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Everything posted by Dazy

  1. Hi Beth ~ I am so sorry you find yourself here, but you will be grateful (under the circumstances, anyway... )you found this place. LOTS of support, and understanding, as well as valuable info can be found here. Know that your dear Mom, as well as ALL of your family have entered a powerful circle of prayer/positive thoughts (whichever you prefer ) - I'll start right now! I'm glad she has you two close by, and I agree, it IS helpful, to BOTH of you, I believe, if you are present at her appointments. You can "pitch" your presence to her as an "extra ear" since there will likely be a great deal of information for your mom to process, and she may miss something that you catch, etc. Most patients benefit from this, anyway. Hopefully, your mom will understand, too, that ignorance is NOT always bliss!! Especially in these circumstances, and the BEST way to reduce your worries is to let you be an ACTIVE participant & advocate on her behalf. I hope your Mom's docs will have the wisdom to guide her in the right path for a positive outcome. And peace, and strength to your Mom, (AND your family!!!) whatEVER path she chooses. (((HUGS))) Yours in HOPE!! Stacey
  2. Your 'puter skills are irrelevant. The important thing is that you are here, and taking part! I donated! Happy Trails! Stacey
  3. WOW...that is so beautiful, Kasey! I've got to grab another tissue....
  4. Dazy


    CHEERS...To Ohio, friends, and NEW BEGINNINGS! And the fine, warm, and loving family we have here!!! Cindi, I do hope that your new home brings you all the peace, and joy you SO richly deserve!!! Hugs! Stacey
  5. Me too... Ditto with the donation boxes. I had alot of initial interest (being polite perhaps???) But when it came time for placement, all I received was referrals to other corporate entities for authorization... As has been said...seed planting...maybe. I got sooo frustrated that I actually started another venture simply as a vehicle for LC fundraising! I've started a candle biz for the sole purpose of donating to LUNGevity - a year round fundraiser, so to speak. I'll post details & link in another post, after I've had a chance to run it by Katie, and get approval. In the meantime...anyone who would like info may PM me. Keep the faith, friends! In time, we WILL be the "mouse that roared"!!! Just "wait & see"...(Lord, I've heard THAT term enough in the past year & a half... :lol: ) Yours in HOPE!!! (and frustration ) Stacey
  6. Bingo!!! Xrays do not reliably show nodules smaller than 1cm...my xray showed nothing, and it was taken two weeks prior to my first CT which showed 4 nodules! However, no docs I've seen feel that my nodules are "resectable" or able to be biopsied, as yet. So, yes, they keep an eye on it....
  7. My personal take on the research, from my own experience, is that when everything is said and done it will be shown that spiral CT screening CAN detect more small/early LC's - however, it will not translate into a true change in survival rates until they have the technology to DO something about the findings. Unfortunately, even when small tumors/nodules are discovered, (peripherally - central tumors can be dx'd by bronchoscopy) they (supposedly) can currently do NOTHING with them, except wait & watch 'til they get large enough to biopsy. Until there are safer surgical biopsy alternatives available to sample sub-centimeter nodules, we will probably be stuck with simply watching these nodules, 'til they are of a more operable size, and subsequently, then visible on chest xray, anyway... Aaaargh!!! The above is simply my opinion based on frustrating experience... I'm still an advocate of spiral CT screening, though. Yours in HOPE!! Stacey
  8. One of our members has the wonderful saying on her profile about the proverbial "other shoe" - "So if we're waiting for the other shoe to drop, does that mean when it finally does, we have a matched pair?" Gotta love that!!! Go get 'em Debi! You can DO this!!! As for the flying thing....I like my feet on terra firma, too! I think I would have to take a Xanax...then I'd probably miss my flight, or try to get on the wrong one, or.... Congrats, and good luck!! ~ Stacey
  9. Dazy

    "New Normal"

