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Everything posted by carlton

  1. Curtis- As all have said she was a inspiration to us all. Very sorry at her passing you stay strong for that beautiful daughter. Take Care Carlton
  2. Hello Stephanie--- So very sorry on the pasing of your mom. My sinsere sympathy to you and your family. Peace be with you. Carlton
  3. carlton


    Hi Rick--- I check my email from my grandchildren in the evening and my screen last nite was going from light to dark then light again know why now. Why would someone try to do this kind of thing to a site that is so helpful to so many of us. Takes all kinds i guess. Thank You for informing us and your continued dedication to this site and all it's members. Carlton
  4. Hi Cathy-- Sorry for your past protocal not working. I to had several treatments with different combos of chemo the last being taxotere. No doubt by itself it is a very strong chemo but it worked fo the lesions i had in the liver a total of four in different lobes. so as hard as it might be i would go with it. If it is to much you can always stop. Take Care Carlton
  5. hi Rick--- Tried to email you regarding totes. It was returned with explanation A Local Problem Try again later that was the message. But anyway as of today i have not received them perhaps i will by weeks end. Thanks Carlton
  6. Hi Cheryl--- Good luck with the trail. If you can post what goes on with the trail know manyare interested. Again all the best . Glad jack is home and doing okay. Carlton
  7. Hi Elaine-- I think it is a great idea i posted this same idea awhile back but it did not go any where. But again it is a good idea i to at times have to go back for certain posts. Carlton
  8. the forum is a great thing and i feel a necesary one. And you will do well with it . Thanks for giving your time to us all. Carlton
  9. Hi Tami-- I have lc and after sexeral protocals of chemo developed lymphedema from the knees own. I am still trying to deal with it . Type in lymphedema and hit search a site will come up. There is not to much info on it and docs don't seem to offer much. i know duiretics will not help to get rid of the fluid lymph is not like general water retention. Hope this helps some wish i had more to offer. Carlton
  10. Hi Everyone-- Have visited the store and made a purchase and will make more of them for sure. A small price for all this board has done for me. And i know it has for all of you also. Please visit the store and make a purchase. Both Rick and Katie have gone beyond to do so much for all of us and i could not imagine not having this site to come to especially when i feel overwhelmed by this monster CANCER. Thank You carlton
  11. Hi Peg- Miracles happen every day . You stay strong and prayers are being said for both of you. Take Care. Carlton
  12. Hi Cheryl Sorry to hear the news. You hang in there and be strong. He will be up and about shortly. Take Care. Carlton
  13. Hi tAnne Happy you are getting a break from chemo. Keep me informed on how things are going with the plural effusion. You mentioned having a stunt put in keep me updated on that procedure. Thanks and enjoy your break. Carlton
  14. Hi Mary Anne The last two scans showed no growth of tumor the tumor is the same as when first diognosed. The last scan after finishing taxotere showed all lesions in the liver are gone, As i mentioned all that showed was a small plural effusion and hopefully it will abate on it's own. so onc. said we will take a break and let the body heal. Hope this clarifies what i said guess i was so excited i did nort explain properly. And thanks for asking. Take Care Carlton
  15. Hi Everyone- Just came home from the oncs office. Will have a two month break from all treatment and let the body heal. The last scan showed a small plural effusion which hopefully will abate on it's own. It truly is a good day for me after two long years of treatments. Hope this monster has left for good. Thanks to you all. Carlton
  16. Hi All Just heard on the news the fda has approved the cancer drug avastin used for colon cancer but will also be tried for other cancers. Perhaps a small step but any step for us all is a giant leap. Take Care Carlton
  17. Hi Carleen What a beautiful post. Enjoy your time together and the love you share. Carlton
  18. Hi Sandy What a powerful post. Great job and yes we must all do something to get it out no matter what it is.As was mentioned shows such as Oprah are such good platforms . Again great job. Carlton
  19. Hi Norme So very sorry for the loss of your precious buddy. Peace be with you at this time. carlton
  20. Hi Folks Just heard the drug thats at the Martha Stewart scandal has just been approved for colon cancer. I'm sure we will be hearing more about it on the news tomorrow. Carlton
  21. Hi Cheryl Sorry to hear you did not get any more info then you did. For sure it can be a little upsetting. Do you have a pulmonoligist? If so take the scans and report to him or her and see what happens. Good Luck Carlton
  22. I see in many posts with bac features. Please explain what with bac features mean. thanks Carlton
  23. Hi Peg- If you take that question from doctor to doctor the answer will be different. Amazing isn't it. I have always taken a multi vit. most of my life as i had a partial gastrectomy and my diet is somewhat compromised. My point maybe it was a good thing as when i was told i had lung cancer if my general health wasn't so good they would not have had much to offer me treatment wise. So for me that decision would be take them. Carlton
  24. Hi Peg- I to have to get shots everyday for 10 days after chemo as my counts drop very low. The nurse at the out patients dept. was telling me the other day that a fifth of a teaspoon of procrit costs close to $400.00. for each shot. They call it liquid gold there.They switched me tp Lycune i think thats how it is spelled. They said it is cheaper to use and Medicare is cutting back on the Meds that we need..Nurse told me it works just as well but it does take more shots to accomplish the same effect. Don.t make sense sometimes but i guess we have no choice. It is such a pain to have to go everyday for a shot. On and on it goes the drug co. are making tons of money. As for the comments made by that insensitive doc. I would have said where would your practice be if you didn"t have us as patients. I had a doc like that never had any thing positive to say always a downer but she was good in her field so i just ignored the comment as hard as it is some times. Tell Bill don't let it get to hi. You both take care and be well. Carlton
  25. carlton

    My Buddy

    So very sorry buddy is not doing well. He has the best with you by his side> You are truly a miracle. You take care of yourself. Carlron
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