these long delays. I am with Jack -- always push the system for what you want. And Jack, you need to take care of yourself and watch your HBP. I also have heart in my family and I am apt to go off the handle easily. But I have learned somewhat to curb it, because I can get more done by being assertive and insistent nicely than aggressive and angry. It is better on the old system, too. Keep being a great caregiver, Jack, but also keep yourself in good health. You don't need both of you sick together. Best to both of you. Don
  2. Love those clearn brains! Great news, Fresca. Don
  3. Don Wood

    Great CT Scan

    Shrink! Shrunk! Gone!!
  4. Don Wood


    Joanie, wonderful news! Celebrate! Don
  5. Jessica, thanks for the update on your mom. My prayers are with you both. Don
  6. Shannon, the lack of support is scandalous. So sorry you two are having to fight all this. My prayers are with you, and you have a right to be angry. Turn that anger into something constructive for Mike. Don
  7. Carol, my prayers are with your dad, you and family. Don
  8. Well, I am either blessed or cursed -- I haven't decided yet which it is. Perhaps it is sometimes one, and then another. My wife tells me just about everything, so I pretty much know where she is at all times. OUr priest told my wife she needed to get a lay minister she could talk to, because she couldn't tell me everything -- that I would not be able to handle it, or not want to hear it (typical of some males). She looked puzzled at the priest and said, "I don't understand, because I pretty much tell Don everything." And she does. Now, it is hard on the caregiver to hear all that, and one does have to be able to hear all that and not go bonkers. That is probably the main reason I also have a lay minister working with me. So if they tell you everything, it is a blessing and a curse; and if they don't tell you everything, it's a blessing and a curse! I am just pleased that she feels that comfortable that she can tell me so much. I just have to emotionally take care of myself, with the help of others, so I can let her do that. Sometimes, I want to run screaming, but I hang in there. Of course, I do blow off steam around her now and then, so she knows I'm okay, too. What a world this cancer place is, huh? Don
  9. Deb, as you can see, you and your husband have a lot of support here. Yes, cancer in the family is the hardest time in life, if and when it comes. I am glad to see you reaching out to others to help you, because, as the primary caregiver also, I know that it is important for the caregiver to take care of themselves first. I heard it analogous to the heart, which pumps blood to itself first, so it is healthy and pump blood to all the other parts of the body. Prognoses in cancer are just a statistic. Each person is different and you'll find many surviviors here. Let us know how we can support you. Blessings to you and your family. Don
  10. Don Wood

    Great CT Scan

    Dave, I'll drink to that! Great news! Don
  11. My prayers are with you, Tiny! Don
  12. Ronna, sounds great! Don
  13. Don Wood

    Clean Scan

    E N J O Y !!!
  14. Earl and Ginny, that is fabulous news! CELEBRATE!!! Don
  15. Don Wood

    KatieB ' s Dad

    Dehydration comes to mind. Lucie couldn't stand up but a few seconds when she was dehydrated. I know of two ways you can test for that: (1) Pinch the skin and see if it returns normally. If it holds the pinch a while, that is a sign of dehydration. (2) If you take his blood pressure when he is lying down; then take it when he is standing -- if there is a large drop in the blood pressure while standing, that is another sign of dehydration. The answer to that one is plenty of fluids, or an IV. Good luck. Don
  16. Shannon, so sorry you all are running into all these road blocks. I certainly pray for it to get smoother. I definitely have learned that each patient needs an advocate to run interference, and you seem to do that very well for Mike. Blessings. Don
  17. Don Wood


    Candy, it is true -- worry doesn't change anything. But I believe some people are sort of born to worry -- my wife is one of those. If it makes you feel like you are doing something, I would say it is helpful. It does do a number on our insides however. Maybe you could choose to worry about the big things and let the little things go. Of course, then you have to decide what category each thing is in! Ha! Blessings! I like the idea of us all being able to post in the "Good News" soon -- I like the ring of that. Don
  18. Kathy, it is hard not to worry, but it is healthy to separate big events from little events. Lucie and I agreed to call them either "mountains" aod "molehills", and to only worry about the mountains. It works most of the time! Yes, you can drive the patient crazy if you hover too much -- I have to watch that with Lucie. It is so easy to overreact. I guess we will just have to keep practicing, won't we? Blessings. Don
  19. Greg, your feelings are normal, with all you are dealing with. Sounds like you feel pretty overwhelmed. I do, too, from time to time and I'm just the caregiver. My wife feels overwhelmed all the time, just about. I hope you find meds that will do the job for you, and wish you well on your treatments. Glad you're back, and plugging into some of the caring, support and info here. Blessings. Don
  20. Mary, what a great lady your sister is! You have painted a vivid picture of her, and I hope you are sharing these same thoughts with her. How wonderful that you had a mother and have a sister that you admire so. I would guess you are from that same fabric! I hope whatever time your sister has, that you all enjoy it and make it something to remember and to celebrate. And, as people here have said, we don't know how much time any of us has. We are just called upon to make the best of what we get. Sounds like you and your sister are doing that. And that's what counts. Blessings. Don
  21. Lenny, waiting is the hardest part of this, I think. I am sorry that you seem to be getting a lot of that, and I hope that it will work out in a timely fashion. Don
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