    Hey Don! Yeah...new normal BITES, and I haven't even received a dx yet What bites even more is that you felt hesitant to express that here, and carried it around inside for so long!! You have been a pillar for so many. Being a survivor doesn't mean you have to be Pollyanna, ya know??? So rant, scream, vent, whine, etc. ALL you want here!! Then we'll help you get back in the hunt again, okay? In the meantime, LOTS of prayers, and positive vibes for a fried tumor!!! Understanding ((((HUGS)))) headed your way. Maybe that Harley & sunshine ain't such a bad idea, either! Yours in HOPE!! Stacey
  10. Hi there, Debbe! The first thing that popped to my mind, while reading your post, was Valley Fever, aka Coccidioidomycosis. It is very common in the Southwest. Have you been tested? When they biopsied your liver, did they say what type of "benign" entity it was? VF can attack the organs you've had affected. It can also calcify lesions. Histoplasmosis can do the same. In the meantime, welcome! These nodules are really nerve wracking, but, at least they seem to be keeping a good eye on whatever it is. Keep asking, and don't quit 'til you get the answers you need! I'll be praying that it isn't LC. Keep us posted! Yours in HOPE!! Stacey
  11. Wait & watch IS very difficult, but Andrea's right...sometimes you can have multiples, and not ALL (if any) are cancerous! I'll be praying that is the case for your hubby & that you will soon have some SOLID answers! Yours in HOPE!!! Stacey P.S. All this talk of Hoag, and Corona, etc. make me miss home! I'm originally an O.C. native of 33 yrs. I don't miss the traffic, though!!
  12. WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!! I'm SO happy to read this ~ what a great way to start the morning! Back to the "boxing" analogy of the beginning...I picture you, in your corner...jumping up & down, and pounding your gloves together....waiting for your "opponent" to get back up. Your opponent is doubled over in its' corner...down on its knees & gasping for air!!! Ya just KNOW the "next round" is gonna PUMMEL it! Way to go, Tracy!! Glad you enjoyed your trip, too!! Yours in HOPE!! Stacey
  13. I have to go on periodic "bursts" of Prednisone ~ approx. every 6 weeks or so... Depending on how high the daily dosage, I either go from RAVENOUSLY hungry, to hardly eating at all, and excessively energetic....scrubbing EVERY possible corner in my house, wanting to mow all the yards in the neighborhood, etc. Usually, at daily dosages below 60mg. I get the appetite. And what food I do eat seems to "store" or metabolize differently. Thankfully, I have enough time 'tween bursts to "regulate" to a degree. Most of those symptoms Katie listed are right on track, for me. I don't think I retain much water, altho' the rings get a little tight on the fingers...sometimes I feel it in my ankles, too. As for the hair growth - I had a really bad haircut in August that seemed to grow out real quickly...maybe 'twas the prednisone...in that case, it was a blessing! I think the water is a good idea. Prednisone is tough on the system, and it will help keep things "flushed", at least, and help with the retention. I wish I could offer more help. I'm just thankful when I DO have to take it, that it is no longer than 10 - 15 days at a time, usually. Your Mom looks like such a little lady (kinda like me) the effects probably feel even more pronounced. Prayers that this too shall pass... Yours in HOPE!! Stacey
  14. I, too, am so sorry for what you & your mom are going through. I am glad she has chosen to fight. I agree, a second, third, fourth, etc. opinion is perfectly in order. Perhaps your mom's doctors would consider sending her records/reports, etc. to Mayo in Rochester. I believe they have a tumor board there that accepts outside inquiries from all over the country. Even if she is presently too ill to leave to hospital, they may be able to further advise her physicians of other treatment options, based on her records. Also, check out the R.A. Bloch Cancer site: http://www.blochcancer.org/ LOTS of hope, and solid information there. In the meantime, we are here, rooting for your mom (and you ) Your mom is very lucky to have such a devoted advocate on her side. (((((HEALING HUGS))))) and prayers for strength! Yours in HOPE! Stacey
  15. VERY cool....... http://www.technologymarketing.com/bw/news/recent_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003253044 American Legacy PSA Tackles Lung Cancer October 13, 2006 WASHINGTON—The American Legacy Foundation and the National Assn. of Broadcasters will align for a PSA to launch in November, which is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. The national campaign, “Code blue for lung cancer,” via GSD+M, Austin, Texas, is anchored by a 30-minute document that that explores the devastating impact of lung cancer on four families and discusses how to reduce lung cancer deaths, primarily through early diagnosis and by quitting smoking. The campaign, in both English and Spanish, also includes TV, radio and Internet (www.americanlegacy.org/codeblue). Code Blue PSAs include a message from former President George H.W. Bush, who says, “Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States. It’s a national tragedy killing thousands cancer. If you or a loved one smoke, get the help you need to quit now.” Bush and his wife Barbara have been involved in the fight against cancer after losing one of their children, Robin Bush, to leukemia in 1953. “No one deserves to have lung cancer. We’re hopeful that the stories told in Code Blue will help all of us better understand America’s number-one cancer killer,” Dr. Cheryl Healton, CEO and president of American Legacy Foundation, Washington, said in a statement. “If we are to beat it, we must learn how to limit our lung cancer risks by reducing the uptake of smoking by youth and increasing adult smoking cessation. Then, our best efforts as a nation must focus on early detection, increasing survival rates and ultimately finding a cure.” —Staff Report ~~~~~~~~~~
  16. Hi Again! I wish I could be of more help, but since I haven't had surgery, I can't tell you what to expect. There will be those with experience along soon to help answer those concerns. My nodules are peripheral, and also difficult to biopsy. My largest is just 1.1 X .8 cm. That is the reason they give for holding off - they say it is too risky if these ARE benign... Again, I'd personally rather have them out, and know for certain. I am going for PET/CT tomorrow. I don't know if that is available to you, but my understanding is that PET/CT is FAR more accurate than even the plain PET of a couple of years ago. Maybe something to look into...? Again, I wish you only the best outcomes, wherever this journey takes you. Please continue to visit...for answers, or just an understanding "ear" Hang in there! ~ Stacey
  17. Hi there, WesternCarribean! So sorry you find yourself in this position, however. How large is that nodule? Has it doubled? Did it light up on PET, or is there another reason why they aren't taking the "wait & see" path? Seems there must be a reason they are taking such an aggressive approach. Many of us with indeterminate nodules have to play "wait & watch" as opposed to having the li'l boogers removed. Personally, I'd love for them to be able to take a piece of my larger one - get some answers once, and for all! That said...if YOU are uncomfortable with their decision pathways - ask questions, and get a second (or third) opinion, if need be. Wishing you the very BEST outcome, whatever path you take, and a speedy recovery!!! Yours in HOPE! Stacey
  18. Oh Andrea Of course, I will send (more) prayers your way. I agree with Kasey...your plate is WAY too full! We'll hold the porkchop, 'til it empties a bit. Hoping & praying for EXCELLENT results!! Enough is enough.... ((((((MANY HUGS, ANDREA)))))) Yours in HOPE!! Stacey
  19. Dazy


