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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Renee, I am glad to hear your boyfriend is recouping. Things do turn around. Blessings. Don
  2. I have been a caregiver for my wife now over six months (since NSCLC diag.). I have really been tired, although I have worked on the stress. It occurred to me the other day that it is a three-ring circus: (1) I have to caregive for all the cancer things (doctors' appointments, treatments, tests, etc, plus taking care of her); (2) I have to get done all those other routine things I usually take care of; and (3) I have to get done all those other routine things she usually takes care of! I told a friend the other day, I feel like I'm hanging by both hands fron the edge of the cliff -- there's a guy on the cliff stomping on one of my nands and there's another guy below pulling on my leg! We both bust out laughing at that image (he took his wife through leukemia 10 years ago). After I could picture my predicament in that way, and understand it, I felt better! It gives a whole new meaning to "hang in there!". Ha! Ha! Don
  3. C E L E B R A T E !!!
  4. I think it is a free radical scavenger. There is a theory that free radicals contribute to cancer. I don't know how effective it is or anyone who has taken it. Don
  5. Hello, Karma's Dad! God to meet you! My wife has NSCLC and was taking chemo and radiation simultaneously in November. In December, she was hospitalized three times for dehydration and infections. So we can relate. Wish you the best. Love your daughter. Look forward to hearing from you from time to time. Good luck on your tests, etc. Don
  6. Numbness in a hand or arm and loss of function can also be due to a tumor on the upper spine. That is the case with my wife. The numbness and loss of some function in her left hand signaled to us something was wrong and that was when an MRI of the upper spine showed a tumor, which turned out to be NSCLC. Don
  7. Teet, those are great good newses! Thanks for sharing. And enjoy that granddaughter when she comes! As if I need to remind you! Don
  8. Thanks to all of you! I appreciate your comments and support. Don
  9. Welcome, Joyce! Hoping the best for you and your dad. Don
  10. Renee, I am so sorry you have all this going on in your life right now. Putting your mother where she can be cared for is a loving thing. We put Lucie;s mother in a nursing home 14 years ago because Lucie was just not physically able to care for her. Sometimes, we need to recognize we are not superman or wonder woman. It is good you sent the kids off, and you need to remember, if you let the circumstances with your mother wear you down, you will be no use to your kids, your boyfriend or yourself. That is reality. As mahy have said, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Your mother is not in her right mind, so you have to forgive what she says and does. I hope you will find time for yourself now and then. We all need that. And I pray your boyfriend will heal rapidly. You need less stress in your life, and more support. We are all here to walk with you. Don
  11. Wonderful news, Terry. Halleluiah! Don
  12. I agree with what has been said. My wife had bleeding initially but has not had it lately. I definitely would let the doctor know. Don
  13. Welcome, Sister Sister! Good tohave you here. Don
  14. Don Wood

    We got GOOD news !!!!

    GREAT NEWS, Tim & Kathy! I'd rather go through a box of chocolates! Celebrate! Don
  15. Sam, glad you could work and also exercise. That is great! The name I like for your metal companion is oxybuddy. Don
  16. Peggy, my prayers are with you and yuor sister. So sorry the news is so dire. I have nothing to suggest in the way of other treatments. Don
  17. It is always good policy when a major medical decision is to be made to get a second opinion. One doctor doesn't know everything -- he or she is relying on his or her experience, which may or may not cover your mom's case. Each case is individual,and your odds of doing the right thing are increased if you get more than one opinion. Sometimes the second opinion agress with the first, and you can have better confidence that you are pursuing the right path. If they disagree, yo may have to get a third opinion, or choose from the choices you are presented. It isn't that we know anything more than you, it is that it just makes good sense to check around. Good luck. Don
  18. Beth, when Lucie was having trouble eating, we used liquids like Ensure, Boost, GatorAid, CrystalLite, flavored yogurt, flavored apple sauce, pudding. We still use some of those from time to time. It is so important to get enough nutriation and liquids. Blessings. Don
  19. I am ALMOST speechless! What a wonderful surprise and gift from all of you! I read it all over and over again with tears in my eyes -- tears of joy! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It is my pleasure to be here and participate with you. All of you have been super helpful to me and to Lucie, and we much appreciate the continued loving support. It is great knowing each day that you all are here for us. God bless. Don
  20. Madison, I think it would be worth getting a second opinion on your mom's treatment options. Don
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