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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Hello welcome to the board. I am about your mothers age, I think I was a year old when she arrived. I was 50 when I was told I had lung cancer. That was back in 97' . Please keep us posted on how thing are going. We all know how hard the Ct time is, waiting to find out where you stand, what next. Again welcome Donna G
  2. There are other pain meds why don't you tell the Dr. your problem and let him prescribe something else. Donna
  3. Amy welcome. Sorry I never have taken Iressa but others here have so they will help you, we do that around here. I can feel how overwhelmed you are , sounds like one thing staked on the next without much of a breather in between. Sounds like your 2 little ones are the sunshine. Donna G
  4. I thinks what you are doing is wonderful. Our biggest problem is this disease takes so many of us and those of us that are left - well we are worn out. Lung cancer does not give the warm fuzzies that breast cancer gives- Mom and apple pie. You know it is a blame disease, please don't give up! The site you sent us to is interesting, all leading cancers ( except lung) they measure screening done, lung they measure smoking restrictions in public , spending tax money from cigarettes on cessation, how much taxes are on cigarettes etc . They don't even mention even if you quit smoking yrs later you still get lung cancer. They don't mention any screening to detect it early . The biggest thing they don't mention is how profitable cigarette taxes are to local , state, and federal government, they don't mention how even though we now know for sure that tobacco companies add over 300 carcinogens to cigarettes that the government continues to let them do so. That the tobacco companies are now doing even stronger "ads"by having charactors smoke on TV and in the movies and paying huge abouts of money to the producers to do so. Our young look at this and realy don't believe they are vulnerable. Lets face it we even subsidize the tobacco industry. Boy this got me started !! Well good luck , keep us posted on what is going on and let us know what we should "pressure ' our congressman about. Donna G
  5. Around here Sunday is not the only "day of prayer" . I will pray all week , we want the best of outcomes please. Donna G
  6. David sounds like that Bronchitis was a good thing for you and it was a blessing that the Dr was aggressive diagnosing you. Zophran is a good nausea drug! Keep us posted on your progress Donna G
  7. Not the same experience but many people respond well to chemo and or radiation and become "operable" . I had a pancoast tumor which Drs have decided it is best to do chemo and radiation prior to surgery and after surgery. It will be 6 yrs since I was diagnosed in December of 97. I finished all treatments in April of 98. Your post sounds like good news, becoming operable. We sure like good news around here. Donna G
  8. Got a beautiful private email from our newest member mhutch1366 (Mary Ann) she would like a monthly chat with Pancoast tumor survivors. I think she has a lot to share with us. I hope every one checks in and posts here so we can keep track of how we are all doing. Donna G
  9. Donna G

    Ada Waddell

    I am so sorry we have lost Ada . I will miss seeing her face, reading her kind words, she worried and prayed for everyone. 54 yrs old, 2+ yr battle, we will miss her. May her family have peace. Donna G
  10. Another David, welcome. Just diagnosed recently and you have no problems? Tell us , how is it that they found your cancer? Did your Dr just go and order an xray or CT ? Were you in the national screening trial? What drugs are you taking? Did they just give you Compazine and you reacted to it or were you having nausea. Even though you have been diagnosed with lung cancer it sounds to me you have a lot of good news, no pain, not sick, tolerating treatments . Please share more we love good news. Donna G
  11. Again glad you are OK. Hope that power comes on soon . I remember one time when Hurricane Frederick went up and over us in Mississsippi we were without powere and water for 2 weeks. I also lived in Va when my husband was in the Navy, we had a house in the city of Virginia Beach, I think that was in the late 70's or there abouts. Again glad you guys are OK, Hope you like camping, to me that was what it was like. Donna G
  12. Sorry to hear that the brain mets have grown. Your Dr is right, "live' all the time you have, enjoy what you can, have no regrets, would have, should have etc. Please keep us posted on how the beach went and how you are doing. Donna G
  13. Donna G


    Well I think we have had a turn in the tide. Thanks for more good news, love to hear it. Donna G
  14. Welcome aboard. Sounds like you come bearing good news. congratulations on 17 months. Donna G
  15. How wonderful, I just love that good news. thanks for the update. Donna G
  16. Perhaps you could start your own local lung cancer support group!
  17. Going home! That sounds like good news. Hope you are able to keep us posted Thanks in advance Donna G
  18. Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:04 pm The September meeting of the Pancoast Tumor Survivors. Calling Grammy Bear or Gary, Tracy for her Dad, JudyB or Siana for her Mom, Rocco, Rita Bubb, Mhutch1366 alias MaryAnn, Keith of Oklahoma, Ry for John and Laurene if we can find her. Counting me that makes 10 of us should attend . New members are welcome to join in. Please let us know how you are doing. How's Gary? Tracy you're Dad finished Radiation, just finishing up chemo, how is he doing? Siena thanks for keeping us posted on JudyB , any results yet from the T1, T2 hot spot? Rocco how are you? Rita Bubb is the acupuncture working? Laurene are you still visiting the board, how are you? Welcome MaryAnn who delivered a 13 # tumor 3 yrs ago , so glad you are here to share your story. MaryAnn wondered if we met in the chat room . Does any one want a once a month chat night in the chat room? Please remember Mary Inmanns sister we lost 6/30 and Christina871's husband Chris we lost 7/11 I hope they find peace. I hope we hear GOOD NEWS from all of you. Donna G PS Did you all meet Keith? He has joined board and tells me he is one of us!! _________________
  19. Hello where are all of you? We all know that JudyB had surgery so she is excused but how about the rest of you? We need to stick together you know. Love to hear from all of you look under general Donna G
  20. Donna G

    First cold!?

    Who knows it also could be allergies , he can check it out.
  21. Go to the bloch site and you will find very good info on rules families should follow to support LC victims etc. http://blochcancer.org/ good luck Donna G
  22. Sounds like a lot of good news to me! Keep us posted. Donna G
  23. Welcome James, we all know how overwhelming this whole thing is. I hope that we can help and support you . It is so difficult to be far away from a loved one at a time like this . Again welcome. Donna G
  24. Yes that is the address, I saved it in my puter under favorites , don't use the other any more
  25. Be careful there is a hurricane out there! Hope you are taking an inland route. Have a great trip.
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