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Don Wood

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  1. Don Wood

    "Empty Head" club!

    Tiny! Tiny! Let's dance! Such good news deserves celebration. Don
  2. Don Wood

    Clean scan

    Hi, Hopeful! Great news on the scans! May you have many many more good news. Lucie had thrush in the mouth and took two different "cocktail" mixes for it, which worked for her. I have no idea what is in those things. Now that she is off chemo, that is not a problem. Hang in there! Don
  3. Oh, Shannon, my tears are real. I feel I have lost a friend because you have made Mike so real to us. I am sorry at his passing, but I know he is at peace. I pray that you will know God's presence through the grieving and beyond. You did everything you possibly could to show your deep love for him and to get him the best care. I ache for you, my friend. Know that you are much loved here, and please hang in there with us and let us help. God grant you peace. Love, Don
  4. We were told when Lucie's mom was in Hospice care that when the body starts shutting down, there is no pain from not eating. I don't know if this is your mom's case or not. Lucie also tried to feed her mother, but soon realized her mother didn't want to eat -- her body was not calling for it. You have a tough situation. Your dad is desperate to do something that will help his wife, and doesn't know what to do. He is scared and doesn't want to lose his life-long companion and friend. This is very hard on him,too, and I am glad he has been able to rise to the occasion. Not all men can. My prayers are with you. Don
  5. Deb, my prayers are with you and your dad and family. Don
  6. Hang in there, Christina. My prayers are with you both. Don
  7. Yep, Lucie and I have gotten "testy" with each other from time to time. I t is a natural thing from so much emotion and stress. We all have to have a realease. We have learned to just let the other vent and not take it personally. Let off a little steam from the pressure. Just the other day I reacted angrily to a very good neighbor because she asked how I was (which was great) and when I explained I was down because my artificial sphincter would not be activated for another week or so, she then remarked, "Well, God is teaching you patience". Well, I lost my cool, because what I needed at that time was support and encouragement, not what sounded like a lecture. We are okay now -- all forgiven and fences mended. I try to keep myself "vented" enough that that kind of scene doesn't happen often. As for the Wills, unfortunately we should do those things when we are well (all you well people take note) and not wait for a crisis, when we are all emotional. Lucie and I did all the legal stuff some years ago, thank the Lord. Hang in there. And keep in touch with this great family here. Don
  8. Don Wood


    Wind, breath and spirit are all the same word in Hebrew -- ruah! I think that is cool! Don
  9. Hang in there, Cheryl and Jack! We're all in this together. Don
  10. Thanks, Rick, for getting us back. In the future, is there a way an E-mail could be sent out to us that the board is down for a while? I get paranoid and think I'm the only one who can't get in! thanks again for the reactivation. Don
  11. Yes, KerryToo, NSCLC can metastasize to the bones. My wife was diagnosed last October with NSCLC, with mets to five bone sites, including one in the skull (not the brain_. She started chemo and radiation at the same time. A caut8ion here from our experience. It is very hard to keep up with the liquid intake needed when you do both. You might want to inquire of the onc about an IV once a week to help with the liquid so she does not get dehydrated. Also, the immune system is lowered during treatment, so you might want to ask about Neulasta or some similar white blood cell booster. Lucie has Carboplatin/Taxotere, and is now on maintenance. As far as we can tell, the treatments have been successful. Welcome to the board here. Don
  12. Hi, Renet! Welcome to our little family here. Keep plugged in and let us know how you are doing. Don
  13. Well, I just discovered that Inspiration is in with Spirituality and Prayer. Don't that beat all! Don
  14. I like the mosaic image. I often use "the tapestry that God weaves" with us in it. Don
  15. I think that is an old wife's tale, and the old wife never had cancer! It is amazing how things like that spread. I think it is human to try and find something easy that will fix the problem, and sugar was it. Of course, I think all things should be taken in moderation. However, when Lucie was in her period of not eating, I would have fed her anything nutritious to get her through. How sweet it is! Don
  16. Aw, go ahead and be a pain, David! I support you. I think we need inspiration in our travel on this road. Again, it seems arbitrary what categories were removed summarily. Don
  17. I agree that we need a light moment now and again. I was surprised that a bunch of categories disappeared and I would like to know the criteria for their removal -- was it lack of hits, or what? Don
  18. Don Wood

    just testing

    Yes, is it a Bassett? I have two Beagles with the same type of coloring. Like the picture. Don
  19. Don Wood

    New Jay

    Jay, I like your new picture. And I have faith in you that you will get through all this. Selfishly, if you go to Canada, you will be a lot closer to most of us here. That's a happy tought. It is hard to leave good friends, but you can keep in touch with them. I have had to do that many times in my own life. There are new adventures ahead. Blessings. Don
  20. Shordy, great picture of you two! Glad to hear you all had a great time together. I hope you have many many more of those. Don
  21. Yeah for 13 months and many many more! Don
  22. Peggy, how very very sad. I am so sorry for you and your family. My prayers are with you. And, yes, say what you want and need to say here. Don
  23. Deb, I was not aware about your mother either. It is hard enough to take one person through cancer, but ti have two at the same time -- I just can't imagine what that is like. My prayers are with you. Don
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