    Oh you lucky lady!! I haven't been since I was in my teens....MANY moons ago... My sis was stationed there, about 8 years ago, and swears she's going back when she retires. I may join her! As for shipping - she did it on the Army ('tho that really means most of it fell on her shoulders ) I know they had to arrange for transport of their cars, pets, kids, and mucho belongings. I'll see if she has any advice. My advice....an icy MaiTai (with Kasey's umbrella, of course) on the beach, or on that boat. A good camera to share those priceless sunsets with your mainlander friends. And a fabulous "lei" upon arrival..... Looks like you're going to be adding hula dancing to your famous serpentine, huh?... Love, Hugs & ALOHA!!!! Stacey
  20. I'm in. I'll send this to the AZ Republic, The Trib, and (I think) the Sun (Tucson, and perhaps Flagstaff...???) I had wanted to do something like this anyway. You just saved me a TON of time!!!
  21. It has been dismally quiet over here at Team AIR-izona, too! I had to laugh, Debi! My emails are having the same effect, apparently. It works ever so much better than spam blockers... I am so surprised by the apathy I've encountered. Although, yesterday, I got a conversation going in the grocery store line, after being asked if I wanted to donate, and hang my pink ribbon, I went into my rhetoric on LC. This time, THREE people in line started talking about their experiences, losses, etc. of loved ones, or friends - the woman behind me loudly proclaiming her friend died of LC and NEVER SMOKED!! I reminded them to look for a LUNGevity Foundation donation receptacle during the month of November.... I am RE-sending my email, this week (if nothing else, I will cut down my "FWD's" by half...) And I'll probably be "beatin' feet" thru the neighborhood, too ) I have a PET/CT on Wed. and I'm not afraid to use it for the "sympathy" donation from friends & family, either!! Great work, Sheri ~ what is that grit I'm tasting? Eeek...must be that Michigan dust.... Yours in HOPE!! Stacey
  22. Very well done, Sheri! That is compelling, and informative! I was so moved reading your post, and I will definitely be carrying the image of your dear Daddy, cruising to the ol' battered mailbox, with loved ones, and friends in tow, while we walk! It really warms the heart, to see so many coming together for this, ALL across the country! Way to go, Rich & Geri, for what you have set in motion, and EVERYONE who keeps it rollin'... Yes, I brought the secret weapons out...the kids...bwahaha!!...It's been said, NO one can resist kids, and puppies Actually, this was really important to them, as well, and they are already drumming up interest among their TEEN friends! My oldest daughter just donated 10" of hair to Locks of Love, and she also volunteers at the local Equine Therapy Center for Disabled Kids. She loves a good cause, and she truly inspires the rest of us!! Thanks again, Debi! They were so thrilled to get their first sponsor!! Really great letter, Sheri! I will visit your page. Oh, and ladies, as for dust??? We've got some dust in this neck 'o' the woods, too! Yours in HOPE!! (and fundraising ) Stacey
  23. Dazy

    Who's Walking?????

    ...Kasey... ...you are too funny! You are such a kindly soul...I imagine you probably won't have the heart to follow thru on that one, but the fantasies don't hurt anyone, huh??? Me...? I'm not so kind, and probably would give her a receipt for "her" donation, in lieu of a generous tip - and then never go back, for fear of retaliation! Just kidding.....( )
  24. Dazy

    Who's Walking?????

    Wow Tracy! You go girl!!! That is more along the lines of what I had envisioned, but...? There's still time, though. I am registered as an individual walker, and also captain of team AIR-izona...a team of one, thus far... Any others....? By November, our AZ weather is going to be enviable! Come on, I don't want to have to register my dogs as team mates... Kasey ~ Thank you for the donation! I just had a feeling it was you, when I received the emailed notification. You are truly something, and we celebrate YOU everyday! ~ Stacey
  25. Dazy

    NYC Walk Postponed

    "Bride Brain" is a WONDERFUL reason...how exciting! I guess I haven't been paying attention. My congratulations, Amie!!! I'll look forward to pics! ~ Stacey
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