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Everything posted by jorja

  1. That is fantastic!!!!! Go and enjoy your vacation and your grandkids... love, jorja
  2. Hi Pauly, I just wanted to welcome you. I know how scared a daughter can be..My dad went through the same thing last year. Pneumonia and low blood count which he had to skip a chemo treatment. Just hang in there! We are here for you. love, jorja
  3. When I first found this board it was a great relief to have found so many people going through the same thing. I was not alone. I probably read this board for a good 6 months before I decided to join. At first I posted about my dad and about the complications he had during chemo and radiation. It was nice to get responses by those who have experienced the same as my dad. Since then, he has been doing really well and so now I tend to give support to those who need encouragement and prayers. I just know that when something serious happens down the road with my dad, I will have great support from all you wonderful people. love, jorja
  4. jorja

    Morning Cough

    Carol, How long have you been coughing in the morning? My dad had radiation a year and a half ago which resulted in pneumonitis and he is still coughing and not just in the morning, he coughs all day. He has been to his doctors and has been given cough suppresents. He's even caught colds which causes his coughs. Maybe you can just go to your family doctor just to get things checked out. love, jorja
  5. Missy, I hate having those days too You have to stay positive. Right now my dad is doing good and that is what I focus on. Like others have said, take one day at a time. love, jorja
  6. Congratulations! May you have many, many, many and more anniversaries!!! love, jorja
  7. Welcome Tom, I am sorry about your diagnosis. It sucks. You will find a lot of great people here to help you with any questions. I also wanted to tell you that you have a beautiful family (I assume that is you in the picture?) love, jorja
  8. jorja


    That is awesome Ry! Congratulations. love, jorja
  9. Sorry for your loss. love, jorja
  10. Wow! That is awesome! I would be freaked out too! Sounds like your parents are having a great time! If you remember more, please share with us! love, jorja
  11. Wonderful! love, jorja
  12. That is great news...my fingers are crossed. love, jorja
  13. I am so sorry you are dealing with this right now. Does he have computer access? Maybe you can show him this site and have him read other people's stories. That could give him some inspiration? What is the doctor's plan of action? What treatment is he currently having or going to have? My prayers are with you, jorja
  14. Hi Del, I just wanted to welcome you. It sounds like they caught the tumors early in order for you to have surgery. I don't think they usually do surgery on SCLC. That is good news. As for the fatigue, you are lucky that's all you have. My dad has SCLC and never felt sick but he remained active. Sorry, I don't have any advice on VATS surgery. love, jorja
  15. jorja

    Request for Prayers

    Praying for your father in law. Hoping that the fluid is not malignant. love, jorja
  16. Praying all goes well with your dad today. love, jorja
  17. I absolutely love that "spring smell." I love it when all the snow starts to melt and it also is a reminder that my birthday is coming. I love it when you can wear a light sweater without your winter jacket for the first time! Unfortunately, spring isn't here yet. We got a bit more snow yesterday and last night I am really anxious for Spring to arrive!!!!!! love, jorja
  18. Welcome Pam, Glad you decided to post. You will find A LOT of encouragement here. You are not alone. We are all here for you. Congratulations on the 30% shrinkage!!! When you are done all your treatments, may there be 100%!!! Praying for the best for you and your children. love, jorja
  19. Audrene, I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your husband. I can't imagine the pain you must be feeling. My prayers are with you and your family. love, jorja
  20. Prayers and good thoughts being sent for your aunt. love, jorja
  21. I am so sorry My prayers are with you. love, jorja
  22. Cindi, I am soooo happy for you. I don't know how you feel because I don't have cancer but my dad does. It is somewhat hard to understand why some people survive for so long and others don't. A good friend of mine's dad died from LC 3 years ago. He died within 6 months of dx. Why did her dad not have that long and why is my dad sticking kicking around? I believe that God has a plan for everyone and it is certainly not your time to go! Go celebrate! Your family must be sooooo happy! love, jorja
  23. I am so sorry about the loss of your dad. May you and your family have the strength to get through this terrible time. love, jorja
  24. I am glad you decided to share this awesome and encouraging news with us! Welcome. love, jorja
  25. Hi Janice, I know exactly what you are going through. My dad was diagnosed 19 months ago with SCLC but it was limited. Although he is doing good now, it has been a scary ride. I am 28 and about to get married in October. I am sooo afraid something will happen before then. It is quite a roller coaster ride of emotions...you are not alone. Don't give up. Whatever the results of his PET scans, I am sure the doctors will have another plan of action. Are you going with him to get the results? We are here for you. Please keep us posted. My prayers are with you and your family. love, jorja
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