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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. I pray for clear fluid as well.
  2. Shannon and Mike, I am curious about Mike's asthma because Lucie also had childhood asthma which resurrected itself in recent years. I woder if there is any link with asthma and lung cancer? Maybe it is just a coincidence but we were told that for non-smokers, a constant irritation of some sort of the lung lining could set one up for cancer. Hope Mike is better now. We have had a lot of pollen in the air lately and that has aggrevated the asthma. Don
  3. Don Wood

    Great News!

    Estelle, I am ecstatic for you! Hip hip hooray! Don
  4. Judy in the sky with diamonds! Hey Hey Hey! Great News! Don
  5. Fay, prayers coming your way for you and your mom. Don
  6. Adam, welcome to the Message Board. If you want support, you came to the right place. If you want into, you came to the right place. These folks here are one big, beautiful family, so we're glad you came. It is normal to be scared because cancer is such an unknown, unpredictable. Hang on to your faith and hope, no matter what. Ask your dad what he needs from you at this time. He may be afraid to ask. Love him like you never loved him before. My wife and I, even after 43 years of marriage, have grown closer with her bout of lung cancer. I don't know you, but from your message, I like you already! My prayers are with you and your family. There are a lot of statistics out there, but your dad is a unique person and only God knows the time line (that goes for all of us). Keep up the good spirits and hang in there with us. Don
  7. Cindi, my wife is on the 3-week plan with carboplatin and taxotere (a relative of taxol, I think). We were given the choice of every week with smaller doses or every three weeks with larger doses. We chose the 3 week plan because it gives my wife periods of well feeling. She is about to have her 3rd treatment in this series. I agree that statistics are just numbers generated for the doctors. We patients and caregivers rely more on hope and prayers and moving forward. Hang in there with your mother. I would rather treat than not treat, to give a chance of arresting the cancer and to be doing SOMETHING (psychological ease). I would only do nothing if the treatment was worse than the disease or if the treatment was not working (evidence of tumor growth). Good luck. Don
  8. Don Wood

    Results are in

    Debaroo! Yippyikoiayyyy! Don
  9. That's an interesting comment, Cindi. I think cancer makes us feel soout of control that we gravitate to things we can control to stay sane -- like paying bills, going to the grocery store, etc. It is a way of coping. I know when I am feeling overwhelmed, I do something I can get a feeling of accomplishment from, even if it is just to straighten up around the house. Hang in there. Blessings. Don
  10. Anne, you need to tell your mom and others what you need from them. I am urging my wife, whenever she says "I wish so-and-so would --" to tell them what she needs. And sometimes they need to be reminded when they forget. Good luck. Don
  11. Ultimately, as hard as it is on the loved ones, the patient has the right to decide what to do and not do. We can only provide the love, the information and our wishes. It is really finally up to them. I know I want it that way for myself unless I am mentally incapacitated. In any case, the name of the deal is to make the most of the time we do have. Don
  12. Hi, Anne! My prayers are with you. Keep connected to this big family here. Blessings. Don
  13. Cindi, my prayers are with you and your Mom. Keep connected here for info and support. Blessings. Don
  14. Libby, my wife has the same cancer and was diagnosed last October. She is taking chemo (Carboplatin and Taxotere). It really is a personal choice, but you should select something and go with it so the cancer is being attacked. You have my prayers. This message board is a good place to keep hooked up for info and support. Blessings. Don
  15. Caroline, keep the pressure on, so you know the best is done for your dad. Glad he got safely back to Alaska. As Yogi said, "It's not over 'til it's over", so don't throw in the towel just yet. Blessings. Don
  16. Don Wood

    One result in

    Fay, that is good news. Let's pray for more next week shall we? Don
  17. Shamrock, Kim said it quite well. Hang in there with us. Don
  18. That does SUCK! Sorry to hear. My heart goes out to you and your family,. Hang in there. Don
  19. Spunkystuff, welcome and I like your "handle". If you live up to your nickname, you won't give up. Connie has given a terrific testimony and I agree with her that God only knows how long any of us have. I do know that a positive attitude can add to the time. So help your mom have a positive attitude in any way you can. Since you say it is "slow growing", I imagine the type is non-small cell lung cancer. That is what my wife has. We are taking one day at a time, and we are not dwelling on how much time she has left, because we really don't know (nor do the doctors) how long. Best to you and Mom. Keep plugged in to this extended family here -- they are great! Don
  20. Lee Anne, I would wonder why your dad is so tired before treatment. Does he have an infection or is his blood count low? If any of that is true, it should be corrected before he even considers treatment. I hope and pray it all works out for the best. Don
  21. As Shannon says, Caroline, the hospital (and doctor's waitng rooms) are notorious places to pick up infections. My wife got a staph infection while in the hospital for dehydration and a bacterial infection. It happens! That is why my motto is not to stay in the hospital a day longer than necessary. That is the irony of the place -- you get healed there, but you can also catch things there, especially if your immune system is low due to radiation or chemo. I hope the best for your dad. Don
  22. Minnie, I defintely will pray for your mom and you. She could have an infection or by dehydrated. My wife experienced both when she was going through chemo and radiation at the same time. Blessings. Don
  23. Renee, my prayers are with you and your mom today. Don
  24. Our prayers are with you and your mom, Fay. Don
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