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Everything posted by carlton

  1. carlton


    Hi Peg I have been following your posts. Your husband is now on gemzar. When you have time can you post how he is doing on this chemo.I have started on it last week and i am having a rough time. Thanks Carlton
  2. carlton


    Hi John- Thanks for the posting the web site for lymphedema. Very informative. Thanks again. Carlton
  3. carlton


    Hi Everyone hope all is well with you. I would like to hear from anyone who has themselves or knowledge of lymphedema. Not to much about it on web sites.Thanks Carlton
  4. Hi I have had the prodedure done last july after they drained the lung. For awhile it seemed to work but now I have fluid builup that is a problem. I was told it was supposed to seal the lung so fluid does not build up but it has not worked for me. I am on my second round of chemo in hopes it will help with the fluid - the pet scan also showed two small lesions on the liver ---to small to be biopsied- will have scan in about four weeks for that. i have developed extensive edema from the knees down to the toes have had so for the last three months docs can;t seem to agree on the cause i have heard from cellilitis to lypmh enlargement in abdomen to i don;t know- I have a apt with a heart specilist next week for evaluation of this problem just know it is so painful. well thanks for listening. Carlton
  5. carlton

    Katieb's Dad

    Hoping and praying for the best for Jesse. You truly are a very special daughter.Wishing you all the best also. Take Care of yourself. Carlton
  6. carlton

    Blood test

    Hi Everyone--- Has anyone who has had a blood test yourself or know of someone who has and were told they had thick blood and if so what was done to correct the problem. Thank You Carlton
  7. Thank you for the info on iressa. Happy for you that you were accepted for clinical trail. Keep us posted as to results and good luck to you. Carlton
  8. Hi Ada Glad to hear from you and that your home and resting. Just so sorry you had such a bad week put it behind you and look for better days . My prayers are with you, Take care and post when you feel up to it. Carlton
  9. I was diognosed last july with lung cancer and up until a few weeks ago had not taken any meds for depression but i do now and it does help . I am on paxil daily and zanex when needed. It is a very long day for us with thoughts of gee what's next in this battle . Try to convince him they will take the edge off things and he will feel better. You mention mets to the lymph nodes in the abdomen does he have any edema because of the lymph nodes? You take care . Carlton
  10. Hi Everyone- The results of my pet scan showed two lesions on the liver and a lession on the upper left shoulder. Started a second round of chemo yesterday.Also did a ultrasound on lower legs to rule out blood clots as a cause for the edema. It was negative, a little baffled as to the WHY'S of the edema, Upped the amt. of lasix daily elevating the legs etc have not helped. Waiting to hear as to where to go next. Again Wait and Wait. Would appreciate if any of you have had this problem or know someone who has. Thanks Carlton
  11. carlton

    chemo concern

    Hi Ray- Yes i do get headaches from the chemo. I think it may also be because of stress. i notice that i grind my teeth a bit also. Hope it helps a bit. Take care Carlton
  12. Hi Kathy- Happy Birthday-Happy Birthday- Happy Birthday. Carlton
  13. carlton


    Hi -Saw neurologist last week and after test the numbness i have on the left side of rib cage which was spreading was told it was damage to nerves from when the chest tube was put in may come back some ut unlikely. Had bone scan and pet scan have to wait for 10 days before seeing oncologist all this waiting for results is just awful. days just don;t pass fast enough.How do you manage to stay sane? well thanks for listening. carlton
  14. I had a plural effusion that was positive for cancer but to confirm they did a bronhoscopy. They numb he throat and insert a tube i beleive with a cutter on it and take a piece of tissue biopsy.It is not painfull may feel some soreness where they cut but not much, When they put rhe tube down your throat just swallow it will slide right down. Hope this helps. Carlton
  15. Hi Marsha- Glad to hear the good news.Hope you always only hear good news. I was dx.stage four nsclc July 2-02. had six rounds of carbo/taxol had a collasped lung had to have it drained and a chest tube in for five days. Scan in Jan. showed no change as they said no better but no worse so i guess thats good new. Have pain now in upper back and rib cage area with a numbness around the same area oncology nurse had no explanation for this had bone scan done which was negative will have another chest and abdomen scan done on Fri. to see whats going on. The wait for the scan and the results is terrible there are so many ups and downs get a good report and a month later something else comes up. Hope they can tell me why i am having this numbness. Any one else have this happen to them? Would like to hear if they have. Well continued goodluck to you and also you Dave. Thanks Carlton
  16. Hi Anne Was reading your post again you mentioned about sime test being done at jefferson kimball in phil. When you have time could you post what you know about these test or where i could find out more info. Thanks Carlton
  17. Hi Anne Just read your post I have had a pres. for darvocette but it did not help. Gave me a pres. for dodeine with what tylenal has in it expensive but as i was taking it i was having more trouble breathing like my throat was closing in .Had a scan in jan to have another one in may (chest and abdomen) no change no better no worse the same but thepain is getting to me have pain upper back and all around rib cage on side of tumor . I still cough and have fluid can feel it and do get short of breath also have numb feeling around lowere rib .Do you have this numb feeling? I think pain meds slow down the breathing but what can we do if we are in pain? Well i will close keep posring it is good to learn from others. Thanks carlton
  18. Hi Barbara Just read your post would advise you to ask your doctor for a pulmanary function test. it will determine your lung capacity at this time. Had shortness of breathe also it was what brought me to see a doctor as over the counter meds did not help and the diagnosis cancer of rhe lung stage four. Well back to your post also ask for blood gases test. Hope this helps. A lung specilist is very important and can work with your other docs. You take care and keep posting. we all can learn from each other.. Carlron
  19. Thanks Kathy for the reply I live in ocala wonder if we have the same doctors. To be honest don'tlike the one i have was called in when i was in the hospital having my lung drained. You mentioned sealing the lung is that the talc like powder they put in to try to seal the lung. had that while in the hospital but fluid is back. Will continue to watch posts to learn all i can . Thanks again carlton
  20. Have just recently found this site wish i had a long time ago. I had a plural effusion last july that was positive for cancer cells. Also had a biopsy which confirmed cancer. Was shocked as i had some conjestion that over the counter meds did not help. Had a complete physical just six months prior and all was well. Docs said all that was available to me was a round of chemo taxol and cisplatin for six months. I Jan. bone scan neg. for spread chest scan shows no change as they said no worst no better the same brain scan and liver all okay. Still have problem with fluid buildup and breathing. Had not had pain until the last three weeks have pain in upper shoulder and back all around theleft rib side where tumor is. Docs never say much about tumor just that the cancer i have is bad and no cure so depressing. Gave me some pain medsthat made me sick and i felt like i could not breath kinda closed in my throat. Stopped taking them put have to do something tylenol not cutting it. Would like to hear from anyon on this matter . Thanks Carlton
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